Following Liu San, they came upstairs. The moment the door opened, Sun Li, fully dressed, was standing there waiting for their arrival.

"Welcome both of you!"

"I, Sun Li, only represent our company to welcome you two."

"Hello Hello!"

Jiang An didn't need to speak, Zhang Zhejie rushed forward first, rushing to shake hands with Sun Li: "Hello, Mr. Sun, I contacted you on the phone, Zhang Zhejie."

"I know."

With a slight smile, Sun Li appropriately shifted his gaze to Jiang An.

He knew that Zhang Zhejie did what he did just now to provide his boss with a buffer time.

"Hello, you are the actual person in charge of Jianghu, Jiang An, Mr. Jiang, right?"

"it's me."

The handshake between the two at this moment has a completely unusual meaning.

Under the leadership of Sun Li, everyone came to the tea room to have a drink.

Sun Li personally cooks the tea, and the old white tea he cooks has a mellow taste and even a little medicinal aroma.

Jiang An took a sniff and knew it must be expensive.

money is not a problem.

Mainly this was the attitude of the other party, and he also gave the souvenir appropriately: "This is a little bit of our thoughts."

Without any pushback, Sun Li just glanced at it, then naturally accepted it and put it on the cabinet aside.

The pleasantries also ended from this moment.

Putting down the tea cup, Jiang An did not get straight to the point. Instead, he talked to Sun Li about another matter.

"Please don't pay attention to my directness." Jiang An said with a slight smile: "I am very curious as to why your company entertains me like this. The size of our company should be just a little sparrow in your eyes, right?"

Regarding Jiang An's curiosity, Sun Li's answer was quite straightforward - value!
"The value capability held by your company is what we value, but this is all for later. Before that, I hope we can get into the topic."


Jiang An and Sun Li talked for a long time. For several hours, they analyzed all aspects of the conflicts between Jiang Hu and Wang Tu, as well as related content and battles.

Sun Li gained something, and Jiang An naturally sensed some of the recent internal trends in the goose factory from his analysis and attitude.

Whether this was revealed to him intentionally by the other party, or it was conveyed inadvertently because of perceptual emotions.

For Jiang An, it is enough to know something.

"Well, I'm very happy to meet you today."

Standing up, Sun Li wanted to end today's conversation: "We have made your company's attitude clear, and I can promise that because of your company, the lawsuit against Yang Wenqin can progress faster."

"It was a great night."

After leaving the Lakeside Hotel, Jiang An took a long breath while sitting in the car: "Sure enough, what comes out of big factories is different, with style and pressure."

"You are definitely the top performer today!"

Zhang Zhejie laughed, almost as if he was about to take off: "Lao Jiang, my brother has always been fine in this regard; but it's only past eleven o'clock, should I take you home?"

"How about something to eat?"

"Go find Xixi and the others." Jiang An looked at his watch: "I just sent a WeChat message, and the three girls just need a few boys to carry bags."

"You really did it."

Zhang Zhejie slapped his forehead: "I originally thought that we would invite Lao Lin to have a drink together, but now it's over."

"I want to treat you, but I don't have the chance!"

If he hadn't been so damaging, Jiang An wouldn't have thrown the bomb at her: "Don't, there are plenty of opportunities. Otherwise, Young Master Zhang will pay for the three of them tonight?"

"Lao Jiang, we are brothers!"

Zhang Zhejie shuddered. Of course, this was not because he was stingy. In fact, buying something was not a problem.

The key is that these three girls are all shopping queens.

We met today. He really took care of everything. They might be able to empty out the mall.

Rather than going bankrupt, it's better to carry your bags honestly.


Of course, when it comes to being a bag-carrying boy, how boring are they?
This kind of good thing is absolutely indispensable for Lin Qingyou.

In order to express their sincerity, the two of them went around half a circle and personally came to take Lin Qingyou away.

