Lin Xixi leaned on the sofa and drank a large glass of warm water. Not only did it stimulate her stomach to twitch, she felt much better.

"Huh, no wonder it's called boiled water Taihe soup in the book."

"I feel better immediately. Teacher Jiang, can I have a bowl of noodles? I want them cooked softly."

Can Jiang An refuse her request? "Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

"But you said warm water is good, but according to the Internet, the most annoying thing for girls is to drink more hot water."

"Dog man, how can it be the same?"

After relieving the pressure on her stomach, Lin Xixi became more active: "Drink more hot water. This is nonsense. Do we want hot water?"

"What we want is care!"

"Drink more hot water. If boys say it, it's bullshit. I say it myself, that's Taihe Soup!"

Seeing her looking so serious, Jiang An couldn't help but smile. After all, what she said seemed to make sense, but it only seemed like it.

"Don't get excited. If you move around after drinking this hot water, your stomach will feel uncomfortable."

"Didn't you mention that?"

Lin Xixi looked as if Jiang An was going to deny it: "I don't like this sentence anyway."

"Then when did I say that?"

Narrowing her eyes to a slit, the evil smile on Jiang An's face made Lin Xixi couldn't help but think wrongly. At that time, the trash talk was tumbling in her heart as if she wanted no money.

Just her words, she didn't say anything.

After all, at this moment, does she have anything to ask for?

"Teacher Jiang is the best! Our Teacher Jiang is the best man, okay? I also need to add some caviar to my noodles. Yes, it is caviar!"

Jiang An always had only one word for her request - copy it.

If there are conditions, we must do it; if there are no conditions, we must create conditions.

Jiang An went to work in the kitchen, while Lin Xixi was on the sofa looking at her mobile phone. Today's headlines in the city were already dominated by the incident at Wang Tu Studio.

If you look at it, it will be a video clip of the scene at that time, or it will be the speculation of various bloggers.

Anyway, emerge in endlessly.

"It seems that Yang Wenqin is doomed this time."

Raising her eyebrows, Lin Xixi looked a little tired. She put down her phone and glanced at Jiang An, who was busy in the kitchen.

She couldn't help but praise him, a man who can cook is handsome!

In response to Lin Nuxia's request, Jiang An considered her current physical condition and decided to make a bowl of Chinese and Western delicacies.

Of course, pasta is not suitable. The most nourishing thing for her stomach like she is now is asparagus noodles.

Although it is better to use upper thread, it is a bit scary to reproduce things like that.

Jiang An doesn't want to eat this thing tomorrow morning.

It takes about seven or eight minutes to cook dragon beard noodles in warm water. This process can be used to prepare a bowl of fish soup.

Find a cold fresh perch from the refrigerator, clean it up, fillet the fish, put the head, tail and remaining bones into a pot heated with lard and fry.

Wait until the Maillard reaction occurs on both sides of the fish bones, then mash them with a shovel, cook in rice wine, green onion and ginger, wait until the wine smell dissipates, and then pour in boiling water.

In an instant, under the influence of temperature, all the essence is melted into the soup water, and a pot of rich milky white fish soup is created.

But this kind of soup was not what Jiang An wanted. He used a very delicate colander to fish out all the fish head residue and other contents.

After that, the fat and foam on the top were skimmed off, and only salt was added as a garnish.

While the fish soup was still boiling, Jiang An cut the seabass into slices. After the flavors of the fish soup blended in, he blanched the thin fish until it was ripe.

It just so happened that the meeting was over, so I took out the dragon beard noodles and put them on the soup plate, and arranged the fish and meat.

In addition, chopped winter vegetables are added as a garnish, and at the same time, the last hidden deliciousness in the fish soup is brought out.

When the hot soup is poured down, all the umami flavors will be fully stimulated.

Finally, according to Lin Nuxia's request, just decorate with a whole box of real yellow caviar.

"Come here quickly, your noodle soup is ready."

