How Jiang An and the others got home, let alone the process.

After all, it’s embarrassing!

But in comparison, Zhang Zhejie was even more embarrassed than the two of them, although he later found a driver to get them home.

Mr. Zhang lay in the car the whole time. He couldn't sit still. He couldn't sit still at all.

Just that look, in Xu Ruojia's words, is like seeing a suckling pig eaten during the New Year.

The main focus is crispy and tender.


Lying on the sofa, and cooperating with Nvxia Lin to serve them with hawthorn pills along the way, Jiang An finally relieved some of the pressure in his stomach.

"We, Xiaolin, have worked hard today."

"Drink water."

Seeing Jiang An's appearance, Lin Xixi still felt quite uncomfortable: "You said you are serious, why are you eating so much? I'm just worried that you won't be able to eat well."

"Who told you to make yourself look like this?"

Although it is a complaint, it is very warm.

Looking at her somewhat resentful look, Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "Okay, can I admit my mistake? Today we, Xiao Lin, have been worried."

"Who wants you to admit your mistake?"

What Lin Xixi cared about was his body.

"Okay, go to bed as soon as you recover. If possible, you can still sleep for five hours."

Rubbing his face, Jiang An leaned half of his body on the sofa: "You said today is weird. I didn't know that I would eat so much."

"I think you did it on purpose."

Lin Xixi pouted her little mouth and said, "It's not just you, Lao Zhang and Lao Lin. Are you three resisting our rule like this?"

"I can't wear this hat."

Jiang An hurriedly waved his hand, grabbed Lin Xixi without paying attention and directly hugged her waist, pulling her into his arms.

"What are you doing, dog man!"

Lin Xixi panicked like a little white rabbit: "You are already like this, don't you still have other plans?"

Jiang An's body's reaction was real.

He didn't deny it: "Lao Zhang swore today that he wouldn't let us drink. I couldn't bear it when I was so sad. Tell me, when I come home now, I won't be able to break his curse." ?”

I go……

Lin Xixi was speechless. It wasn't that she didn't want to be with Jiang An, but the pressure in his stomach hadn't been relieved yet. Strenuous exercise would not be good for the body.

Besides, it was already late at night, and it would be daylight if we kept tossing for a while longer.

They've been under a lot of pressure at work recently. Can their bodies handle it if they don't take a good rest?

But before Lin Xixi could say these words, Jiang An's offensive had already begun.

With just a gentle touch, the two of them fell in love so much that they were confused and couldn't help but start a happy fight.


Ten o'clock in the morning!

Although everyone in Jianghu Company is busy in an orderly manner today, the problem is that everyone is curious about where their boss is.

No matter what happened, Jiang An would definitely go to work on time as long as he didn't need to be dispatched.

Today, no department in the company has received Jiang An's work form, so where has he gone?

Lin Qingyou just checked the data in the game background, and after confirming that there were no problems, he sat in the office and conceived the development of the next game.

For this small game, the main focus is a rhythm, and the speed must be fast.

The faster they update their products, the greater their online traffic and exposure. At the same time, she also wants to strike while the iron is hot. This time, Goose Factory is paying attention to them.

So if the company can create a label of high production and precision production, it will be more beneficial to their future development.

And as the director, Lin Qingyou has the responsibility to organize personnel to carry out project development.

Zhang Zhejie has been contacting outside units all morning, specifically regarding advertising, and the download volume of "Sledgehammer" has now reached its peak.

There are only two choices game companies can make, either abandon the game and develop it again, or do a final round of announcements.

The former is a basic practice and is used by many companies.

But the latter is different, because as long as there is a publicity, investment must be made. According to the experience of the market environment, generally speaking, if this kind of secondary publicity is successful, the return rate will be considerable.

There are even some games that become popular again, and the revenue can be more than that of the first release.Of course, along with the benefits, there is also the possibility of losing money. If you cannot accurately judge the degree of stickiness of game players to the game carrier, or misjudge the new and old changes in the game market.

