In fact, Jiang An and the others have been back for a while, and they have met everyone they should meet. Of course, the more important thing is that they have received the red envelopes, so naturally they can do whatever they need to do.

"Okay, let's go."

The two old men greeted everyone here, and Jiang An and his party of six set off early.

Although Zhang Zhejie is the protagonist today, as juniors, they still have to make arrangements first to avoid any mistakes.

"Lao Jiang, how was the harvest?"

As soon as everyone went out, Zhang Zhejie came over and took Jiang An to redeem the red envelope.

"I just counted more than 30 here!"

"This time I got rich!"

More than 30 million?

Jiang An's figures are similar to his: "I am the same, but for you, Mr. Zhang, this is not considered a fortune, right?"

"Why not?"

Zhang Zhejie had already made a plan in his mind: "I saw a latest bag two days ago. I originally planned to buy it after receiving dividends."

"It's settled now, let's go tomorrow!"

Having said this, Zhang Zhejie did not forget to kiss Xu Ruojia on the face, causing Ruojia to pinch her so hard that tears came out of her eyes.

"Madam! What are you doing!"

"Let go!"

Xu Ruojia hummed and said, "Didn't you hear grandpa say that I have to manage these things, so just buy the bag and keep the money."

"There will be many places with money in the future."

I go……

Just this sentence made Zhang Zhejie so beautiful that Jiang An couldn't help but feel a little sour: "I said you two should stop eating and go home."

"do not!"

Zhang Zhejie didn't want to do it: "Grandpa said there would be oolong ginseng today. It's a good thing."

"I just heard that my grandpa specially ordered it from Bohai. This good fortune cannot be thrown away."

Jiang An didn't know what to say other than laughing at this moment, but Lin Xixi said from the side: "You are just greedy."

"Xia Xia, isn't it all written in the book? Food, sex, and sex, I am now 'all five poisons'. Besides, who would miss out on the delicious food?"

They were chatting and laughing here, and they quickly set off. There were still arrangements to be made at the hotel.


Magic City Emperor International.

As a large international hotel in Shanghai, this place was Mr. Zhang’s final decision.

One is because the specifications are sufficient, and on the other hand, the relationship between the two bosses and her is good. Mr. Zhang just said a word, and they ordered the goods back.

This face needs to be told before everyone will be convinced.

When I arrived at the Magic City, it was estimated that when the six people from Jiang An entered the door, the lobby manager quickly ran over to greet him: "Are you Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Zhejie hummed and asked about booking a room today. The lobby manager gave them a detailed introduction, explaining everything from the meaning of the private room to the specifications of the dishes.

"Come on, let's go to the private room and have a look."

When I came to Yunxifenglai Hall, I looked at the brilliant decoration inside, as well as the elegant private dining room and nine large round tables. The various decorations all showed the identity of the guests dining here.

"Our boss has specifically stated that all dishes tonight will be handled by our executive chef."

"Guaranteed food quality."

"Great, thank you boss, my grandpa will also call you personally."

Knowing that he was taking advantage of the old man, Zhang Zhejie didn't want to take off too much at the moment. As he was talking, his eyes couldn't help but glance at the wine cabinet in the private room.

On the huge wine cabinet, not only were all kinds of wines placed, but there were also several large boxes stacked in front.

Zhang Zhejie is a little unhappy. There are guests here today. Why not pack them up in advance?

"By the way, Mr. Zhang."

Although he didn't speak, the lobby manager had already seen what he was thinking and explained slowly: "In order to express his congratulations to you, my boss specially told us that all the drinks and drinks in the private room today , all are provided by our store.”

"Including the ones in the wine cabinet, you can use them as you like."

As he spoke, the lobby manager also opened a box on the ground: "Look, this wine is Penfolds' cellar red wine. There are ten boxes here. If it's not enough, I will ask them to pick it up from the warehouse now." People who work as lobby managers unknowingly express their boss's favor in a clear and vivid way, no matter what they say.

