Who wouldn't be happy about making money?
But Zhang Zhejie had one more thing to tell Jiang An very seriously. No matter what he said, the 15 yuan must be paid for by himself.

"This is a matter of face, okay?" Zhang Zhejie patted his face with one hand and said angrily: "So let's not talk about this matter."

"Now I just feel that those Xuanfa companies are a bit too snobbish!"

"He was begging us before, but now it's better. It's me who begs him!"

"Assholes! All of them!"

If Jiang An hadn't been holding him down, Zhang Zhejie would have scolded him right now.

But how can I put it, although Lao Zhang was a bit rude in doing this, Jiang An could understand him.

Indeed, in the current game industry market, such situations abound, when companies like Jianghu face upstream and downstream cooperative companies.

You can only gain respect from others for a period of time. Once the period of time passes, the relationship between the two parties will have to be dealt with separately.

The only ones who can really suppress them are leading companies like Goose Factory.

It is the head of the entire industry!

Of course, if it is the head of a region, or the head of a diversion, it will work, but the effect will be slightly worse.

"Lao Jiang, tell the truth, do you want us to always be at a disadvantage?"

In fact, there is no need to ask, Jiang An must have the same idea as them.

"But it's not a rush thing."

Zhang Zhejie nodded. He was indeed a little impulsive this time, "But shouldn't we young people be motivated when doing things?"

There's nothing wrong with that!
Jiang An smiled, but he couldn't stand up to support Zhang Zhejie now, otherwise Mr. Zhang would definitely take off.

For Jianghu, stability is the first step.


Among the relevant units, Wang Dong, who had been detained for several days, finally saw the light of day again.

Thinking about his experiences these past few days, he felt depressed.

Yang Wenqin fell, and he still had to be implicated in taking the blame. What was this?

"Brother Wang."

The little brother wearing glasses came out with him. Looking at the free sunshine outside and enjoying the fresh air, he seemed to be reborn.

"I never thought that one day I would like the sun so much."

"So you've experienced too little."

Wang Dong took him to a dumpling restaurant across the road, ready to get a good fortune.

"I'm treating you today. Let's eat more."

"Brother Wang, I have no appetite."

The young man sighed helplessly. Now that Wang Tu Studio has ceased to exist in name only, Yang Wenqin will definitely not be able to escape the law. What will happen to his job in this case?
"Now all I can think about is the rent. Brother, can you lend me some money?"

"In three days, I'm due to pay my rent."

Wang Dong is still very open in this regard, especially since he has not yet reorganized the people in these teams.

Yang Wenqin is finished, they still have to continue living, and they have to spend money on food and other things.

Wherever the cost of living is, it is not enough to just sit back and have nothing.

"Your rent is three thousand five thousand, right? I'll lend you ten thousand."

"Give it back to me when you have a chance in the future."

1 yuan!

For these young people who are struggling in the magic city, it can definitely solve big problems. The young man will look at the transfer on his mobile phone and be excited.

If there weren't other guests around, he would be willing to kowtow to Wang Dong.

This is not an exaggeration. The point is that they are making a living outside, and the word "hard work" cannot fully describe it.

"Okay, don't be so polite. You should have a good rest these days. It won't be long before Wang Tu will be completely disbanded. If you are willing, I can take the big guy to find another home."

"Brother Wang, I'm determined to follow you."

The young man only said this sentence. As for showing his loyalty, it was all in the wine.

This afternoon!

Under the control of Sun Li and relevant departments, Wang Tu Studio officially announced its closure.

All related assets were frozen, and Lei Ge, who Yang Wenqin pinned all his hopes on, also rejected his 4000 million loan.

The reason is simple, he will not pay for Yang Wenqin's fault.

And only an hour ago, Yang Wenqin understood that the reason why Brother Lei sent so many legal teams here was not to help him.It's about removing yourself from the whole thing.

They have now dealt with all the relationships clearly, and the legal team directly handled the drama of Fu Yi's departure to Yang Wenqin.

Right now, Yang Wenqin has to bear all the responsibilities and losses alone.


"We have calculated that all of your Wang Tu's assets and funds are probably more than 1000 million. We will give you three days to implement the remaining money."

"If it cannot be implemented..."

Sun Li didn't say the rest, but how could Yang Wenqin not understand.

But he couldn't help it.

The expenses of nearly 3000 million yuan cannot be collected even if he is smashed to pieces. Everything in reality proves that his only way is to bear it.

Take it all!
Of course, for Yang Wenqin, 3000 million can already kill him, but for Jiang An, it may not be a big deal now.

Just this afternoon, the first phase of sales of the game ended, and they calculated all operating costs, plus publicity and distribution, etc.

After all expenses are thrown out, Jianghu Company can earn a total of 100 million yuan in profit from the first stage sales of the "Sledgehammer" game!

If the bonuses of the company's employees were also thrown out, Jiang An himself could get 300 million.

The remaining 800 million belongs to Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou.

As for the number itself, there is no detailed calculation of the amount below [-].

No one cares about that little money.

"Lao Jiang, you are a rich man this time."

Looking at the message on his mobile phone that had just arrived, Zhang Zhejie smiled broadly. He was already ready to buy some gifts for Xu Ruojia.

Zhang Zhejie bought her a bag before, so this time he planned to bring the entire series of that bag home directly.

"You're really good at it."

Lin Qingyou listened and shook his head: "Anyway, I won't spend so much money to buy a bag now."

"Yes, do you want to buy a house?"

Jiang An didn't give him any face: "With this dividend, I guess your house payment is almost done, right?"

Lin Qingyou nodded. Counting the savings on hand, not only was it enough to buy a house in full, but it could also be upgraded to a higher level on the original basis.

"Don't talk about me, I'm different from you."

Jiang An smiled calmly. The revenue from this game was more than he expected, so as the boss, he knew he had to do something.

As for employees, he can only give them corresponding rewards in accordance with the articles of association.

It’s not that you’re a stingy boss. If you really want to be a company, everything must be done in accordance with the regulations. Without rules, nothing can happen.

If you just don't follow the rules and give them more just because you are good to the employees, it will only cause conflicts within the company.

But the rewards are limited, but it’s still okay for everyone to get together and enjoy a good meal.

"Are you planning to treat us?" Zhang Zhejie's expectant gaze was somewhat sleazy.

Jiang An nodded: "Yes, I want to get everyone together, let's have a good meal, and the whole company will go."

"It's a good proposal."

Lao Zhang very much agrees. There is no need to do too many things like team building, as long as it does not affect work.

Seeing that neither of them had any objections, Jiang An simply chose the hotel in front of them.

The time is set for tonight.

However, large-scale gatherings require it, as do small-scale dinner parties.

Jiang An has a plan. Now he has made some achievements in his career. Although it is not very big, it is still making progress, which is not easy.

Coupled with this income, it can indeed create a scene in front of anyone, so Jiang An feels that it is time to officially get engaged to Lin Xixi.

Of course, getting engaged was a big deal. He had this idea, but he had to discuss the details with the elders at home.

"Frog fun! Brother, are you serious?"

Zhang Zhejie's mouth opened wide: "If you get engaged, my brother will give you one hundred thousand!"

"Yes, I will also pay [-]!"

Seeing how excited they were, Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect you two to be rich enough to earn a hundred thousand just by opening your mouth."

"Originally I didn't have this plan, but now that you are so active, I have no choice but to be respectful and obey." (End of Chapter)

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