Then the later publicity expenses will inevitably be wasted.

So Zhang Zhejie's idea is to take advantage of the popularity of "Sledgehammer" and cooperate with advertising companies to sign a mutually beneficial contract.

He just came back from outside. Because Jiang An was not there, he went straight into Lin Qingyou's office.

"Old Lin, I'm so depressed!"

Zhang Zhejie opened his mouth with the quintessence of Chinese culture. Lin Qingyou knew without thinking that the plan was not going well: "What, you were rejected?"

"That's not it."

Zhang Zhejie shook his head: "Nowadays, everyone is obsessed with money. I want to sign a mutually beneficial contract with them, but these guys actually want us, a third party, to pay the warranty deposit."

"It is said that if after the announcement, the revenue does not reach the amount in the contract, the warranty money will be used to supplement it."

"Bastards! They are all bastards!"

Thinking about how they begged grandpa to sue grandma before, and begged the world to cooperate, and looking at their current face, Zhang Zhejie really wanted to screw their heads off.

You turn your back on me and don’t recognize anyone.

Lin Qingyou knew his character, so he just gave a few words of advice, "This is how it is in the business world. Businessmen only pursue profits, and our company has been in business for so long."

"You should also get used to their routines."

"Of course I'm used to it, I just think they are bastards!" Zhang Zhejie complained again and took out the signed contract from his briefcase.

"50 warranty, I'll pay for it myself!"

After scanning his contract, Lin Qingyou felt that Jiang An would not agree with his behavior: "The company has its articles of association, Lao Zhang, you can't act on your own initiative."

"I do not have."

Zhang Zhejie said simply: "I just feel that I can't do this, and it's a bit embarrassing. Yesterday when you forgot to eat, I boasted about Haikou in front of you."

"So I bear this responsibility myself!"

Despite his temper, he was definitely a good person. Lin Qingyou didn't say anything at this moment. He knew that it was useless no matter what he did.

Jiang An could only persuade him.

While the two were still talking, Jiang An, who had arrived late, finally showed up. However, when their eyes met, both Zhang and Lin were a little dumbfounded.

"Lao Jiang, are you going to march and fight?"

Zhang Zhejie quickly pulled him to sit down: "The dark circles under your eyes are so big, you couldn't have been so uncomfortable that you didn't sleep all night last night, right?"

Lin Qingyou was also worried about this: "Originally, I thought Lao Zhang might miss work today."

"Forget it."

Jiang An would not share his ecstatic night with them, so he simply changed the topic to the contract on the table: "Is this the publicity contract you got?"


Zhang Zhejie nodded. Although he was trying his best to wink at Lin Qingyou, the other party still conveyed everything he just said to Jiang An.


After hearing this, Jiang An's attitude surprised Zhang Zhejie. He actually got angry!

And he was extremely angry!
"Frog Qu, Lao Jiang, what do you mean by this?"

"I did something wrong, huh?"

Jiang An shook his head and calmed down his emotions. How could he not know that Zhang Zhejie was doing this for the good of the company, but the problem was that the company had its own articles of association.

Including the warranty deposit and the publicity costs have been prepared in advance. I have never heard of anyone starting a company who has to ask the partners to pay out of their own pockets.

"I will transfer this money to you in a moment."

"You can't do anything like this again."

There was no doubt about Jiang An's words. He didn't give Zhang Zhejie a chance to explain at all. Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit solemn, Jiang An simply brought them good news.

According to the data he checked at home this morning, the profit created by "Sledgehammer" has now reached 700 million yuan!

A small game, more than 2000 million in profit.

It’s almost nothing more than a myth in the industry.

"Lao Jiang! We are going to get rich!"

Zhang Zhejie's eyes instantly became slits with joy. What is the concept of 700 million to today's world?
It really means buying a house, land, changing a car and traveling at will. (End of chapter)

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