Jiang An said hello, and Lin Xixi rushed over like a flash. In fact, when the fish soup was boiling, she had been seduced by the smell and couldn't wait.

"smell good!"

"Teacher Jiang, the noodles you made are so good just looking at them!" "Hurry up and eat them."

Jiang An couldn't help but smile and handed her a spoon: "Drink the soup first and then eat the noodles. The dragon's whisker noodles inside are cooked at low temperature, which maintains the toughness and texture, and also washes away the sticky facial liquid on the outside."

"So I'm not afraid of soaking."

"I'll get you some side dishes."

Eating noodles without vegetables is simply a kind of torture.

Looking at Jiang An, who quietly slipped into the kitchen to work in front of her, Lin Xixi couldn't help but feel that she was the happiest woman in the world at the moment.

The smoke and fire in the world may be like this.

Taking a sip of the soup and eating some noodles, the delicious and warm taste instantly dissipated the alcohol remaining in the body. Especially after entering the stomach, the feeling of warm currents made Lin Xixi's whole body feel excited. The cells are all awakened.

Pursing her lips and enjoying the happiness of this moment, Lin Xixi secretly made up her mind that although it was too late to get into the quagmire, she should still reward Teacher Jiang well.

Isn’t such a man worthy of a reward?

Some are happy and some are sad.

Lin Xixi and Jiang An showed off their affection at home, and Zhang Zhejie, who was already on top, felt a little uncomfortable.

Although Xu Ruojia had promised not to make things difficult for him, caring about him would be confusing.

Seeing him lying on the sofa, looking like a dead dog, Ruojia felt really distressed.

It’s okay to drink, but why do you have to drink so much?
Especially today is team building, it is not a scene of chopping wine, we still need to work tomorrow, this guy is really not easy to worry about.

Just now, Zhang Zhejie vomited all over the floor, and Xu Ruojia had just cleaned up.

Actually, you can't blame Zhang Zhejie for this. It's not because of greed that he behaved like this today. On the one hand, Jiang An asked him to be in the atmosphere team.

Also, when he thought about the situation in Wang Tu's studio, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Jiang An wouldn't let anyone talk about this matter for the time being, so he had to keep it in his heart.

To keep such a happy event in your heart requires more than just courage.

In order to suppress his ecstasy and to prevent the news from spreading immediately, Zhang Zhejie's only option was to drink.

So he kept drinking one glass after another. Finally, he succeeded in drinking himself down.


"I like you……"


Seeing Zhang Zhejie lying on the sofa and talking nonsense, Xu Ruojia felt happy but unhappy.

But in the end, all her emotions turned into a calm smile. Isn't this guy on the sofa quite cute?

"Okay, I'm here."

"I know you like me."

"Are you feeling better now?"

"I...I..." Zhang Zhejie's words were like a lock on his lips. He couldn't spit them out or swallow them. Xu Ruojia was worried that he would vomit again. She just wanted to get a basin, but she didn't expect that... Zhang Zhejie grabbed his wrist.

In a daze, Xu Ruojia felt a strong force that instantly made her center of gravity unsteady, causing her to fall directly into Zhang Zhejie's arms.


Just as she was about to say something, her mouth was blocked by two pieces of lips. Looking at Zhang Zhejie now, she didn't look the least bit drunk, even though she smelled heavily of alcohol.

But his eyes are very honest, he is quite sober!

dog man!

But... I like it!

Is Xu Ruojia easy to mess with?After being tricked by Zhang Zhejie, she must have come back with revenge. In the blink of an eye, the two of them started rolling like crocodiles to death, but with a more lingering flavor.

Tonight is destined to be a happy night.

Of course, there were also unhappy people, including Yang Wenqin. He and the company's employees were all taken to the detention room of the relevant unit.

Because he was the boss, he was placed alone in a small room with nothing but walls and not even a chair to sit on. At first Yang Wenqin could stand for a while.

But after a while, maybe due to psychological pressure, he simply let himself go and sat on the ground. On the other side, his employees were already accepting relevant inquiries. (End of chapter)

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