There's nothing better than a barbecue at night.

Of course, it would be even more perfect if there was beer.

Due to Zhang Zhejie's "vicious" curse, Jiang An and Lin Qingyou were looking at those sizzling skewers with a charming aroma, but they could only eat them with drinks.

This feeling is quite torturous.

"Old Zhang, why don't you take a few breaths and take back what you just said."


Perfect match!

Jiang An took several mouthfuls of the coke, but always felt that the taste was not right, so he had no choice but to give in to Zhang Zhejie.

But this guy has made up his mind today. Anyway, if he can't eat it, his brothers can't enjoy it either.

"Lao Jiang, I said you should be satisfied. You can even drink Coke. Look at me."

With mineral water in hand, I have the world!

Zhang Zhejie shook the mineral water in his hand and wanted to say something, but when the words reached his lips, he couldn't.

It doesn’t make sense!
Xu Ruojia was staring at him: "Isn't mineral water very good? You have to drive and drink so many carbonated drinks. You are worried about bloating."

"Besides, drinking a little water can cleanse your body. You've been so busy lately and drank too much."

The little princess had spoken, and Zhang Zhejie must have only one choice: obeying her orders.

Seeing the flattering look on his face, looking at the Coke in front of him, and Lin Xixi's smiling face, Jiang An suddenly felt that this was really good.

"Lao Jiang, let's talk about something serious."

After a few words, the atmosphere became much more relaxed: "You and Sun Li had a good conversation tonight. What do you think they meant?"

Although Zhang Zhejie was present, he didn't pay much attention to their conversation. All his energy was focused on being ready to check and correct Jiang An's mistakes at any time.

"I think Sun Li and the others will not let Yang Wenqin go. And he is right. Even if he gives out 4000 million, they will not accept it."

"So you're just playing with him?"

Zhang Zhejie suddenly became energetic: "The goose factory won't be so busy, right?"

Jiang An shook his head. It's hard to say this kind of thing: "This is just my feeling, because Yang Wenqin encountered the reverse scale of Goose Factory this time. Anyway, if it were me, he would never have a chance to stand up again."

"Then Wang Tu's team..."

As they were talking, Lin Qingyou suddenly spoke. Although he was extremely resentful towards Yang Wenqin, one thing was an indisputable fact.

Wang Tu's work team does have something special, especially Wang Dong.

He is a very thoughtful and creative person. Although there are some deviations in human nature, if he can use it well, he is definitely a sharp sword.

"I'm thinking about it too."

Jiang An put down the barbecue in his hand and his face became serious: "Old Lin, I will speak more directly, so don't be unhappy."

"I don't have much contact with Xiangdong, but from what I know now, his creativity is on par with yours, but he lacks some technical shortcomings."

“The more our company needs to continue to expand now, whether it’s creating new projects or maintaining its existing base, it’s going to require people.”

"If Wang Tu is really disbanded, I want to take care of their gaming team."

"Do you have an opinion?"


The first person to express his position was Lin Qingyou: "I don't like Wang Tu, and it's all because of Yang Wenqin. He was the only one who bullied me at that time, and it had nothing to do with anyone else."

"And speaking of it, Wang Dong and I used to compete and have a relationship, and we can be considered friends."

Jiang An was very moved by his answer, although as the boss, he did have the power to make any decisions on internal issues within the company.

There is no need to ask other people's opinions, but out of respect and for the sake of the stability of the team, he must get Lin Qingyou's attitude.

Even Jiang An thought that if Lao Lin resisted, he could directly cancel the idea.

Compared with an external team, it is more important to stabilize the internal structure.

But Lin Qingyou's reaction was full of understanding and support for him.

After expressing his gratitude to him with his eyes, Jiang An looked at Zhang Zhejie randomly: "What do you think?"

"Old Lin doesn't have any objections, and neither do I. No matter what we say now, we can't be too picky. The matter of Wang Tu has not yet been decided."

"At that time, we can tentatively contact Wang Dong first."

His proposal was approved by the other two.

The three guys also discussed this matter in detail.They talked passionately, but it made the three girls beside them very boring.

Seeing them busy, Lin Xixi couldn't help but sigh, full of concern and helplessness: "It's over, I thought I could have a good meal today."

"You see, Teacher Jiang is taking his second general Heng Ha and starting to discuss work again."

"It seems that only the three of us are left, eating alone."

Nvxia Lin sets the pace, and Ning Ning and Xu Nuojia must keep up.

Just then Ning Ning suddenly pulled a chair to the side and said deliberately: "Qingyou, if you have serious things to do, you should be busy first. We can just eat by ourselves."

"Don't worry I won't disturb you."

"Yes!" Xu Ruojia immediately followed up and gave the killer trick: "Boss, bring me a few bottles of beer."

"When men discuss work, it's very comfortable to have a drink."

Frog fun!

The big thing is not good!

Jiang An didn't think much of it at first, but as a few bottles of beer were served, he realized that his behavior just now was somewhat inappropriate.

He was obviously eating with the girls, so why did it become an impromptu meeting?
"You three, let's stop drinking. Did we agree?"

"And I promise that from now on, work talk will stop here, okay?"

"Let's focus on eating."

His statement, what Ning Ning and Xu Nuojia can say, the decision-making power must be in the hands of Lin Nvxia.

In fact, Lin Xixi didn't want to embarrass them. The main reason was that once these people talked about work, they would stop eating or drinking. How could they be healthy like that?

You have to eat while it's hot, and speaking of what they just discussed, there's no rush.

"You men are really terrible. It would be fine to say that you are all focused on your career, but you have to make time for it."

"What time is it now? Is it so difficult to have a good meal?"

Lin Xixi couldn't help sighing as she spoke, her lower lip was bitten red: "If you don't eat well, your stomach will feel uncomfortable, and these barbecues are full of oil."

"How can your stomach feel comfortable if you eat it when it's cold?"

"You are all about to start a family now, so you don't know how to take good care of yourselves? You all claim that you will take care of us, but look at how you can take care of us if you can't even take care of yourself. !”

"A man's mouth, a liar!"

A series of critical blows showed Lin Xixi's concern for the three men. Of course, the reprimand was also naked.

Jiang An and the other two looked at each other. They really couldn't fight back this time.

In line with the principle of admitting mistakes, Jiang An would directly use actions to express to them that he had realized his mistakes. He grabbed three hot mutton skewers and wiped them clean in one bite.

Lin Xixi now had a little smile on her face. When Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou saw that his method was effective, they quickly followed suit.

Isn't it just to eat?

The soul of Ganfan has been awakened!

Two o'clock at midnight.

When Jiang An and his team of six opened a barbecue restaurant, it happened to be closing. Because of the supervision of the three girls, they all had full stomachs today.

But a new problem in the medulla has also arisen, that is, how do they go back.

Although there is no shortage of taxis in the city, you can get the one you need at any time.

But the original plan was to drive back, and Zhang Zhejie had to run business tomorrow.

As for why he can no longer drive by's a bit embarrassing to say it. When I was eating just now, my brother used a little too much force.

I've exhausted myself to the point where I feel uncomfortable even when I'm walking.

So let alone driving, even if you are sitting in the cab, he may spray it out at any time.

As for Jiang An and Lin Qingyou, although they are better than him, they are not much better.

"You guys!"

Seeing their behavior, the three girls Lin Xixi really had a headache.

I was originally worried that they wouldn't be able to eat well, but now I was worried that they would overwhelm themselves.

"Okay, Ningning, watch them here. Ruojia, let's go to the drugstore and get some hawthorn pills and Jianweixiaoshi tablets for these guys..." (End of Chapter)

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