Jiang An's preaching was like a red tide of love, sweeping through Lin Xixi's heart.

At this moment, she was really moved.

"All right."

Feeling that Lin Xixi had been convinced by him, Jiang An also stood up and said, "Lao Zhang and the others are still waiting for us. Let's go back to the company first."

"it is good."

Before Lin Xixi could calm down, she was led out by Jiang An.

Watching them leave, the clerks had nothing but deep envy in their eyes.

That's really envious...

"Mr. Jiang."

Holding hands, just when they were about to walk out of the shopping mall gate, Lin Xixi suddenly stopped and took Jiang An's arm. Her big eyes were watery.

Jiang An looked at it and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong with you?"

Lin Xixi shook her head: "No, I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead."

Lin Xixi lowered her head and pondered for a while, then suddenly raised her head and stared at her closely: "Just now, did you say something about me?"

Jiang An was stunned for a moment and knew that it must be Lin Nuxia who has come around now.

He definitely couldn't admit it.

"No, I just said something from my heart."

"do not fool me."

Lin Xixi pursed her lips: "I have figured it out now. You are just talking about me, right?"


Some words, if you don't wake up, you'll be fine, but if the other party suddenly wakes up, if you still don't admit it, you will be nagged for at least three days.

Although Lin Nuxia is a heroic woman who travels around the world, she still has these characteristics of a girl.

Got it!

Sighing secretly, Jiang An was about to grit his teeth and admit it, but he didn't expect Lin Xixi's small mouth to stop right on his lips.

Frog fun!

Before Jiang An could understand, Lin Xixi almost bit his earlobe and said, "You bitch, you really have your own reasons."

"But I remember it, thank you."

"I know that in your heart, I am the most precious one."


When Jiang An and Lin Xixi walked to the parking lot, Zhang Zhejie saw that they were about to erupt.

The promised time was half an hour, but Jiang An didn't expect that it would take more than 50 minutes for Jiang An to do this.

"You still checked your watch?"

Jiang An frowned, a little surprised, but Lao Zhang looked at him very seriously: "Brother, you are really a little unreasonable today."

"Brother, I'm still waiting for you to help with the work! Did you forget?!"

"Look at what Lao Lin and I have done before you come out. Lao Tie, I really need to doubt whether you did it on purpose."

"I was wronged."

Jiang An shook his head and raised the shopping bag in his hand to show him: "Brother, this is all I bought."

"All right."

In fact, Zhang Zhejie just saw the necklace around Lin Xixi's neck. The style really suits Lin Xixi. She is a heroine who walks in the world and needs to have a bit of character.

"Let's go back to the company first, but we made an agreement with Lao Jiang."

"You need to help me when I get to the company later."

What else could Jiang An say?
Although he answered fluently just now, he really knew in his heart that he was cheating his brother, so he agreed immediately.

"Give me the car keys."

On this trip, Jiang An and the others drove three cars. When they entered, Zhang Zhejie asked him to leave the car keys.

Jiang An thought it was a bit exaggerated to say that he wanted to pack something.

He and Lin Qingyou drove out in two business cars. Do they still need their own cars?
But now...

Jiang An's eyes widened when he saw the car full of things.

"Damn it, have they moved all the shopping malls back?"

Zhang Zhejie sighed and felt helpless: "Ruojia said there are too many guests tonight, and they seem to be of different age groups, so we need to prepare more souvenirs." "Then this is too much, right?"

Jiang An didn't know what was inside the two business cars, but his Mercedes-Benz had seven or eight gift boxes piled on the back seat. As for the trunk, he knew without even thinking about it that it must be fully loaded.


Zhang Zhejie glanced at it: "In addition to some souvenirs, there are also some clothes she bought for me and things for my grandfather and others."

"It's like a new wife came in today."

"The other part belongs to Lao Lin. I think this guy is probably getting engaged soon."

Jiang An hummed, took Lin Xixi into the car, and everyone returned to the company together.

Because although these things are packed, they still need to be sorted. Xu Ruojia is a careful person and does not want to mess around with them at home.

Only by preparing in advance can you express your intention.

Arriving downstairs of the company, Jiang An still remembered what he had promised Lao Zhang just now, and took the initiative to move things upstairs.

But the problem is that he has already made two trips and has almost finished moving all the things in the car.

But what about Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou?

After not seeing any movement from them for a long time, Jiang An had no choice but to take the elevator down with Lin Xixi again. This was a good sight.

Two guys, Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou, were squatting on the side of the road eating ice cream.

"Lao Zhang, aren't you going a little too far?"

Jiang An went over and grabbed her ice cream: "You don't even know how to bring me one?"

"Why don't Teacher Jiang get glasses?" Zhang Zhejie snorted and pointed to the two thermal bags beside him: "Queen Lin, come and eat, I bought you a big barfi."

"What about mine?"

Zhang Zhejie chuckled: "If you take mine away, then I can only eat yours."

"Then Lao Jiang, please continue and we will watch for you."

What does it mean?
Jiang An's eyelids raised at that time: "Does this mean that neither of you are going to help with the work?"

"That's what you said, it has nothing to do with us."

If Zhang Zhejie was cheating, he was right to be professional. He now caught what Jiang An said in the parking lot: "You are the big boss and you must keep your word."

Jiang An will feel like he has been kidnapped by humanity and morality.

But Zhang Zhejie's output is not over yet: "Besides, Lao Jiang, I am definitely worthy of you."

"Didn't I buy you ice cream?"

Lin Xixi was holding a big parfait and making fun of Jiang An: "It seems that Teacher Jiang was tricked today, but he is a man."

"You have to keep your word."

this girl!
Jiang An knew that Xiao Lin must have been bribed by Zhang Zhejie's Big Buffy, and he looked like he wanted to watch the fun.

But, can she be allowed to have fun like this?
With a roll of his eyes, Teacher Jiang's counterattack came: "Classmate Xiao Lin, are you just going to watch the fun here?"


Lin Xixi shook her head and shook the big barfi in her hand: "I want to help, but I don't have any hands anymore."

"it is good."

She made the first move, this girl seemed determined to be bribed;

Jiang An then said, "You can help me if you want. There's no need to worry."

"Anyway, I'm quite tired. You eat first, I sit down for a while, and then we both move together. Who knows that we are a family."

"Lao Zhang, do you think I am right?"

Jiang An had already mastered this move. Now if Zhang Zhejie wants to say that they are from the same family, then Lin Xixi will definitely give him a set of martial arts tricks first, and then drag them to work together.

But if Zhang Zhejie refuses to admit it, then he is just lying with his eyes wide open, and the beating he will receive will be light.

With Lin Xixi's character, why should he just deal with the confusion?
Lao Zhang didn't expect retribution to come so quickly. In desperation, she had no choice but to surrender her gun.

"When you get to Lao Jiang, you will be cruel."

"Hurry up and sit down and eat ice cream. Let's make it together later. Ning Ning and the others went to buy wine, and I plan to bring a few bottles of wine back."

Ever since he started working, Zhang Zhejie, on behalf of the company, was greeting people outside. He didn’t know when he started to become a professional sauce and wine lover.

In his words, the taste of sauce wine can whet his appetite.

But Mr. Zhang is different. He still has old-school habits. Huang Gaifen is his favorite.

"Okay, seeing as you are so sensible, I'll let you go."

Jiang An chuckled. A few people here were eating ice cream. When Ning Ning and the others came back, the six of them had to move three or four times to get everything into the company.

Zhang Zhejie had to clean up his office. It was so full that no one could be seen through the glass. (End of chapter)

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