Jiang An felt much more comfortable, and now it was her turn to serve Lin Nuxia.

"Just wait for me. I see you drank a lot at the dinner table today."

"Wait while I cook a bowl of sweet soup."

"I'll go with you." Lin Xixi didn't know why but didn't want to leave Jiang An for a second.

The two of them walked into the kitchen one after another. Lin Xixi followed Jiang An closely like a little tail.

He took out the plastic-wrapped sugar cane from the refrigerator, as well as some supporting dishes, and seven or eight glutinous rice balls that Jiang An had made by himself before: "You can't eat more of this, just increase the taste."

"Eating too much is bad for your health."

Although Lin Xixi likes these bouncy little balls, she still listens to what Jiang An says.

"Okay, whatever Teacher Jiang says is whatever it is."

Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "Since your mouth is so sweet, if there is no problem later, we can make some soufflé."

"It's the kind that's very popular on the Internet right now. Anyway, I have all the materials and stuff at home."

As soon as she heard that there was milk cake to eat, Lin Xixi became even more obedient and smiled until her eyes narrowed into slits.

As for Jiang An's operation, Lin Xixi asked about his company's affairs. Although the income is now very stable, the sales of several games are still high.

But if he, the boss, and Lao Zhang and Lao Lin all go traveling, will the operation of the company be affected?

"Anyway, I don't know much about the current situation in the company."

"It won't delay your business, will it?"

Jiang An shook his head and mixed the freshly squeezed sugarcane juice with the boiling water: "It won't delay things. Everything in the company is running normally now."

"Technically, I have Xiao Wang. As for administrative issues, I want to leave them to Prime Minister Fang for the time being. Anyway, if we don't expand our business recently."

"He can handle it all."

Fang Xiang is a talented person, and Lin Xixi has clearly seen it in the unit recently. Except for technology, he can afford and let go of anything.

"If you leave it to him, I think it's fine."

"Nothing but Teacher Jiang."

As he spoke, Lin Xixi suddenly hugged him from behind: "You leaders have gone on a trip, so will other employees in the company have any objections?"

"have opinions?"

Jiang An shook his head: "No, this time I plan to give each of them three days of vacation after we come back, and then we will just take turns."

"Wait until everyone in the company has rested before starting the next project."

Jiang An's arrangements were in order, and Lin Xixi felt relieved.

"Mainly, am I worried that it will delay your work?"


Jiang An smiled slightly: "I will take care of everything before we set off."

"That's good, but Teacher Jiang, have you read Mr. Wang's invitation letter? Which route do you like?"

"Wherever you want to go, go."

While they were talking, the sweet soup had already been cooked. When Jiang Ansheng came out, he originally planned to bring it to the TV, but unexpectedly, Lin Xixi directly pulled two chairs in.

"Don't bother, just stay here today."


After Jiang An put away the sweet soup, he took out a few fruits from the refrigerator and made a fruit platter: "But you can't eat it now. We'll wait until the cold air dissipates."

"OK then."

Sticking out her tongue, Lin Xixi had no choice but to drink the soup honestly. The sweet soup was now just warm, and the warm feeling in her stomach made every pore in her body feel like she was panting.

"It's so comfortable. Teacher Jiang's sweet soup is getting more and more delicious."

"Anyway, as long as you like it."

Just now, Jiang An went out and brought in the invitation letter. After looking at the routes above, they were quite interesting. There were three routes in total, one was to Mount Tai, one was to the other side of the Xiangjiang River, and the other was to Shangjing.

After looking around, Lin Xixi thought it would be more interesting to go to the other side of the Xiangjiang River.

"I always went to Beijing before. As for Mount Tai, I want to go when we get married. They say there are gods on Mount Tai. Can you witness our wedding?"

Jiang An will definitely comply with all her ideas. "Okay, then go here, and then I'll talk to Lao Zhang and the others. If we don't have any objections, we can go together."

"Don't worry, Lao Zhang and Lao Lin will definitely agree."

