Jiang An took Lin Xixi, Zhang Zhejie took Xu Ruojia, and the four of them stood in the hotel lobby. At this moment, Mr. Zhang burst in with a flourish.

"Is Xiao Wang here?"

"We have arrived!"

Xiao Wang, the owner of their hotel, and the lobby manager hurriedly caught up and smiled apologetically at Mr. Zhang: "My boss is still on the plane and will probably arrive in two hours."

"Don't be surprised, old man. Our boss said that if young people are messing around outside, the old people will definitely support it, right?"

The lobby manager's mouth looked like it had been smeared with honey, and he spoke sweetly, making Mr. Zhang smile from ear to ear.

This face is really there.

"Okay, if he has time to come here, let him come for a drink. Lao Jiang and I have a few friends we want to introduce to him!"

This sentence is worth a thousand pieces of gold!
The lobby manager's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he accompanied him with a smile on his face.

Jiang An and the others also came over at this time: "Mr. Zhang, are you here?"

"Boy, how are the arrangements above?"

"It's all arranged."

Jiang An said and gave a brief introduction. Mr. Zhang was satisfied and couldn't help but nodded. He looked back at the guests behind him and simply gave the job to the four of them.

"People outside, please support me. I'll go up and have a cup of tea first."

Jiang An and others nodded, and the four people were waiting at the door to greet them. Mr. Jiang was the second to come in. All the remaining guests filed in, and everyone was bustling with joy.


The two old men were quite warm here, but Liu's father felt extremely lonely along the way.

Although he didn't know why, he didn't particularly care who his daughter chose, as long as Liu Youran liked it. As a father, as long as he laid a good foundation, the rest would be the children's own business.

As a father, he won't care so much.

But in today's scene, everyone was warm, but he was restless at the scene. Only he knew how uncomfortable that feeling was, and then he felt empty in his heart.

It seems like something is missing.

Although he left the Jiang family early, he did not go home directly.

Instead, he walked around outside for a long time, waiting until it got dark before going home.

Opening the door and going in, Liu Youran happened to be back today. I wonder if it was a coincidence.

"Why did you come back?"

Seeing his daughter, Liu's father still had to pretend that nothing happened. However, father and daughter were of the same mind, and Liu Youran knew that his father must be hiding something in his heart just by glancing at him.

"Are you worried about anything?"

Liu Youran asked calmly after offering a cup of tea.

Upon hearing this, Father Liu could only squeeze out a smile: "It's nothing, just...girl, I have something to tell you."

Originally, he didn't plan to tell Liu Youran about this because he was worried that his daughter would feel uncomfortable, but after thinking about it, he felt that he should say something.

Otherwise, when the children hear the news later, they will definitely blame themselves.

Seeing her father's formal appearance, Liu Youran also felt her heart tightening. Sitting opposite her father, she asked softly: "What do you want to say? You can say it now."


Father Liu took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, raised his brows and looked at her gently: "Girl, no matter what I say later, don't feel bad for you."

"I don't know why, but I feel..."

"This is about Jiang An and Lin Xixi, right?"

Before he could finish speaking, Liu Youran blurted out. The father was stunned for a moment and looked at her in surprise: "Girl, you know everything?"

Liu Youran smiled bitterly: "Father, my studio is opposite Jiang'an Company. Although I have no contact with them, I also know their news."

"Last night was Jiang An's engagement party, today it's Zhang Zhejie and Xu Ruojia's, right?"

Father Liu nodded. He stared at his daughter carefully, and after making sure that her mood did not fluctuate much, he felt a lot more relieved.

"Anyway, if you knew, I wouldn't say anything."

"Let the past be bygones." "Okay."

Liu Youran answered very quickly, and then cooked a few dishes for his father, and the two of them chatted and laughed throughout the meal.

After the meal was finished and everything was tidied up, Father Liu wanted his daughter to stay at home for a day, mainly so that he could keep an eye on the child and see if there was nothing wrong.

But Liu Youran refused: "No, dad, I'm just coming back to see you today. There are a lot of things in the company, so I'll go back first."

"It's okay, I won't have any problem."

After saying that, Liu Youran smiled at her father, took her things and left. Looking at her back, Father Liu breathed a sigh of relief. His daughter had really become stronger looking at this.

But immediately, he realized something was wrong. Since Liu Youran knew about the banquet held by the Jiang family and Zhang family tonight, no matter what their past affairs were, he would definitely come forward in his capacity.

He didn't go to the banquet today because it was a temporary decision, so Liu Youran couldn't possibly know.

and so……

Realizing that he had been deceived by his daughter, Liu's father hurriedly got up and went to the window, just in time to see his tearful and sobbing daughter.

The sight of being alone really makes people feel sad.

It's a pity that the past is in the past. He originally wanted to stop his daughter, but his reason told him not to do so.

Children also want their own dignity, and it is better for them to resolve emotional matters by themselves. Elderly people must not interfere with it.

Unless the children themselves ask for it, otherwise, getting involved will only make the children worse and worse.

All the emotions turned into a long sigh. Father Liu took out a rare cigarette, leaned on the sofa, and smoked silently.

In fact, Liu's father did realize it later. When Liu Youran found out about Jiang An and Lin Xixi, she felt an unspeakable feeling in her heart.

It's sour and a little torturous.

But she kept telling herself that the past was long gone and she couldn't worry about it anymore.

I have promised a long time ago that I will put all my energy into my work. Although my love is gone, my career must be started.

But today, when she found out about the banquet held by the Jiang family and the Zhang family, her heart started to boil, sometimes like it was on fire, sometimes like boiling water.

I felt so uncomfortable that I decided to go home and rest alone when no one was home, just to let myself be quiet.

But she didn't expect her father to come back suddenly, so she had no choice but to hold on and act. In fact, if she hadn't gone out just now, she would have cried in front of Father Liu.


Liu Youran's side was desolate and desolate, and her heart felt like ice and fire, but in the hotel, it was a different scene.

With so many guests present, it was a lively happy event. Mr. Zhang drank heartily today, one cup after another. According to his usual drinking capacity, he should have gone to lie down under the table long ago.

But I don’t know what happened today, but I just couldn’t get drunk.

He has a posture of being able to drink a thousand cups without getting drunk or pouring from ten thousand cups.

The same goes for Mr. Jiang. The two old men actually started drinking together, and the atmosphere was very jubilant.

But this is also a good thing. At least the two old men are in high spirits, and they have avoided the embarrassing steps they had prepared before.

Neither Jiang An nor Zhang Zhejie felt very relaxed at this moment.

"Lao Jiang, today is our luck.

"Otherwise, with my old man's personality, he would be doomed. He would have to lie down exhausted from one step after another."

He is happy?
Jiang An was even happier than him: "Old Zhang, to be honest, I just told classmate Xiao Lin that if it doesn't work out, just become a deserter. There are too many people here today."

"Look at how many of them are new faces."

The two of them clinked glasses happily, but they didn't know if they laughed too loudly. Mr. Zhang, who was drinking together, suddenly thought of something and grabbed Zhang Zhejie to talk to him.

"Come on."

With a helpless sigh, Zhang Zhejie pretended to be generous and said: "Lao Jiang, it seems like my old man drank too much."

"You don't know what to do later. If you see that your brother can't get off the stage, remember to help."

"I have to remember this favor for you!"

After he finished speaking, he showed off his face and took long strides to leave. But for some reason, the closer he got to Mr. Zhang, the shorter and lighter his steps became... (End of this chapter)

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