Sky-high price, club level!
These two words attracted Jiang An's attention at that time: "Tell me in detail."

"Good boss!"

Zhang Zhejie introduced it enthusiastically: "First of all, this private restaurant has no reputation, but it has a business license."

"Their boss's elders are said to have cooked for Lu Yongxiang back then."

"Then the skills were passed down."

Don't ask about Lu Yongxiang. He is a historical celebrity. He once served as the King of Shanghai for a period of time.

If he were really the descendant of his chef, he would indeed be good at something.

"That is for sure."

Zhang Zhejie continued to praise: "Their main dish is a cherished dish, which Lu Yongxiang originally wanted to use. The recipe is retained, but because some ingredients cannot be used, they are replaced with corresponding materials."

"I can't say much about the taste. I went there once when we were discussing business, and the reception was really good that time."

Seeing Zhang Zhejie's mouth watering just thinking about it now, Jiang An knew that there must be nothing wrong with this store.

"If you go by what Lao Zhang said, it is indeed interesting."

"What do you think, Xiaolin-san?"

"I think it's okay." Of course, Lady Lin also likes this rare thing, and the thought of being able to taste the delicious food Lu Yongxiang had back then.

She felt indescribably excited. Anyway, this was an interesting and exciting thing.

"So, does it mean that I can also experience what it's like to be a warlord's wife?"

Zhang Zhejie nodded: "Anyway, except for the price, everything else about that place is very beautiful."

"How expensive can it be?"

Lin Xixi wanted to ask another question, but Jiang An had already made up his mind: "As for the engagement party, there won't be more people, just the six of us."

"I think I'll just choose this place. We'll make a reservation in the afternoon."

"Lao Zhang, you will lead the way. I really didn't know there is such a treasure restaurant in Modu."


The Royal Palace in Shanghai!

Jiang An was already very satisfied with the unique style of the courtyard in front of him, with a little bit of Suzhou style.

"Not to mention anything else, just this style alone, Lin Nvxia will definitely like it."

"I think so too."

Zhang Zhejie briefly introduced the history of this courtyard, "No kidding at all, this place was originally Lu Yongxiang's office."

"It was never seriously damaged. It was renovated and then bought by the current owner."

"This place is everyone's land."

"And there are a lot of them here. It is said that they are all furniture and furnishings from the Lu Yongxiang era."

"Lao Zhang, I really envy your job."

Before he could finish his words, Jiang An sighed with emotion: "You have seen too many delicious and delicious places to discuss business outside, but I, on the other hand, become a bumpkin compared to you in this aspect. "

"Come on."

Zhang Zhejie waved his hand: "Do you think that job is easy? Lao Jiang, you are not in your position and do not seek to govern. You know that you drink every day and you have to jump around with the atmosphere if you have nothing to do. Is that a good feeling?"

"Feel good!"

Seeing him looking like he was about to laugh out loud, Jiang An couldn't imagine how happy Lao Zhang would be when he was "working" at that time.

Isn't this a man's dream?

But this also proves that Xu Ruojia is indeed a good girl, very responsible, otherwise she would be the kind of job that Lao Zhang is doing now, and she would not understand and trust her a little.

I'm afraid things don't happen every day at home.

"Lao Zhang, you are quite lucky too."

"Come on."

Zhang Zhejie spoke lightly, but seeing the look on his face as he was about to praise me, Jiang An was really speechless.

Without further instigation, the two of them entered the other courtyard one after the other.

Because Zhang Zhejie had gotten the business card here before, they only entertained him.The owner of the other hospital is over 60 years old this year. He likes to be called Uncle Gong.

When Jiang An explained his intention, Uncle Gong nodded and supported him.

"If the young man wants to get engaged here, I am not bragging. It is indeed a good choice."

"You have all seen our environment. Even the clubs outside can't compare."

"As for the dishes, you can rest assured. Although we do not provide food tasting, I can guarantee that there is absolutely nothing wrong with these dishes."

Of course, Uncle Gong also gave an explanation for this situation: "Young man, it's not about our store, it's just that everyone who comes to eat here makes a reservation."

"So the ingredients are always the freshest."

"I can only prepare so much every day, and it takes too long to make a lot of specialty dishes."

"You understand us, right?"

Although Uncle Gong was being polite by Huashuo, his attitude was very firm. It was clear whether they understood or not. If they wanted to do it here, they could only understand.

Jiang An was willing to believe him, but this was related to Lin Xixi's engagement party, so he had to be careful, and he was hesitating.

At this moment, Zhang Zhejie said, "Lao Jiang, you know my taste is very finicky. I can guarantee you that there will be absolutely no problem here."

If there were still some doubts about Uncle Gong, then Jiang An would naturally believe his brother's words unconditionally.

"Okay, that's it."

Uncle Gong was also very happy, but when asked about their incident, he was a little embarrassed.

Jiang An thought it would be held tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, because there was no need to invite anyone and everyone was together all day long, so the time could be casual.

But Uncle Gong said that all the days that Jiang An valued were booked.

And at the earliest, it will be a week later!
"I'm afraid this won't work, right?"

Zhang Zhejie frowned: "Lao Jiang has some things that he just needs to do quickly."

"I'm worried that Lady Lin will be unhappy if it's delayed."

Jiang An also had the same thought. When the two of them were scratching their heads, they wondered if Jiang An was lucky. Uncle Gong's assistant here said that the guests originally scheduled for tomorrow night would have to be adjusted to a month later.

Now tomorrow's schedule is free.

"You guys are really lucky."

Uncle Gong couldn't help but sigh at this moment. After all, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing in so many years of business.

Jiang An was also very happy and set the time for the next day. If the time was specific, it would be in the afternoon.

Because Uncle Gong had to prepare ingredients and prepare dishes in advance in the morning.

The time and other things have been set, and then comes the most critical part of choosing the dishes.

However, Uncle Gong was very experienced in undertaking these activities, and he soon made a menu according to Jiang An's request, and also provided a backup list for additional adjustments.

"Although you said that this banquet is free of charge, there is actually a limit to how expensive our family is."

"And I can't let you waste money, and no one's money should be blown by the strong wind." Uncle Gong said sincerely: "So I just calculated it myself and made a recipe for you based on seven thousand for each person. If there is a dish you don’t like, you can change it.”

7000 yuan per capita!
The price made Zhang Zhejie a little stunned, but looking at Jiang An's indifferent look, he had to admire him secretly in his heart. Real rich people are different.

Jiang An took a look at the menu. The ingredients, methods and names of the dishes were all very suitable for the occasion. He had nothing to change, so he just paid the entire meal fee on the spot.

"Okay, let's just settle on that, and then for the drinks, I'll pay for part of it."

Uncle Gong looked like a charlatan. He patted his chest and said, "I'll give you a bottle of 50-year-old Glenfiddich."

"Consider it an engagement gift for you!"

As the pioneering brand of Scotch whiskey, Glenfiddich is very famous, and its 50-year-old barrel is even more expensive.

Jiang An felt that this gift was a bit too expensive, but Uncle Gong just smiled: "I'm in business, so of course I won't let myself lose money."

"You are all young and promising people, so I also regard this engagement banquet as a food tasting event. If you are satisfied, I will come more often in the future for marriages, business, etc. Uncle is not Did you make money?"

When Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie heard this, they couldn't help but smile at each other, and after talking to Uncle Gong for a few words, they left.

Things went smoothly today, and Jiang An had to admit that all the credit was due to Zhang Zhejie.

"Old Zhang, you did an absolutely wonderful job today!" (End of Chapter)

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