In the mall!
Lin Xixi and the three of them have been around here for a long time. Although they like a lot of things, they only really bought two or three items.It’s not about money, the key is how tired it will be to carry it by yourself without someone to help carry the bag?

But now, looking at the three people who came in from the gate, Lin Nuxia was the first to turn on the fighting mode.

"Ningning, Ruojia, let's go upstairs!"

"Now you can take home all the things you just photographed."

"You can do it." Xu Ningning pursed her lips and smiled: "It's so scary. Who doesn't know what you want to buy? It's just those two suits. Mr. Jiang was not here just now."

"Are you worried that your clothes won't fit?"

Being exposed, Lin Nuxia's face turned a little red, but she immediately responded: "I have to think about it, I don't know who it is, I walked for a long time, and finally bought a men's watch. "

"Tsk, it seems like you can't take it out, right?"

Seeing that the "battle" between the two had begun, Xu Ruojia didn't say a word.

To avoid bringing herself in again, who told her that what she just bought was also a men's razor...

They said they were here for shopping, but the three girls didn't buy anything for themselves.


In less than half an hour since Jiang An and the others met them, the three men were covered by large and small handbags.

From food to clothing, from head to toe, almost everything is new.

Especially Jiang An, he was just a tool throughout the whole process.

He would try whatever Lin Xixi asked him to try, and he would pay for it if they nodded. That was called an assembly line.

Of course, Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou weren't doing much better. The three young men were so tired that they lost their temper within half an hour.

"Nvxia Lin, three of them!"

"I said we should go get something to eat and stop wandering around. I really can't hold it anymore."

Zhang Zhejie was so tired that his forehead was covered with sweat: "Okay, let's stop here today."

"I'm treating you! I originally agreed to treat you!"

After glancing at him, Lin Xixi said nothing, but handed the decision to Xu Ruojia.

"OK then."

Not to mention whose husband feels sorry for whomever, Ruojia couldn't bear to see Zhang Zhejie's current state, but she said it was because the three of them could no longer find a place to hang things on their bodies.

"The good thing is that our Ruo family is good!"

When he heard that he was about to be liberated, Zhang Zhejie's mouth was like honey. He threw all kinds of nice words out and drove out of the car from time to time, which made Xu Ruojia's face turn red.

"Dog man! Come home later and see how I deal with you!"

A group of three couples walked out of the mall with smiles on their faces. The moment they stepped out of the door, Zhang Zhejie felt that the air had become fresher.

After putting everything on the car, Zhang Zhejie couldn't help but sigh: "Thankfully it's a business trip, otherwise other cars really wouldn't be able to seat so many people."

"Okay, three beauties, whatever you want to eat, let's just open the way."

"How about going to eat barbecue." Lin Xixi thought for a while: "I heard that there is a newly opened Northeastern barbecue. The taste is different from our local one, and the meat is also shipped from the north."

As the saying goes, when it comes to barbecue across the country, look to the Northeast.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the taste of northern barbecued skewers.

Everyone agreed with her suggestion, and since it was so late, it seemed inappropriate to eat something else.

But the question is, how can you eat skewers without drinking?

Jiang An and Lin Qingyou don't care anymore, but what about Zhang Zhejie?

Today he is a professional driver. If he is allowed to watch Jiang An and Lin Qingyou drinking, he can only drink... That scene would be better than killing him.

"Anyway, let's talk about it, none of us men are allowed to drink alcohol tonight!"

"Not even a bite!"

Jiang An looked at Lin Qingyou and smiled helplessly, but there was no other way.

"If you don't want to drink, you won't drink. Our professional work will be over today!"

"As promised, whoever doesn't keep his word will fail to turn in his homework every day!"

Such a vicious curse inevitably made Jiang An shudder.

"Lao Zhang, you are cruel enough!"

After glancing at Lin Qingyou, Zhang Zhejie snorted proudly: "That's right, you can't stand firmly. Let's go to the next stop, the skewers shop, let's go!" (End of Chapter)

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