Jiang An hummed, but he could still understand it in his mind.

Although this is not a first-line brand, it is considered a quasi-first-line brand in the jewelry industry. It basically resembles this big-name sales model.

They are all fixed, or they have Hermès membership system and bundled consumption.

Either it is a points system, and you can upgrade through points, and then open your own permission to purchase limited editions, as well as higher priority.

This is a business model.

Jiang An motioned to the sales lady to speak out boldly.

His understanding smile made the sales lady feel very grateful, and her attitude was much more cordial: "That's right, because this is our new product for the season, and it is also our flagship model throughout the year."

“So we sell as a whole.”


Jiang An nodded, as he expected: "Do you want to buy the whole series?"


The sales lady took out all the twelve items in the series and placed them on the counter: "Sir, Madam, please take a look. This is our full series of products. There are twelve items in total, including necklaces and bracelets. , rings, earrings, lapel pins and brooches.”

"Do you think it's acceptable?"

Jiang An glanced at it and found that indeed this brand had been competing among the first-tier brands in recent years, judging from the works they presented this season.

Whether it is material selection, production, or design, they are all top-notch.

"Sir, Madam, you two have really good taste."

The sales lady's smiling eyes were bent into a straight line. She felt that today's deal might be very big.

In the past, when they mentioned bundling sales, many customers would refuse them outright.

But today, after seeing all the samples and prices, the other party still hasn't left yet, which is a good sign.

And to be honest, she envied Lin Xixi now.

After all, not everyone is willing to spend such money for the female companion around them.

But at the moment, the sales lady is still not sure that today's transaction will definitely be successful, because in addition to the set sale, this series of jewelry has another condition that blocks the way.

Now Lin Xixi looked at the accessories on the tray, and she actually really liked them.

The effect of putting this whole set in front of you is many times better than a single product, but the problem is the price.

If you buy all this set, the price will exceed 15.

She felt it was a bit too much.

"Teacher Jiang, why not forget it."

"Look, there are so many jewelry at home, and I can't even bring them over."

Why couldn't Jiang An see her little thoughts?

Touching her head, Jiang An said: "I know what you are thinking, but I'm sorry, I want to reject all your ideas."

"As for the reason, I just said it."

As he said this, a sincere smile suddenly flashed across Jiang An's face, which made Lin Xixi's face turn red.

Although there is nothing wrong with these three words, "kid", she would be really embarrassed if she was called away in front of outsiders. These words can only be said and heard when two people are together.

...The top salesperson has eyes and ears in all directions. Although Jiang An's voice was very low, the sales lady could still hear him clearly.

Now she felt that the possibility of closing the deal was greater, and her confidence doubled.

"Okay, I've learned about your sales methods, now please help me issue an invoice."

Jiang An smiled gentlemanly, but the sales lady still didn't act this time, and she had an apologetic look on her face.

Now, Jiang An was really unhappy.

"If there are any other conditions, you can tell me once and for all. There are friends waiting for me."


The sales lady bowed apologetically and said hurriedly: "Sir, we sell this set of products as a complete set. You already understand."

"But there is another problem, that is, this entire set of products is limited to [-] sets globally, and we only have [-] sets in Greater China."

“Because it’s very hands-off, there is still a problem of product premium.”


Hearing this, Lin Xixi decided not to buy it at that time. After all, buying the whole set was already a luxury, and now it still required a premium.

Isn't that a waste of money?
"Teacher Jiang, let's go."

"I do not really like."


Jiang An stood here. He could clearly see the look in Lin Xixi's eyes when she saw this set of accessories.So at that time he was determined to get it.

As for the issue of premium, he had already guessed it before. As for goods, these are the methods used in the sales process.

"Xi Xi, let me handle it, okay?"

I don't know if Jiang An's words have any magic power. After saying this in an understatement, Lin Xixi nodded subconsciously.

Jiang An smiled faintly, turned around and took advantage of the heat to ask the sales lady: "Then can I know how much premium is needed?"

"Thirty-five thousand."

"it is good."

Without any hesitation or thinking at all, Jiang An nodded decisively: "If there are no other more requirements, then just help me issue the invoice now."

"Ok sir."

After hearing this, the sales lady opened the receipt as fast as she could. From the time she started writing to Jiang An paying the bill, it only took less than a minute.

It's a deal!
Glancing at the accessories on the tray, Jiang An asked, "So these belong to us now, right?"

The sales lady nodded: "Sir, do you want me to pack it?"

Jiang An shook his head. If it were in the past, he would definitely want a beautiful and innovative packaging, but it is different now.

Ever since they got engaged to Lin Xixi, the two of them have become a family.

Living as a family requires some rituals to increase the sense of warmth, but there is no need to create a ritual for everything.

That would be very tiring.

Picking up the small snake necklace, Jiang An asked the sales lady to wrap the others.

Then he hung the little snake around Lin Xixi's neck with his own hands.

Looking at the small platinum snake shining on her slender neck, Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "Look, you said that you are not suitable for this style. Isn't it beautiful?"

"I think in the future, you can try all styles."

"It's like every one is tailor-made for you."

The sweet words made Lin Xixi's face turn red, but she still felt a little uncomfortable when she thought about the premium added just now.

Jiang An does have money, but he earned it through hard work.

You can't spend it like this.

"Then you are wrong."

Smiling slightly, Jiang An suddenly leaned down and looked at her solemnly: "Classmate Xiao Lin, Teacher Jiang wants to tell you a truth now."

"Although we have added a little premium to this set of jewelry, I think it is worth it."

"Because these jewelry are for you."

"As long as you like it, it's not something money can measure."

Speaking of this, Jiang An paused and asked Lin Xixi, "So how much do you think it's worth if it can make you happy?"

"Thirty thousand, 30? Or 3000 million?"

"I think it doesn't matter how much money you spend. What's important is that this person is you, and it's enough that you will be happy."

"In my eyes, you are happy and everything is worth it."

Although Jiang An's words were somewhat dogmatic, they were affectionate. Lin Xixi was so moved that she pursed her lips and tried to prevent her eyes from turning red.

He also made the shop assistants around him envious.

Is this love?

They are all young, and some of them are also in love.

It's just whether their lives are happy or not, because everyone has different assessments of these, so it's hard to say, but Jiang An's words today taught them a good lesson.

Indeed, loving a woman requires expression and expression. If you don’t give, is it still love?

In the same way, a woman who loves you will not waste your wealth.

Love is two-way, but one thing is what Jiang An said: the other person's happiness cannot be measured by money.

It is easy to say this, but to implement it is another matter.

Especially at this moment, Jiang An can be so calm and sincere, talking about things after finishing things, which is very precious.

This is the taste of love, and of course dog food.

Jiang An's handful of dog food happened to be all in the clerk's mouth.

Compared with Lin Xixi, their love seemed to be lacking something. (End of chapter)

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