"Xiao Lin, how are you preparing?"

Jiang An put on a very special suit, and the design of the collar showed his style to the eyes, especially when he specially prepared a feather-like brooch on the edge of the collar.

Add a touch of liveliness to your original attire, which was a bit reserved for strangers.

Of course, this style is what Lin Xixi likes.

After Jiang An and the others returned home from their errands yesterday, Lin Xixi dove into the closet and found all the dozens of clothes she had bought before and never worn.

Just in front of the mirror, try them on one by one.

Don't look at these clothes. When she bought them, Lin Xixi was very clear about what clothes to use when, but now it's really critical.

She actually couldn't make up her mind yet.

It seemed that she felt that that set of clothes was a bit unworthy of Jiang An.

It took almost a long time. Lin Xixi tried on all the clothes, but she just felt that they didn't look comfortable enough.

"Mr. Jiang."

Lin Xixi's big eyes suddenly flashed and she looked at Jiang An with watery eyes: "If I said I wanted to buy clothes now, would you be angry?"

"Why are you angry?"

Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "If there's nothing you like, we'll go now. If it doesn't work, we can fly to Italy right away."

"you are the best!"

His words undoubtedly gave Lin Xixi courage. The two of them planned a time, then opened the door and left.

After walking around in the shopping mall for two hours, Lin Xixi fell in love with a set of clothes. After putting them on, she really didn't say anything.

It just looks different from the ones at home.

Pure black, a long skirt with a flowing dark color, and paired with Yves Saint Laurent's latest high-heeled shoes this year, everything looks so decent.

But the problem is that Jiang An looked left and right for a long time, always feeling that something was missing.

Fortunately, it was the saleswoman who quietly reminded him: "Sir, although our dress is very elegant, it is a solid color style and may need some shiny things as embellishment."

Jiang An suddenly realized it. After asking Lin Xixi to wait in the store for a while, he immediately went to Cartier's specialty store and bought a set of six pieces of gestures.

All diamonds!
In just this one operation, Jiang An got away with more than 10 yuan.

But looking at Lin Xixi after taking care of her, he felt really satisfied.

"Come on, let's go to the hotel."

Jiang An pulled Lin Xixi out after changing clothes, while the sales ladies sent them outside the palace gate. After watching them leave, the sales ladies couldn't help but sigh.

"Look, that lady is really enviable."

"If only my boyfriend could do this to me."

The dress was bought in their store. It was just a long skirt. The price had reached the limit of five figures. This did not include high heels. What other set of jewelry was there?

When Jiang An selected products for Lin Xixi, he only looked at the effect and likeability. No one asked about the price or anything else.

Who wouldn't like such a heroic, sincere and straightforward man?

When the store manager heard her words, he shook his head enviously: "Look at you, it's better not to dream."

"We are all the same, just ordinary people. Besides, isn't your boyfriend also very nice to you?"

The store manager's eyes were wide-eyed and he patted her arm: "Since you are so envious, why don't you be happy that you placed such a big order today? How much commission can you get?"

"Will next month's mortgage payment be easier?"


People are just different.

Because everyone puts in different efforts, the rewards they get are also different.

In Uncle Gong's courtyard, an engagement banquet full of love was officially held.

Jiang An took Lin Xixi and stood in front of the table. There was no unnecessary words, just two glasses of wine and a toast to each other.

It's simple, but it's better than a thousand words.

"Xi Xi, actually this day should have happened a long time ago."

"It's just that many opportunities have been inappropriate in the past, and I hope I can give you a good explanation."

"Thank you for staying with me."

Jiang An paused, and he was also restraining his emotions. His eyes were full of Lin Xixi's reflection, and with every word he spoke, what appeared in front of him were all their past experiences.

The past events are vivid in my mind, from the beginning of contact between two people, to the step-by-step journey to today.

These past events are replaying like a movie, but the person in front of me has not changed.Lin Xi had already been moved by Jiang An's words. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she stubbornly refused to shed them on this occasion.

"You are all my brothers."

Jiang An saw Lin Xixi's thoughts and stopped talking. Instead, he held a wine glass and faced Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou, the two lovers.

"Today's engagement ceremony, I am very happy to be able to complete it under your witness."

"I don't need anyone to supervise me, but I hope I can get your blessing."

"Lao Jiang! I wish you and Nvxia Lin a happy marriage in advance!"

Lin Qingyou was a passionate person and had long been moved by the atmosphere at the scene. Now he was holding a large glass of wine and drank it all.

As her best friend, Ning Ning was of course happy for Lin Xixi, so she took Lin Qingyou's hand and drank the wine under the quilt in one gulp.

"bless all of you."

"Thank you."

Jiang An served me a drink as a thank you, and then his eyes fell on Zhang Zhejie: ​​"How about it, can I get your blessing?"

"What are you talking about?"

Zhang Zhejie slapped his forehead: "Brother, I didn't steal this guy just now. Today is your and Nvxia Lin's big day, let alone today."

"Why don't we give you two blessings that day?"

Zhang Zhejie laughed, glanced at Lin Qingyou, and said straightforwardly: "Lao Jiang, Miss Lin, I don't know what to say."

"Although I'm usually jovial and can say anything, I'm really at a loss for this scene."

"We are brothers, and I wish you all the best."

With that said, Zhang Zhejie finished one glass of wine and then filled it up again. In the blink of an eye, there were three large glasses.

In his words: “It’s all in the wine!”

But today, Xu Ruojia didn't stop him. Instead, he imitated Zhang Zhejie and drank three large glasses of wine.

Perhaps they have not tasted what 50 years of Glenfiddich is like.

After all, this is sweet wine, and all the flavors will be diluted by the sweetness between Jiang An and Lin Xixi at this moment.


Uncle Gong has been quietly observing the goings-on in the private room outside. Although when she was an apprentice, her father said that people in this industry would just keep their heads down and cook, without asking who the guests were.

But in this era, what matters is service.

And Uncle Gong himself is quite responsible, so every time he will personally serve the dishes according to the situation or the requirements of some special guests.

Never miss an opportunity.

Today, it can be observed outside with Jiang An's permission. Although he is only the boss here, he has already expressed his blessing.

Besides, when Lin Xixi arrived here, she was very close to Uncle Gong.

Here, Uncle Gong gave the order, and the kitchen hurriedly began to prepare. When it was time to start the dishes, they started the dishes, and when it was time to put them on the plates, they were put on the plates.

At this moment in the private room, Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou also took out the gifts they prepared.

Although it is an engagement, it is still very important to Jiang An and Lin Xixi.

"Lao Jiang, Miss Lin, look at what Ruojia and I have prepared."

"A little bit of meaning."

After Zhang Zhejie opened the gift box, what suddenly appeared in front of his eyes was a pair of longevity locks, which were made by a famous craftsman in Magic City.

Longevity locks made of sterling silver are said to ward off evil spirits.

"How is it? Do you like it?"

Looking at the two people who were a little stunned, Zhang Zhejie looked proud: "I'm telling you, don't think it's made of silver, but have you seen the logo on it?"

"Absolutely genuine."


Just as Jiang An was about to speak, Zhang Zhejie stopped him: "I know what you want to say, but don't rush to criticize me yet. It makes sense for me to give you these things."

"The engagement party is over for you two, and the next step is to get married, right?"

"Ruojia and I also wish you a happy marriage in advance. We prepared this set of locks for our children."

When Zhang Zhejie said this, he didn't forget to rush forward and said: "Don't say it's too early. Time flies so fast. Have you prepared to catch the wild ones blind when the time comes? Miss Lin, do you like the gift we gave you or not?" I like it." (End of chapter)

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