Jiang An's seemingly cheap and good behavior just proves the relationship between them.

Dude, just stand up!

"Lao Jiang, have you told Nvxia Lin about your plan?" After all, it was about the two of them getting engaged. Although Zhang Zhejie knew that Lin Xixi would definitely agree, he should still tell her in advance.

Jiang An smiled: "I don't plan to tell her tonight yet."

"Okay, Miss Lin will definitely be very happy today."

"I think it's Lao Jiang who's going to be damaged, right?" Lin Qingyou doesn't drive under normal circumstances, but when he drives, it's definitely a sudden rush.

Jiang An was speechless for a moment.

They have decided on a place for the gathering tonight. As for the small-scale celebration, Jiang An hopes that they can all be present, because according to his plan, he will get engaged to Lin Xixi at the celebration.

"Lao Jiang, I wish you success!"


Company team building is an old routine. With Zhang Zhejie here, the atmosphere will be absolutely fine.

Coupled with the cash rewards given to employees by Jiang An, the atmosphere was directly pushed to the highest point.

Three in the middle of the night!
This team building has just ended, and the entire Jianghu company is on holiday tomorrow.

Of course, if anyone is able to get up to go to work, Jiang An will also give them three times the salary for that day based on overtime calculation.

Back home, Jiang An didn't drink much wine today.

On the other hand, Lin Xixi happily exchanged glasses with Xu Nuojia and the other girls in the company, looking more or less drunk.

It seems that our boss lady still needs some exercise.

"Otherwise, with your drinking capacity, what will you do if you go out in the future?"

Jiang An said, still remembering the old rule and giving Lin Xixi a glass of warm water.

After drinking it down, Lin Xixi suddenly felt a lot better, "You dog man, are you making fun of me? Aren't I also happy for you today?"

The news about Yang Wenqin has already come out.

There are many people in the industry who know about this matter, and Jiang An is one of them. Although the final conclusion has not yet been reached, it is estimated that it will start in 20 years.

He was not happy that Yang Wenqin would be sent in, he just felt that he succeeded in this business war and his opponent also paid a corresponding price for his crooked things.

"I know, is Xiaolin-san angry?"

Jiang An held her in his arms, and Lin Xixi rested her head on his shoulder.

"Teacher Jiang, I really didn't expect your company to develop so fast."

Lin Xixi felt a little emotional. From a small studio in the beginning to a company that can generate tens of millions of revenue from a single launch, Lin Xixi knew only too well how big the span was and how difficult the process was.

She felt sad that she could be loved by such a capable man.

Jiang An didn't think anything of it and couldn't help but smile: "This is still the beginning of the company. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I want to ask Xiao Lin."

"Are you willing to be my wife from now on, no matter how rich or poor you are?"

"you're drunk?"

Hearing this, Lin Xixi hurriedly touched Jiang An's forehead and said to herself: "I don't even have a fever. Why are you talking nonsense? No matter what you are, you are my dog ​​man."

"it is good."

Smiling slightly, Jiang An stared into her eyes and said in a calm and serious tone: "Then I want to hold an engagement ceremony."

"Would you like to attend?"

got engaged? !
Engagement party? !

Lin Xixi was stunned for a moment in surprise, and then she could no longer control her excitement. She almost jumped up. No, she had already jumped up.

"Teacher Jiang! Are you telling the truth?"

Jiang An hugged her and kissed her firmly on the forehead: "I think it's time now."

"The company is developing well, and I have proven some of my capabilities."

"Although it's just the beginning, I believe this is enough to make you feel safe."

In fact, why should it be so?

Lin Xixi had entrusted everything to Jiang An a long time ago. He could provide her with security, no matter what Jiang An's price adjustment or status was.

It doesn't matter.

This is not right for people.

"You know, I said that."

The somewhat choked Nvxia Lin was still trying her best to control her emotions: "Now, I only have you and grandma."

"So, dog man, why do you think so much? Do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?" "I know."

Jiang An could only nod at this moment. He knew everything in his heart, but he just didn't say anything in the past because he felt that he had not done enough.

"So Xixi, if you have no objection, we will go home tomorrow and meet my grandpa and your grandma."

"Invite Mr. Zhang here again and discuss the attack, okay?"

Lin Xixi bit her lip tightly and nodded vigorously.

The next second, she didn't hug Jiang An, but threw herself directly on the bed.

"Go to bed now! What time is it! If you don't get enough rest, the elderly will be worried!"

Frog fun...

Looking at Lin Nvxia who turned against her so quickly, Jiang An could only smile.

In fact, it's no wonder that Lin Xixi was so excited, even Jiang An's heart was pounding when he said those words.

Without further ado, he quickly went to wash up and then crept into bed.

Unexpectedly, before Jiang An could lie down, one of Lin Nuxia's jade legs fell directly on him.

To touch or not to touch.

This is a problem.

Noon the next day.

Jiang An and Lin Xixi returned home. After getting off the car, they saw Zhang Zhejie waiting for them.

"Lao Zhang, it seems you are one step ahead of me?"

Jiang An said, calling him over to help move things.

It's been a long time since I've been home. This morning, Jiang An took Lin Xixi with him. They visited several large shopping malls in the city and filled a trunk with all kinds of gifts.

"Frog Qu, are you going to rob?"

Looking at the things in the trunk, Zhang Zhejie had an unusual headache. Fortunately, Xu Ruojia came down from upstairs and stretched over. At that time, Lao Zhang transformed into Popeye.

I wish I could carry everything on my shoulders.

When I saw grandma and Mr. Jiang, they and Mr. Zhang were sitting together drinking tea.

"My dear grandson, come here!"

Mr. Jiang waved his hand and called Jiang An directly to his side. In fact, before they arrived today, the old man knew the purpose of the two children's visit this time.

Although he was also very happy, there were some things he still wanted to say first.

Mr. Jiang didn't want to ruin the atmosphere, but one of the reasons for doing this was to let Lin Xixi's grandma witness the Jiang family's family tradition.

"Grandpa, you look much younger."

Before Jiang An could finish the business boast he had prepared, he was interrupted by the old man: "Okay, we'll talk about this nonsense later."

"I know what you want to do when you come back this time. This is indeed a good thing."

"But grandson, are you really ready?"

Mr. Jiang is someone who has been through this before. Although he trusts Jiang An's judgment and thoughts, there is no harm in talking more about some things.

Engagement is not marriage.

But for people who love each other, the effect is the same, and marriage is not only measured and stable by money.

"As long as we all pick up the dishes for this meal, you will have another kind of responsibility to Xixi from now on."

"So tell us, are you really ready?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Jiang An, including Lin Xixi. Her eyes were full of expectation and a little nervous.

Facing everyone, Jiang An finally turned his attention to Lin Xixi: "Grandpa, grandma, Mr. Zhang, I have made all preparations."

"If there's anything I'm not willing to accept, maybe it's that this day comes a little late."

"If I can do better, I can give Xi Xi an explanation earlier."

Their eyes met, and Lin Xixi and Jiang An's eyes were filled with fireworks and deep emotions.

As far as Mr. Jiang is concerned, Jiang An's attitude today is definitely a satisfactory answer.

However, the woman's attitude in this kind of matter is also very important. However, before she could speak, grandma spoke for Lin Xixi.

"I know my grandson."

"She is actually more anxious than that kid of yours, but she has always been embarrassed to say it;"

"Jiang An, grandma asks you, where do you plan to hold the engagement party?" (End of Chapter)

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