On the Bund, the lights are on.

Listening to the sound of the surging river around him, Jiang An felt very comfortable. He had not been so idle for a long time.

"Xixi, eat some of this, Thuringia tastes good."

"it is good."

Although Lin Xixi promised happily, she never touched the sausage with her hands. All her attention was focused on the big mature battle axe.

Is this the main dish today?

Everyone was eating and drinking. Jiang An talked about traveling: "Anyway, we have settled down at home. If there are no objections, we can leave tomorrow?"


Zhang Zhejie nodded: "We have no problem, where is Lao Lin?"

"I'm fine too."

Lin Qing was amused: "Anyway, as long as the boss gives you leave, it's fine, but don't we need to contact you in advance?"

"I'll be responsible for this."

Jiang An said: "Then it's settled, let's choose a time to set off, just the fastest time?"

"no problem."

While they were talking, the dishes were served again. At this moment, there was almost no space on the table. Of course, this place itself is a very formal Western food, where one dish is served one after another.

But Zhang Zhejie didn't like that method. He always felt that eating was too tiring, so he simply asked the boss to serve the food like Chinese food.

As for whether he would be looked at askance, he didn't care.

Anyway, this is the land of China, and everything must be done according to the customs of the land of China.

"Hello, sir, this is the sturgeon we just roasted. It tastes extremely delicious if you eat it while it's hot."

“Pair it with lime juice and our chef’s secret sauce.”

"Okay, thank you."

Jiang An smiled politely, and then everyone continued the topic: "Well, think about it, if you have any equipment that you need to bring with you when you go out."

"I can call and make an order when I get back later."


Zhang Zhejie waved his hand, picked up a large piece of fish and put it on Ruojia's plate: "Just bring your ID and money, the rest is useless."

"No. Don't listen to his nonsense."

Ruojia hurriedly stopped Zhang Zhejie: ​​"You men are unreliable when you go out. You still need to be prepared for some small things in life."

"There are also some medicines and so on. Although we are traveling and others will help arrange everything, we also have to bring everything we usually have handy."

"Otherwise, short hands will be troublesome when used."

Her words were unanimously recognized by all the girls present.

"Yes! Ruojia is right."

Ning Ning said: "If nothing else, Qingyou is your razor and so on. Do you want to take it with you?"

"and also……"

Seeing that several girls were about to start scolding mode, Jiang An hurriedly spoke to stop them. It would be nice to have a good meal, but don't make any mistakes.

"Okay, when it comes to going out, the three of us will absolutely obey the organization's arrangements."

"You have the final say!"


Zhang Zhejie also hurriedly added: "You must obey orders and follow instructions!"

"Work hard without complaining!"

"I hope you understand."

The three girls saw that they were so "sincere" and reluctantly let them go: "Come on, let's have a drink for the sake of our future travels and a happy and smooth trip."

Raising the cup, Lin Xixi said with a smile, although everyone had drinks in their hands, it would not affect the atmosphere of the scene.


New home.

As it was her first night here, Lin Xixi was really curious about everywhere. Counting the trip just now, she had already walked back and forth three times.

"Nvxia Lin, don't you feel tired?"

Jiang An had no energy anymore. Even though Lin Xixi was talking so cheerfully while eating, after returning home, all travel-related matters "automatically" moved to his shoulders. Anyway, Lin Xixi was walking around the house, just looking at what was new. If he hadn't been busy, the plan would have been postponed.

"You bitch man, why don't you let me be happy for a while?"

Lin Xixi pouted and said, "This is our new house. There are many places that we need to see clearly to avoid unfamiliarity."

"Good good."

Looking at her look, Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "It's okay anyway. If there's anything in the house that makes you uncomfortable, we can change it quickly. There just happen to be a lot of furniture sellers there."

“There are also a lot of duty-free items.”

"Yes, that's what I thought." Jiang An gave him a step, and Lin Xixi immediately followed it: "Teacher Jiang still knows what I'm thinking."

"But after watching it for so long, it seems that there is really nothing uncomfortable about it."

Whether it is decoration, furniture, appliances, etc., merchants have chosen the best brands with genuine materials, and their main focus is high-end services.

So almost all the owners who live here will be fine if they just add a little bit of personal preference.

"Okay, it's getting late."

Jiang An, who had been busy all day, looked at the dial and yawned: "How about we take a rest."

"The time is set for departure tomorrow afternoon, and we still have to wait to pick up the goods in the morning."

After Jiang An returned home, he collected the things that Lao Zhang and Lao Lin needed. They had already ordered them with the merchants and they would deliver them to their door on time at ten in the morning.


In fact, Lin Xixi wanted to go around a few more times to have a look, but since Jiang An said so, she didn't insist. The two of them went upstairs to take a bath and then went to sleep directly.

Lin Xixi was actually a little excited after moving into her new home. She originally planned to give Jiang An some surprises and excitement, but she didn't expect that this guy would fall asleep while lying on the bed.

"Today must have exhausted my dog ​​man."

Looking at Jiang An who was already sleeping soundly, Lin Xixi sighed with a smile, helped him tuck in the quilt, hugged him from behind, and fell asleep sweetly.

This is their new home, and there will be plenty of time to experience it in the future.


"Lao Zhang, Lao Lin!"

When Jiang An was about to set off in the afternoon, he was still yawning. He was really exhausted yesterday, but it was really convenient for them to be neighbors here.

As soon as the phone flickered, I saw two little heads peeking out from upstairs.

Especially Zhang Zhejie, who is still shirtless and playing with dumbbells on the third floor terrace on the top floor.

There's no way this is Ruojia's order. A person who works by drinking shouldn't need a good body?

"Lao Jiang, what's your order?"

"set off!"

The staff of the travel agency had already arrived. After Jiang An communicated with the community property management, their Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle, accompanied by security guards, had parked outside Jiang An's house.

Waiting for Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou to come out with their girlfriends, a group of six people officially got on the bus and started their trip to the other side of the Hong Kong River.

"Distinguished guests, please allow me to introduce myself."

Because it is a nine-seater business car, the six of them plus the driver and accompanying staff will not feel crowded.

The person who spoke was the short-haired and capable beauty sitting in the passenger seat.

"I am the tour guide accompanying you this time. I am responsible for all matters related to your trip to the tourist destination. If you have any needs, please contact me. Of course, I will not take the initiative to disturb you."

"But now there are a few things I hope you can cooperate with my work."

The little beauty who didn't even say her name handed them a tablet: "You can take a look, and then please choose the hotel and room type you like. Everyone can choose according to their own preferences. Different There is no problem with different room types in the hotel.”

"Just confirm our meal items after crossing the sea."

Speaking of which, the perfect girl smiled politely at everyone and turned back.

The whole process was crisp and professional!
Jiang An and others looked at each other, and they were all impressed by her service. After all, the high-end ones were different, and they would also think of it now.

On this trip, they also had a mission.

Mr. Wang is still waiting for their travel experience.

"Come on, let's pick and choose together."

Because their seats were originally facing each other, Jiang An just put the tablet on the business table, looked at the dazzling array of hotels on it, and slowly selected.

"I think we can find a more unique place." Lin Xixi suggested: "What do you think of Disney?"

"It's like a theme suite!" (End of chapter)

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