Jiang An lay on the bed and slept until noon the next day. If the hotel's boss Wang hadn't come to visit, he probably wouldn't have woken up.

Although the smell of alcohol on his body is still a little bit clear, Jiang An's mental state is already very full.

Lin Xixi didn't know when the clothes she gave him were washed and dried: "Jiang Lao Hotel doesn't have aromatherapy, so you just deal with it today and wait until we get home in the evening."

"it is good."

Jiang An was already very satisfied that Lady Lin could do this: "By the way, I just heard someone say that Boss Wang is here, right?"

"Should I go meet you?"

Jiang An asked while washing up.

Lin Xixi smiled and helped him: "Of course I want to meet you, and Boss Wang just wanted to meet you specifically."

"He's very interested in your gaming industry."

"is it?"

After hearing this, Jiang An quickly dealt with it after taking a shower. After changing his clothes, he hurried to the hall. At this moment, two old men were chatting and laughing with a middle-aged man in a suit and tie, but with a bit of a charlatan attitude.

Mr. Zhang said: "Anyway, these people I introduced to you are all big names in the industry in your words."

"It will definitely be good for you if you cooperate well when the time comes."

"that's for sure."

Boss Wang laughed: "With the favor of these two old men, our cooperation will definitely be very smooth."

"Jiang An, come here."

As they were talking, Mr. Jiang saw his grandson standing aside and quickly waved.

Jiang An quickly walked over, and Boss Wang also stood up, and the two parties shook hands fiercely to show enthusiasm and sincerity.

“Boss Xiao Jiang, I’ve heard about your reputation for a long time!”

Boss Wang not only looks a bit quack-like, but also speaks in a very straightforward and candid way: "I have something to do outside this time, and I don't know if there is anything that is not taken care of in the store. "

"If there are people you can't take care of, you should take care of them."

"What did you say?"

Jiang An chuckled. He liked Boss Wang's character very much. The two of them then exchanged a few words and waited until they finished talking about the cooperation and capital injection.

Boss Wang then suggested that everyone go to dinner together: "I asked them to fly in some pork."

"It's a very special variety, and our store's Dongpo meat is quite authoritative."

"Let's go, you're welcome! Give me a chance to entertain, and this is also the first time that Boss Xiao Jiang and I have cooperated. Just treat it as a celebration. No one can refute my reputation."


In a private room of the restaurant.

Everyone was drinking and enjoying the food again. Even Zhang Zhejie, who was still a little confused when he was called up to eat, now came to his senses and directly showed his strengths, chatting with Boss Wang in full swing.

Even the two old men felt that this boy might have been born to do business.

No one has such communication skills.

After a long exchange, Boss Wang suddenly asked someone to bring a bag from outside. When he opened it, it contained a full set of travel invitations.

"We have just completed a project here, which is a tourism company."

"So I thought since they are just engaged, why not take this opportunity to go out and have some fun? Don't worry, I will pay for all the expenses."

"That's not good?"

Mr. Jiang is a little embarrassed. They took good care of the banquet yesterday, and now they have food and accommodation. Do you still have to ask them to pay for a trip?

It's not about money, the key is that people are too enthusiastic.

Mr. Zhang also felt it was inappropriate: "If you run a company, then follow the company's rules and regulations. They really should go out and have fun. They were very tired some time ago."

"But we have to pay as much as we have to."

"Don't be so stubborn. If it works, that's fine. If it doesn't, then forget it."

After all, Boss Wang is a friend of the two old men, so it is normal for them to make the decision at this time.

Looking at their attitudes, Boss Wang laughed and put down the cigar in his hand: "I know what you two mean, but it's just like this."

"We have just started this project. We are doing high-end customized travel. It is not a new industry, but I am indeed a layman."

"So what I thought was that I would pay for it, and then let them go out to have fun and relax, and then they could tell me their feelings and experiences along the way." "This has helped me a lot."

In the words of Boss Wang, if Jiang An and the others agree, that is the best. Otherwise, if they refuse, they will still need to find a travel experiencer to experience and evaluate.

In that case, not only would they have a free trip without any money, but they would also have to pay them wages on a daily basis.

"Do you understand it now?"

Although the two old men are both trend-followers, they have never heard of this kind of profession.

After looking at each other, Mr. Zhang sighed with emotion: "It's okay. Now we still have this free-for-all job. If I had it in the past, I definitely wouldn't do anything else."

"Okay, if you say so, I think it's okay."

Mr. Jiang also nodded, and then turned his attention to Jiang An and the others: "How about you three kids, just go out and play."

"The company is now on the right track, and it's time to relax."

"it's OK?"

Jiang An couldn't refuse. With Boss Wang's words in front of him, if he refused, it would be a real loss of face.

And even if it hadn't happened now, Jiang An planned to take Lin Xixi and make an appointment with Lao Zhang and Lao Lin to go out for a walk together.

Everything can be said to be a coincidence.

"Okay, thank you, Boss Wang. We will record the most authentic experience."

"Thank you!"

After handing them all the procedures and professional service cards, Boss Wang had a few more glasses of wine, and everyone was very happy.

As for the two old men, they were much more serious this time. After the banquet was over, Boss Wang sent someone to be their driver and take everyone back.

Don’t drink while driving, and don’t drive after drinking. This is an iron rule, and it is also responsible for your family.


Jiang An wanted to feel comfortable when he returned home. He had been wearing suits and leather shoes all day, and his whole body was sore and numb.

After taking off his clothes, he instantly felt like he was alive again.

"Teacher Jiang, would you like a cup of tea?"

"Okay, it's best to add a piece of rock sugar."

Jiang An was leaning on the sofa, still thinking about what happened in the past few days in his mind. How should I put it, through the experiences of the past few days, he could fully understand it.

Grandpa and the others' hard work, no matter how high their status is, they socialize everywhere by eating, drinking, and having fun, but the fatigue caused by being in the crowd and wandering around is really different from the work.

From the joints between his bones, he felt that his whole body was sore and numb. He was leaning on the sofa and didn't want to move at all.

Lin Xixi handed him the tea tree, and Jiang An also opened his arms and asked her to get in quickly.

"Classmate Xiaolin, you said it's really not easy for Grandpa and the others."


Jiang An was tired. Lin Xixi was actually more tired than him in the past two days. Various scenes alternated back and forth. As the granddaughter-in-law of the Jiang family, she followed Jiang An to welcome and send him off.

In order not to lose her own people, but also to take care of the Jiang family's face, the smile on Lin Xixi's face never disappeared.

"Look at my crow's feet and I'm going to laugh out loud. I'll be sure to put on an eye mask later, and I'll also get all the essence and lotion."

"Lest you fail to recover, follow Mr. Jiang out and lose the teacher's face again."


This little girl's sour words made Jiang An couldn't help but laugh. How could he not understand that this girl was hinting that he wanted to coax her.

Lin Xixi gave him enough face outside, and now that he's back home, it should be his time to show off.

But before that, Jiang An had to drink the whole cup of tea.

Otherwise, the body will feel heavy.


While talking, Lin Xixi suddenly realized a problem: "Although we agreed to Boss Wang, have you decided when to set off? And can you change the time in your company?"

This is what Jiang An wants to discuss with her now. (End of chapter)

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