Let you know everything, but you still can't hear the meaning of asking for credit and reward.

This proportion needs to be very careful.

Zhang Zhejie was still talking to the lobby manager, while Lin Xixi couldn't help but sigh with emotion. As a "socialist" Lin Nuxia actually also likes drinking.

After all, there is no world without wine.

So when she entered the door just now, she was attracted by the display in the wine cabinet at first sight.

The items displayed there are not only 30-year-old Maotai, but also Wuliangye. Not to mention all old wines, there are also various famous domestic and foreign wines.

The wine in this cabinet alone is worth I don’t know how much it costs.

"Mr. Zhang is really dignified. Look at these fine wines, we can all drink them freely today."

“The boss of this restaurant is really generous!”

Jiang An couldn't help but smile. It seemed that Lin Xixi still didn't know the old man of the Zhang family well enough; "Let's put it this way, the hotel owner must have some favors, but more importantly, if Mr. Zhang's identity is not enough."

"Would he do that?"

"So, these are all mutual, and Mr. Zhang can also get them back for him in the future."

Lin Xixi nodded, this is indeed the case in the society outside now.

But if you put it that way, I really can’t taste all of these wines today.

"The favor is here, and we can't be so extravagant."

"I think there must be a favor from our old man in this, right?"

Lin Xixi is really a person who understands the general situation. These words made Jiang An feel warm in his heart: "Okay, I will take pictures of all these drinks later."

"Let's buy slowly from now on. Sooner or later we will be able to buy everything, okay?"

"After that, let's have a drink at home if we have nothing to do?"

Lin Xixi definitely couldn't refuse this proposal: "Teacher Jiang, it's settled."

The two of them were chatting and laughing here, which made Lin Qingyou sigh with emotion for a while: "I really didn't expect that there would be gifts from us today."

"Ning Ning, don't worry, I will buy a house as soon as possible."

"Okay, I know."

Ning Ning didn't want Lin Qingyou to be under too much pressure, and they used to have great trust in Jiang An as their boss, but they didn't know what happened after today.

Perhaps it was because the expressions of the two old men gave Lin Qingyou a greater sense of belonging. When he thought of the previous scene, he had an indescribable feeling.

But we can leave the touching things for later. The most important thing now is that Jiang An and Lin Xixi can't let Jiang An and Lin Xixi be so bored anymore.

This is a hotel, and... they let themselves go after getting engaged.

Lin Qingyou and Ning Ning, although they are also husband and wife, are still a little bit different, so seeing them together, Lin Qingyou still has the illusion of being spoiled by others.

very unhappy.

But before he could figure out how to speak, Zhang Zhejie looked at his phone and hurriedly greeted: "Lao Jiang! Lao Lin!"

"Grandpa and the others are here, let's hurry up. Lao Jiang, Lin Nvxia, Ruojia, I, let's go downstairs for emergency response."

"Then I'll leave this part of the private room to you, Lao Lin!"

"Let's go!"

He gave the order and Jiang An was sure to help. The four of them walked down the stairs directly without waiting for the elevator. The first was that the private room itself was on the third floor.

Not very high.

The second is that if a guest happens to come in when they go downstairs, seeing them walking up the stairs is also a sign of respect.

It's simple to say sophistication, but if you really want to do it, all the details must be taken care of.

Especially since the two gentlemen were the ones in the scene, they had to pay more attention.

But the two of them have long been accustomed to this, so they don't feel tired when doing it. It's a pity that this is the first time for Lin Nuxia and Xu Ruojia to experience it.

Regardless of her personality, even Nvxia Lin, who was wallowing in the arena, was still a little uncomfortable and nervous at the moment, but she secretly warned herself in her heart.

With Jiang An here, there is no need to worry!

He is the kind of person you can rely on, the kind of person you can trust completely, and you will have no problem being with him. (End of chapter)

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