Of course Jiang An and the others didn't know what the three girls Lin Xixi said, but for Jiang An, the biggest feeling was boredom.

That's right!

Although the atmosphere in the bar was very good and there were many beauties, he just couldn't cheer up.

The same goes for Lin Qingyou, so the two of them are still sitting here. The key is that Zhang Zhejie, who had just let go of his worries, suddenly liberated his nature.

After a glass of wine, I started shaking.

"How long do you think he can last?"

Lin Qingyou was bored and almost fell asleep. He was an IT technician and had no interest in these things. Jiang An had said in the past that Lao Lin's cerebral cortex was filled with codes.

"I guess in your eyes, except for a few of us, can everything be replaced by code?"

"If you want, you can also turn into codes." Lin Qingyou grabbed his atomizer and took a deep breath: "Lao Jiang, it will take another 10 minutes at most. Anyway, I can't hold on anymore. "

"Two 10 minutes?"

Jiang An shook his head. He couldn't sit still for 5 minutes.

"Okay, let me go and pull him back. You just asked me how long he can last, right?"

"I think even until tomorrow morning, he won't have any problems at all."

"Lao Zhang is in high spirits, can he listen to you?"

Jiang An nodded: "Don't worry, as long as you help me."

"help you?"

Lin Qingyou was stunned for a moment and didn't quite understand what he meant, but seeing Jiang An pulling her forward, he reached Zhang Zhejie and nodded politely to the young people opposite him. Jiang An simply He grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

Before Zhang Zhejie could understand what was going on, Lin Qingyou also took action. Two people, one on the left and one on the right, led him away.

When leaving the bar, Jiang An didn't forget to put the wine glass in his hand on the bar at the door.

"I'm talking about Lao Jiang! What are you doing?"

After leaving the bar, the two let go, but Zhang Zhejie was confused: "Just now we were talking about car information in the second half of the year!"

"Are you still planning to change your car?"

Jiang An smiled calmly: "Can't the company's cars satisfy our Mr. Zhang?"

"That's not it."

Waving his hand, he, Lao Zhang, had other plans: "I just feel that my work will definitely become more and more busy in the future, so in case I don't have time, I have to ask Ruojia to take a taxi back."

"So I wanted to buy her one."

"Come on."

Jiang An waved his hand and said: "We have another car manufacturer that we may want to cooperate with after we go back. If possible, I can ask them to get another one."

"That's fine."

Zhang Zhejie pretended to sigh helplessly, but immediately relied on him, "Lao Jiang, let's make an agreement, you have to keep your word!"

It was obvious that Lao Zhang was seeking revenge for the "one-shot revenge" just now, but what she didn't expect was that the arrow would return to him immediately.

Jiang An's promise was a joy, but he immediately said seriously and solemnly: "When the time comes, this matter will be left to our manager Zhang. I hope you can negotiate clearly with the other party."

Frog fun!

Zhang Zhejie seemed to have a toad stuffed in his mouth and couldn't close it at all: "Are you passing the blame on me?"


Jiang An spread his hands and said: "You are the business manager of the company. You must do these things. We just had an intention to cooperate before."

"You will handle all the rest, come on, Lao Zhang."

I originally wanted to give Jiang An a little "color", but I didn't expect that he fucked himself up instead. Zhang Zhejie felt quite uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's call it a night. I think Lin Nuxia and the others must be impatient."

Lao Zhang rolled his eyes: "Let's go back and hand in our homework!"


In Jiang An's suite.

Lin Xixi had already washed up at this moment. Because she was on a boat, although she didn't do any water sports, she still needed to clean herself up if the water droplets picked up by the sea breeze fell on her body.

Otherwise, the salt and other components in seawater will affect the skin.

"Teacher Jiang, are you going to take a shower?"


Jiang An stretched himself and stood up to wash himself off. When he was waiting to come out, he originally wanted to talk to Lin Xixi, but he didn't expect that this little girl was already lying on the bed.

Just, very thin. "Teacher Jiang, why don't you come up and rest?"

"Everyone is a little tired."

Jiang An would not miss this obvious hint. Without saying a word, a hungry tiger pounced on the prey, and the predator and the prey became entangled.


In fact, the most difficult thing to get through on a ship is the first day. Although it is very fresh, people need to adapt to various factors, including space, beds, sea waves, etc.

So generally speaking, if you can rest peacefully on the first day, then there will be no problems after that.

The same goes for Jiang An and his group. Whether it was because they were having too much fun or for some other reason, they had a good sleep anyway.

And it was after they woke up the next day that their life on the ship officially began.

Sea fishing!




There are all kinds of places and activities. The feelings Jiang An and the others feel at this time have completely different characteristics and characteristics compared with those on land.

It's new to them.

Indeed, the tour guide did not deceive them. These days of sailing were really fun!

In a blink of an eye, tomorrow will be the day for them to dock.

Several people were on the deck at the moment, enjoying the afternoon sunshine on the sea.

"You said I really seem to have fallen in love with this place."

Zhang Zhejie's legs were draped on the fence. The feeling of comfort made his eyes narrow into slits: "Lao Jiang, do you think we can still take the boat when we come back?"

"I do not care."

Jiang An waved his hand and took a sip of Coke: "Just discuss it with your Ruojia. Lao Lin and I have absolutely no objection."

"What about Lady Lin?"

Lin Xixi, who was dressed sexy, pushed up the sunglasses on her forehead: "That's okay with me, I see if you like it."

"I also like the feeling of changing boats, but there is one requirement. If we have to go back by boat, it is best to change to another boat."

“I’d like to try another cruise.”

As a few people were talking, the tour guide who had not shown up for several days but was serving them every day appeared with a tray in her hand and a plate of fresh fruit on it.

"Dear guests, our voyage is coming to an end."

"Because we will dock tomorrow morning, the captain has prepared a party tonight. Do you want to attend?"


Zhang Zhejie suddenly became energetic: "What's the theme?"

"There is no theme."

The tour guide shook her head: "I just invite all the passengers on the boat to have a drink together and eat something delicious. Today's party is preparing a barbecue, which is North American style."

"And if you don't participate, meals will be provided as usual on the ship, and everything will be done as you like."

To be honest, Lao Zhang is certainly tempted.

However, after playing for several days, he had learned the lesson, so he asked Ruojia what he thought first: "What do you think?"

"Of course I'm going."

Today Ruojia's attitude is particularly supportive: "Since there will be many people participating, and it is organized by the captain, I think we can participate."

"The captain will also be happy. The captain has been serving us silently these days. If we go, it is also a recognition of her."

Everyone agreed with this.

"Then it's settled."

When Jiang An opened his mouth, he made a final decision: "Then please help us book a place for today."

Because it is a large-scale party, all meals need to be prepared per person, so reservations must be made in advance.


After the beautiful tour guide got their attitude, she left. Time soon came to the party. Three couples of men and women entered the venue. Just by looking at the atmosphere, they knew that this might be an extremely happy and sleepless night.

However, reason tells them that it is best to exercise restraint. Not sleeping at night is really a bit cruel to them now. (End of chapter)

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