Send Jiang An and Lin Xixi home safely, but Zhang Zhejie and Xu Ruojia were exhausted along the way.

"Lao Jiang, here are your car keys. They are placed next to the computer."

"Ruojia, give me some hot water."

Zhang Zhejie was not only responsible for sending them home, but he also had to take care of the two of them sober up.

Otherwise, I won’t be relieved if they leave.

He was busy with Jiang An, and Xu Ruojia was naturally in charge of Lady Lin. They all knew Lin Xixi's habits after drinking, so she drank two large glasses of warm water.

Nvxia Lin was sober. In fact, she didn't have to drink so much.

But she didn't know why, but when she saw her grandma's face and Mr. Jiang's cheerful smile, she felt moved in her heart.

On such a good day, she must control her emotions, so she can only pin it all on the Wangyou water.

"How's it going, Xixi, are you feeling better?"

Seeing that the alcohol smell on Lin Xixi's face had dissipated somewhat, Xu Ruojia felt relieved.

"I'm fine. Ruojia thanks you all today."

Lin Xixi pursed her lips and smiled, but she didn't see Jiang An at this moment.

"He's in the kitchen. He must make beet soup."

While they were talking, Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie came out of the kitchen. Although Jiang An was still a little shaken, he was much more awake.

"It's just right, Xiao Lin. Let's drink something hot. It's good for your stomach."

"Lao Zhang, you guys are coming too."

Although Jiang An greeted him, Zhang Zhejie had no appetite after struggling for so long, and when Lin Xixi was drunk just now, she said she wanted to keep secret with Jiang An.

Of course it's not convenient for him and Xu Ruojia to be here.

"Come on, Boss Jiang, you've almost tortured me to death today. Just drink the soup, if you really mean it."

"Just give me a bonus next month!"

"no problem."

Jiang An agreed so happily; "But the bonus won't work. The company has its articles of association, but I can personally give you a bonus, the best... best brother award!"


Seeing that Jiang An could talk like this, Zhang Zhejie was completely relieved: "You are all right. We have to go home and have a good rest. The things the old man gave you are all put in the bookcase. Take a look at it later." Good harvest."

"Go, let's go home."

Zhang Zhejie pulled Xu Ruojia away. Jiang An closed the door and turned around. Unexpectedly, Lin Nuxia had only one piece of underwear left on her body.

"Teacher Jiang, I'm so hot."

"Xi Xi, let's stop making trouble and drink some soup first."

Alcohol can numb people's nerves and arouse emotions. Now Jiang An looked at Lin Xixi's alluring figure, and one could imagine how much suffering he was having.

To be honest, he wanted to pick up the gun and mount the horse now, but he had to take care of Lin Xixi's health.

It's really uncomfortable to have beauty in front of you but not be able to taste it.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang An served a bowl of beet soup to Lin Xixi: "Drinking a little is good for your stomach."

"Well, you can drink too."

Glancing at the Red Bull in Jiang An's hand, Lin Xixi confiscated it directly: "The company is not so busy now, so you have to take a good rest."

"After drinking so much, you still want to drink this kind of drink. Are you going to kill me, bitch?"


Seeing how she cared about him, Jiang An couldn't help but smile. He certainly couldn't refuse: "I won't drink it, okay? I'll drink soup with you."

The two people were sitting across from each other. Both Jiang An and Lin Xixi seemed to be a little silent tonight.

Yes, getting engaged is also the first time for them.

After a long time, Jiang An was the first to speak: "Xixi, the old men have said so much today."

"But no matter what, the most important thing is to make you happy, so you don't have to follow their opinions."

"Come on."

Lin Xixi waved her hand: "I have already promised them, how can I regret it?"

"As this heroine travels around the world, what she wants is to be loyal and righteous, and stick to her word, okay?"

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

Jiang An couldn't help but laugh so hard that his eyes were bent, and Lin Xixi, who had drank a bowl of soup, also took out the things her grandma gave her.

"No, grandma gave this to us."

"She gave it to me quietly."

Looking at the contents of the red cloth bag, Jiang An could feel the concern and heaviness. Without saying much, he just put the things away.

"Keep these carefully. It's not easy for grandma to save this wealth."

