Lin Xixi's proposal was naturally recognized by everyone. After all, compared with other hotels, Disney Hotel and Hotel are quite unique.

After all, this time we are going out for fun, and there is no need to consider commuting costs, so compared with other hotels with overly administrative attributes, Disneyland is much more reliable.

"Then choose here."

Both Ruojia and Ningning will be very interested.

"I read online that Disney's fireworks show every night is really interesting."

"But I never had the chance before." Ningning sighed. Many of her friends had also been there before. Looking at those beautiful photos, Xu Ningning was also very moved.

"Okay, as long as you like it."

A few people decided on the hotel, and then briefly selected the meals. Since we were going to Disney, of course the most important thing was butter beer!
I don’t know what it tastes like, but I guess it tastes good, right?
At least, that's what Lin Xixi thinks.

"I see enough."

Zhang Zhejie curled his lips and said: "Butter is quite delicious, and beer is also good, but I can't imagine what it will taste like after combining these two things."

"I don't think I can enjoy it anyway."

He said this, which saved Lin Qingyou from speaking. After giving him an affirmative look, Lao Lin mentioned Disney's famous turkey legs.

"I am rather interested in this thing. In fact, before I came to the company, I went there with our professor. But at that time, I was not there to play, but to learn the design of some characters."

"You can't just watch this in a cartoon."

For those who make games, in addition to making money through advertising and recharging, a very large part is peripherals.

Whether it is Disney, DC, or Interstellar, etc., these major companies are all very successful, whether in games or movie animations.

No matter which store you choose, you can choose from a lot of popular and even sought-after peripherals.

As an industry insider, Lin Qingyou must of course study hard.

After all, the transition from virtuality to reality requires breaking through many technical barriers, which requires the designers and developers of the game itself to consider this in advance.

Regardless of how the game is, reserve the peripheral share and execution first.

In case the fire out?
"I remember clearly. When we were walking around with our professor, I saw several children gnawing on turkey legs."

"If it weren't for studying, I would definitely buy one!"

As she spoke, Lin Qingyou couldn't help but reveal a look of longing: "When we passed each other, the child took a bite and I actually heard the sound of crispy skin... Maillard produced after roasting is such a wonderful taste. .”

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Before Lao Lin finished speaking, Lin Xixi had already snatched the tablet and added a turkey leg to it.

"Look, this way your dream can be fulfilled."

"Old Lin, there's no need to thank me!"

Jiang An couldn't help but laugh when Lin Xixi made her laugh. It seemed that Lady Lin really wanted to save face. She was clearly the one being drooled over by Old Lin.

Now, this "blame" has to be placed on Lin Qingyou.

For this move, Jiang An had to give her a thumbs up, "Why don't we say something about our heroine Lin's affairs in the world? We are proficient in the game and can get things done without having to take the blame."

"Dog man! Did you do this on purpose?"

Lin Xixi's face turned red when Jiang An revealed her thoughts. It is estimated that if so many people were not present, Lin Xixi would definitely break the seal of trash talk and use endless trash talk to severely punish Jiang An. Stacked below.

Seeing this, Jiang An had no choice but to use his ultimate move and touched Lin Xixi's hair: "Okay, Xiao Lin, please pay attention to your quality. There are so many people watching."

"If it gets spread, it will damage your reputation as Lady Lin."

"Hmph, don't worry, I won't be the same as you!"

Everyone was chatting and laughing along the way. After arriving at the port, everyone boarded the ship in accordance with order and arrangements.

They expected to sail for six days on this trip to the other side of the Xiangjiang River. Generally speaking, if they set off from the Magic City, they can arrive at the fastest in three days, and a slower time of four or five days is about the same.

Therefore, an extra day of sailing time is deliberately required. On the one hand, it is to take care of them to avoid excessive speed and the possibility of seasickness. In addition, this is also a little thought of the travel agency, so that they can enjoy a quiet time on the boat.

In fact, drifting on the sea is a very pleasant thing.

It's just a pity that life is fast-paced nowadays, and ordinary people will try to reduce the time on the road even if they go out for fun.

You will miss a lot of scenery this way.

The light and shadow on the sea are different from those on land. The reflection in the sparkling waves and the corresponding clear sky of clouds and mountains. Standing on the deck, Jiang An's eyes were deep and long: "Xixi, I have actually wanted to take you out for a long time, but I was too busy with work before and our foothold in the market was unstable."

"There is really no other way and I really can't leave."

"What else can Teacher Jiang say?"

Lin Xixi deliberately turned her ears aside: "Why didn't I hear clearly?"

"Little girl."

Looking at her face in the sunset, Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "You just want to hear nice words, don't you?"

"Who would dislike such sweet words?"

Lin Xixi nuzzled into Jiang An's arms and said, "I won't be able to hear enough of this even if it lasts a lifetime. I just don't know if Teacher Jiang will say this again in the future."

“I like hearing something different every day.”


How could Jiang An have the heart to refuse her when she was so cute?

"It seems that I want to buy a collection of local love stories, so as not to make Xiaolin classmate unhappy by repeating them."

"just forget it."

Lin Xixi shook her head hurriedly: "Actually, it doesn't matter even if I repeat it a little bit."

"I don't want to have to clean my ears after listening to you every day."

"There's so much dirt, what if it blocks my ears?"

The two of them were laughing and chatting, when they looked at Zhang Zhejie who had just finished his sleep and yawned: "Lao Jiang! You are really full of energy."

"I've already taken a nap, and you are still here looking at the scenery?"

"Isn't it possible?"

Jiang An put his arm around Lin Xixi's shoulders: "Look at the scenery on the sea, it's a different mood. Do you still remember that song? Listen to the sound of the waves."

"Stand in the center of the city!"

Zhang Zhejie answered the question at the [-]th bend of the mountain road, which completely ruined Jiang An's mood.

"Okay, forget about singing. There are other guests on this boat. Don't make people think that the sirens are out to eat children."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhejie couldn't help curling his lips: "If I were the Siren, that would be fine. Anyone who offends us will be turned into a stone and thrown into the sea."

"Can't you say something else?"

Lin Xixi was made to pout and said to Lao Gao: "Such a beautiful scenery, don't you want to ruin your mood?"


Lao Zhang shrugged: "By the way, are you satisfied with your room?"

"It is said that if you are not satisfied, you can exchange it."

Jiang An shook his head, how could they be dissatisfied.

"There are only three suites on this cruise ship, all of which have been arranged for us. They have private bathrooms, kitchens, and even living rooms, and all the windows can be opened."

"If you're still not satisfied with this condition, don't you think it's a bit too much?"

Zhang Zhejie grinned. In fact, he just wanted to hear what Jiang An said. Mr. Wang's reception was related to their old man.

Even if he is a brother, he still wants to gain face.

"Stop making trouble, Lao Zhang, what are you going to eat tonight?" Jiang An is now a little bit headache about this matter.

Because although this cruise ship is not very big, the facilities are very complete, and meals are available 24 hours a day, and it can provide a variety of food such as Chinese food, Western food, sea fishing and barbecue.

Jiang An rubbed his forehead and said, "I definitely don't want to go for Western food anyway. There's too much to eat outside. But I'm quite interested in the sea fishing and barbecue."

"The prerequisite is that we don't do it ourselves."

He can also do fishing, Jianganhui, and barbecue.

But if you put the two together, it's a different story. (End of chapter)

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