Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 536 The popular chapter says that the listener is interested

Of course Zhang Zhejie didn't care about the money of a bag, but it was mainly his attitude that made Jiang An angry.

"Isn't this also what the old men want?"

"Besides, the Ruojia family doesn't need a scene?"

Zhang Zhejie snorted indifferently: "I don't think Ruojia needs it. If you need it, just tell me."

"Are you being generous now?"

Lin Xixi couldn't help but complain: "Have you forgotten what happened yesterday?"

"I really don't know what to say to you now."

Zhang Zhejie waved his hand: "Xia Xia, isn't this my character? I held the event with you yesterday mainly because I wanted to be lively."

"And I also want to catch up, otherwise I would be really greedy."

When he said this, he did not forget to give Lin Qingyou an "I pity you" look.

It's very unauthentic.

Lin Qingyou turned his head to the side, and the atomizer in his hand turned red when he smoked it.

"Old Lin, aren't you afraid of burning your mouth?"

Lin Qingyou ignored him.

While they were talking and laughing, Zhang Zhejie's phone rang, and it turned out it was Xu Ruojia.

"My dear wife! What are your orders?"

Really, Jiang An has seen Xu Ruojia's status in Zhang Zhejie's heart today. Even Tian, ​​it won't be like this, right?And in front of the big guys.

But now, Lin Xixi saw something: "Teacher Jiang."

Quietly pulling Jiang An to the side, Lin Xixi looked at Lao Zhang with big eyes flickering, and smiled evilly: "This guy is deliberately disgusting Lin Qingyou now. Look at Lao Lin's face, he is almost green."

Jiang An glanced at it and it was true that he would show off at this moment. After all, he was the first one among the three to get engaged.

"Classmate Xiao Lin, I think what Lao Zhang is doing now is fundamentally disgusting to Lao Lin."

"It's also to express dissatisfaction with us. I remember clearly that day when I said I wanted to treat us to an engagement banquet."

"His face looks exactly like Lao Lin now!"

Lin Xixi nodded, she felt the same way.

"But tonight, I think it's a level one."

Jiang An said, looking at Zhang Zhejie pitifully. Jiang An knew the character of their old man. He must be doing something big. Don't take it personally, he can stand up and say a few words to help.

But if it falls on Lao Zhang himself, then I'm sorry, I can do as much as I can.

They are face-saving people.

"And grandpa just sent me a message asking me to write a manuscript."


Lin Xixi's interest was immediately piqued by him: "Tell me something interesting."

"I don't know if it's interesting or not, but my job today is not easy."

Sighing, Jiang An opened the phone and handed it to Lin Xixi. He scanned the document on it and saw a bright red title - Speech by the host of the engagement banquet of Zhang Zhejie and Xu Ruojia.

"So, I can see Teacher Jiang's grace when giving a speech again?"


Jiang An shook his head. If he was asked to do professional things, that would be absolutely fine.

He can talk for three days and three nights without even any preparation, and the content will never be repeated, but it is embarrassing to say that he is a host.

Jiang An is really not good at it.

"There is no way I can do it for Lao Zhang, so I have to go up in force today."

Jiang An just read the speech script, and he knew from the way it was written that it must have been written by Mr. Zhang.

Lin Xixi knew that this was a bit difficult for Jiang An, but there was nothing she could do about it: "Then I can only cheer for Teacher Jiang."

"I believe Teacher Jiang will be able to memorize it."

"is it?"

Jiang An smiled and swiped down the file on his phone. This time Lin Xixi was completely dumbfounded, even though it had a big title written on it, saying it was a manuscript for the host.

But it's just the first seven or eight lines of words, but at the bottom, they are all replaced by ellipses.

At the same time, Mr. Zhang also carefully added a note below - the above content is subject to Jiang An's adaptability and on-site response.

I'll go, isn't it a trap?

Jiang An shrugged: "There is still water in the pit, and there are nails under the water."