"No." Lin Xixi became stubborn when she heard what he said: "Grandma gave it to you, so you must accept it."

"What's the reason why I don't listen to you? Teacher Jiang, please promise me?"

Lin Xixi looked a bit naughty at first, but as she talked about it later, she became more and more excited.

Of course Jiang An understood why she was like this.

The old man in the family gave Lin Xixi recognition and respect, so how could it be that grandma showed her recognition by showing him these things?

All love is mutual.

Jiang An nodded slightly and said nothing more: "I'll accept it."

Their eyes met, and finally Lin Xixi's eyes became a little more relaxed and happy.


the next day!
Jiang An arrived at the company on time, and Lin Xixi also accompanied her.

But as soon as he entered the door, he heard Zhang Zhejie pulling Lin Qingyou to gossip about him.

"You know, Lao Jiang drank a lot last night, and there was also Lady Lin."

"I'm convinced. I drank such a big glass of wine in one sip."

"They didn't even vomit when we sent them back! Do you think it's serious?"

Lin Qingyou didn't know what to say other than laughing, but at this moment, he was still filled with jealousy and envy, as well as a little bit of impatience.

He also wants to get engaged to Ning Ning!

"Come on."

Zhang Zhejie waved his hand: "Ruojia and I haven't settled it yet, brother, you want to come from behind? Stop making trouble."

"Besides, I think your current performance is not enough. You still have to work hard, okay?"

Lin Qingyou glanced at him angrily: "Why, you know that I must be behind you?"

"That is."

Zhang Zhejie said emphatically: "As the saying goes, systems and regulations are in place only after first and later. You are not making progress as fast as us."

"This is a fact, buddy, so don't worry, sooner or later you will succeed."


Lin Qingyou was too lazy to continue talking to him. He grabbed the atomizer and took two hard puffs: "Okay, if you have nothing else to do, I have to work. Lao Jiang and I will ask for leave later. I want to go see you today." house."

"No need to ask for leave, I approved it."

The sudden sound immediately caused the two people to turn their heads and see Jiang An and Lin Xixi walking in side by side, arm in arm.

"Old Lin, you don't have to go in the afternoon, you can just go now."

"Bring Ningning with you."

Jiang An came to them and while he was talking, Lin Nuxia naturally punched Zhang Zhejie so hard that she jumped off the table.

"The heroine has mercy!"

Even without saying anything, he knew that his words must have been listened to.

This punch was not unfair.

Lin Xixi snorted and curled up her little mouth: "I am in a good mood today, so I will forgive you, but if there is a next time, I will never let you get away so easily."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhejie suddenly let out a sigh of relief as if he was receiving an amnesty. He cupped his fists and raised his hands to Heroine Lin: "Thank you so much, Heroine, for sparing my life! If there is anything you can do for me, just ask!"

"We are in front of each other and behind the horse! We will never refuse!"


Lin Xixi also got on the stool as soon as she could: "You said so, that heroine has something that can be of use to you right now."

"You ordered!"

Lin Xixi smiled sweetly, and Jiang An also took over the words: "I won't argue with you anymore, Lao Zhang, we are going to visit the hotel today. You know these things better than me."

"To Staff Sgt."

Zhang Zhejie nodded hurriedly. Isn't this something he already knew?
But before giving his opinion, he had to make sure of one thing: "How many guests are you planning to bring this time? Depending on the number of guests, the hotel is good at different things."

"Since you want to find the best, you must control the details."

Jiang An smiled. The old men had already talked about it yesterday, so he discussed it with Lin Xixi this morning and felt that there was no need to expand the scope of the guests. Just three pairs of them would be enough.

It just so happens that this can also comply with their original idea of ​​using this event to entertain everyone and relieve the previous hard work.

"I see!"

Zhang Zhejie nodded and immediately found his target: "If that's the case, I don't think there's any need to find a big hotel. Anyway, the delicious food will never be found in those places."

"I know a private restaurant with a good environment, high quality and good atmosphere. The only problem is that the price is too high."

"Lao Jiang's sky-high price for club-level private kitchen dishes, are you interested in knowing more about it?" (End of Chapter)

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