Lin Xixi vowed: "The other side of the Xiangjiang River is a shopping paradise, and the two of them will definitely take the opportunity to make a big purchase."

“Many things there are tax-free.”


Jiang An nodded: "Not only do they want to purchase this time, but we, Lady Lin, also have to make a good purchase. I have a full wallet."

"If the money is not fully spent by then, then this responsibility will be borne by Xiaolin!"


In Jianghu Company.

Jiang An made his thoughts clear to Lao Zhang and Lao Lin. As Lin Xixi guessed, the two of them unanimously chose the other side of the Xiangjiang River.

Zhang Zhejie rubbed his hands and declared that he had to do something big: "Ruojia and I have agreed that this time we go out, we must bring all the things we didn't buy before to our home."

"By the way, why didn't you see Nvxia Lin?"

Zhang Zhejie's style of painting changed so quickly that he almost flashed Jiang An: "I asked Xixi to go home and have a look, and then I happened to go to your house to see how Grandpa Zhang was doing."

"Okay, you better be careful."

Zhang Zhejie didn't expect so much. Lin Qingyou was quite emotional when he heard the two old men were mentioned, because he really felt the parents' love for their children from the two old men.

"This time during the meal, I think I was the one who took advantage. Not only did I get gifts from the two old men, but Mr. Wang also included me."

"Ning Ning and I have been talking for a long time, this is really luck, but our luck is yours."

"Come on."

Zhang Zhejie couldn't bear to hear such sour words: "Old Lin, you did a good job too, otherwise I have so many friends, why didn't I see my grandpa being so kind to others?"

When he said this, Lin Qingyou didn't say anything. Seeing this, Jiang An hurriedly came to rescue them: "Stop talking about this, if you two don't have any objections, I will talk to Fang Xiang and the others later. "

"Hand over the work for now."

"Okay! We'll be fine."

Zhang Zhejie agreed most happily, but Jiang An was a little curious. Could it be that Ruojia's work could change the time so casually?

"Work?" His curiosity caused Zhang Zhejie to sneer indifferently: "I'm not afraid to tell you that Ruojia has very free time now."

"After all, I am the founder, so I have a little privilege. You all understand that."

Lin Qingyou smiled and said nothing, but Jiang An couldn't sit still. He deliberately glanced at Zhang Zhejie and teased him meaningfully: "According to what our Mr. Zhang said, as the founder, are you? Should it also have some privileges?”

"is it necessary?"

Zhang Zhejie said indifferently: "I don't need privileges. Besides, Lao Jiang, my job is to run business, but the essence is to eat and drink, okay?"

"How many people dream of this?"

"So you have some conscience." Jiang An smiled. He knew that Zhang Zhejie was definitely ready to take off, so all he had to do was watch him pretend.

As expected, Zhang Zhejie suddenly showed a wicked smile: "Of course, it would be great if our boss Jiang is willing to approve some more funds for my personal use."

"Hermès seems to have launched several new products recently."

"Are you crazy?"

Jiang An raised his eyebrows: "Old Zhang, do you know that even I am coveting your position? If Mr. Zhang feels that the conditions are not enough, then I will be very happy to take over this business."

"Lao Jiang! You've gone too far."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhejie suddenly changed his face: "Aren't I just joking?"

"What are you serious about? The company is our hard work, isn't it Lao Lin? Why are you just laughing on the side to be fair!"

Although everyone knew that he was all pretending to be so anxious now, Jiang An and Lin Qingyou tacitly chose to sing along.

Lin Qingyou said: "Actually, I think what the boss said makes sense, otherwise I can come and help you for a few days."


Seeing that he was about to fly away, Zhang Zhejie decisively chose to remain silent. Anyway, as long as he remained silent, these two guys would not be able to continue to squeeze him. Who likes to play a one-man show?
They sang in harmony, making the atmosphere in the office very good. Jiang An also happened to ask Lin Qingyou's opinion if Xiao Wang could be temporarily responsible for technical issues.

"I think she's fine." (End of Chapter)

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