While they were talking here, Zhang Zhejie also finished the phone call. Pidianpipian came over with a smile on his face: "Lao Jiang, Lao Lin and I would like to ask for a leave of absence from you." "Ask for leave?"

Raising his eyebrows, Jiang An said, "Are you going out?"

"Isn't this the imperial edict that came just now? They said they bought too many things and asked us to pick them up."


In fact, Zhang Zhejie said this a bit politely. In his eyes, Xu Ruojia's words were definitely more effective than the imperial decree. What was the imperial decree?

That thing is fine for scaring people, but he, Lao Zhang, is completely immune to it.

But Xu Ruojia could make him break into a cold sweat even if he said a word. It was not because he was scared, but mainly because he was afraid that Xu Ruojia would get sick.

"I don't know how much these two shopping queens bought, and they want you two to go with them."

"Then hurry up."

Jiang An nodded, but Zhang Zhejie did not leave. He stood in front of him with a smile on his face that was both polite and awkward.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang An thought there was a trap, and sure enough Zhang Zhejie said, "In this case, we might be a little too busy to go, so Boss Jiang, would you like to see if you can move with us?"

Jiang An is going too!
Hearing what he said, Jiang An suddenly became interested: "Okay, we both want to see such a big battle. Besides, I also want to buy a necklace for Xi Xi."

On the way to work this morning, Lin Xixi checked her phone and saw a very interesting necklace. It was a small snake with a hard bone. It was made of platinum and had a special personality. It also had two rubies inlaid on the eyes.

At that time, Lin Xixi just said casually that he liked it very much, and Jiang An remembered it.

If it hadn't happened now, he would have taken the little snake home later.


Outside the most luxurious shopping mall in Shanghai.

At this moment, Jiang An had a clear division of labor with Lao Zhang and Lao Lin. The two of them went to pick up their queen first, and then Jiang An took Lin Xixi to go shopping.

See you in the parking lot in half an hour.

"Teacher Jiang, you really don't need to buy it."

On the escalator in the shopping mall, Lin Xixi took Jiang An's arm: "I just think that necklace is more fun."

"I didn't say I liked it very much. Besides, the style, I think it might not be suitable for me."

Although Lin Xixi said this, Jiang An knew that she didn't want to spend more money. After all, that necklace was not a first-tier brand, but the price was higher than that of a first-tier brand.

Lin Xixi felt that there was something wrong with the price-performance ratio, but Jiang An insisted: "Since it is a fun thing, what's the problem with buying it home?"

"As for style, I think you can try any style. There has to be a first time."

Jiang An's appearance as the tyrant at this moment was very charming, and Lin Xixi's eyes were shining when she looked at him.

But as for buying the necklace, she felt that we could still discuss it.

"There's no need to discuss it."

Jiang An said forcefully: "It's not a very expensive thing, although I still can't afford to give you all the fun things in the world."

"But if our children like something, they must take it home."

"If there are conditions, we must do it. If there are no conditions, we must do it."

"Do you know why?"

Just because you are rich?
Lin Xixi raised her eyebrows and shook her head. Jiang An chuckled and held her in his arms: "Because you are my little friend."

That's it?

Although these words are really a bit earthy, they still make people feel numb when they hear them.

But for some reason, Lin Xixi suddenly discovered that Jiang An was really charming like this.

Give her whatever she wants.

This dog man is so handsome!

Feeling happy in her heart, Lin Xixi didn't say anything more. The two of them came to the brand store. Jiang An went straight to the point: "Hello, please help me buy the latest necklace of this season."

"It's the little snake-shaped one. Can I pay here?"

Jiang An's operation was smooth and flawless, but the saleswoman looked at her with some embarrassment.

"what happened?"

Jiang An raised his eyebrows slightly: "Did I not describe it clearly enough just now?"

"of course not."

The sales lady hurriedly shook her head, with a somewhat apologetic smile: "Sir, you have just described it very clearly. In fact, it is our own father's problem. Because of that necklace, if you want to pick up the goods now, you still need a prerequisite." (End of chapter)

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