Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 562: A little throbbing, it came very suddenly!

The party begins and all the joy is ignited at this moment.

Jiang An took Lin Xixi and found a relatively quiet place to sit down. The two of them had already agreed in advance before coming. They had only one purpose here today, which was to enjoy the fresh taste from North America.

Compared with Asian barbecue methods, North American barbecue has its own unique flavor.

"Try this." Jiang An picked up a piece of pork ribs and handed it to Lin Xixi: "This kind of barbecue is actually similar to our stove. It relies on the temperature of the embers of the wood itself."

"It ensures that there is enough juice inside, and even though the outer skin is dark, the fruit aroma is actually very rich."

"This sauce is made from fruits mixed with tomatoes, rosemary, basil and so on, and then paired with garlic and butter and so on."

“It tastes pretty good.”

Originally, Lin Xixi really didn't have much expectations for this dark thing, and she even doubted why the captain would use this as the main dish of the party.

And when I picked it up just now, the temperature was not particularly high to the touch.

Isn’t it said that the Maillard reaction of barbecue must be at a high temperature to taste delicious?
"But now that I hear you say it, it feels completely different."

"Teacher Jiang, you seem to be quite good at it."

Jiang An couldn't help but smile and said proudly: "Of course, who allowed me to have a greedy little cat in my house?"

"This kind of North American barbecue is a little more wild compared to South American style. Although the temperature outside is not high, the entrance temperature is very suitable."

"And I guarantee the temperature inside will be higher than outside!"


Lin Xixi seemed to have heard something magical and couldn't wait to take a bite. It was exactly what Teacher Jiang said.

When you take one bite, the skin of this rib is still crispy, and the meat inside is very tender.

The most important thing is the delicious juice!
When the juice burst, it almost spurted out.

"My God!"

"It's so delicious?"

Lin Xixi's eyes widened: "Is this what American barbecue tastes like?"

"It seems to be different from what I ate before."

Jiang An squinted his eyes and smiled: "Actually, we have eaten before, I still remember it."

"But there is such a big difference, and it is also a problem with the chef. This captain has studied in North America before."

"And the spices used are also produced there, focusing on an authentic flavor."

The more Jiang An said this, the more admiring Lin Xixi looked at him.

However, what Lin Nvxia doesn't know is that Jiang An can actually say so much now, and he can still speak eloquently, it is all the result of his preparation in advance.

It was obvious that Lin Xixi was very interested in tonight's party, so Jiang An secretly contacted the tour guide and gained some temporary knowledge.

So this time, he was really pretending.

"Teacher Jiang, I have something to ask you."

As she said this, Lin Xixi couldn't help but bring over another rib, but it was beef ribs. While eating, she pouted and said, "Then you can speak so eloquently."

"If we go home in the future, can you give it to me?"


Upon hearing this, Jiang An felt a little numb. Did he say too much just now?

To be honest, it’s not impossible to make it at home. The spices and raw materials are easy to handle, but what about the barbecue equipment?

Jiang An knew about it in advance, so the reason why the current barbecue is so delicious is because the barbecue equipment has been used for many years.

Because the fruit wood used for each barbecue is different, a special herbal flavor develops over a long period of time.

There's absolutely no way a brand new barbecue grill can do that.

"I can't guarantee you this, so I'll ask the tour guide to ask for us later to see if the captain's barbecue grill is for sale..."


The rich barbecue feast was not over yet, but Jiang An and the other six came out of the restaurant with their round bellies.

"Lao Jiang, I really want a glass of beer now."

"Otherwise, I always feel uncomfortable in my stomach."

Lin Qingyou probably ate the most among them today, a total of seven ribs.

"You can ask the restaurant to bring you a drink."

Jiang An is too lazy to even make a phone call now: "We are going back to rest anyway."

"Frog Qu, I think we are a bit too useless." Zhang Zhejie rubbed his eyes: "We can actually eat so much in just one barbecue."

"The key is the atmosphere." Lin Xixi said from the side: "Is it just the atmosphere? Anyway, I feel very comfortable. Besides, I have eaten a lot."

"But look at us, there's nothing wrong with us."

"It's just you men who can't do it."

"and many more!"

As soon as Lin Xixi said these words, she was targeted by Lao Zhang and Lao Lin.

"Hero, you can say whatever you want!"

“But we don’t agree with this sentence!”

"A man can't say no!"

Seeing their serious looks, Lady Lin couldn't say anything, so she had to surrender: "Okay, okay, I was wrong."

"It's because you don't know depth, okay?"

"It's almost there."

Zhang Zhejie curled his lips and snorted, but immediately discovered something was wrong, but it was too late to say anything. Lin Xixi had already run back to the room with Jiang An.


The next day at the port.

Across the Hong Kong River.

Can you experience a different feeling when crossing the sea?
After a group of people from Jiang'an got off the boat, the tour guide who had been following them came up and said: "Our car is already waiting at the port. Because driving is not allowed here, we need to walk around."

Jiang An nodded to express his understanding. In fact, ports generally have lanes, but that lane is specially used for shipping cars.

And since Jiang An and the others didn't drive, forget it.

It took nearly 10 minutes to walk down the port, but they didn't find it hard, mainly because they had beautiful scenery along the way.

When I left the gate just now, I saw two people arguing, but they were both locals, and they couldn't understand what they were saying at all.

"But they say the people on this island are of high quality, but I don't think that's okay."

Zhang Zhejie is so awesome.

The tour guide smiled and answered, "That's right. Actually, it's hard to say about the quality of the people here."

"Because there are high-quality people everywhere, and there are people with less-than-high quality everywhere. As long as it doesn't disturb your mood, it will be fine."

"Let's go to the next stop, Lantau Island."


According to the arrangement of the tour guide, Jiang An and his party only had tea in the lobby after entering the park and arriving at the hotel. The tour guide was responsible for all the rest.

Soon the group settled in safely.

"How about it, do you still like this Frozen?"

Looking at the themed suite, Jiang An asked with a smile.

Lin Xixi was actually attracted by the Victorian style here: "If we have time after Teacher Jiang, can we travel abroad?"

"It seems that after experiencing it personally, it feels completely different."

"I was online before..."

Halfway through her words, Lin Xixi suddenly shut up. Although she thought she restrained herself quickly, Jiang An could still hear her clearly.

"It turns out that our heroine Lin who travels around the world also has a princess dream!"

"You've wanted to come for a long time, why didn't you tell me?"

Lin Xixi stopped talking for a while. She lowered her head and pursed her lips, as if she wanted to speak, but she didn't know how to say the same thing.

"All right."

Without her opening a word, Jiang An gently held her in his arms: "If we have time in a while, we will go out."

"Although I can't promise you anything, I will try my best to let you go to all the places you want to go."

“The world is big, but it’s also small.”

"As long as you want, we can keep walking, to every place and every corner."

Jiang An's monologue made Lin Xixi moved and throbbed. She couldn't express her emotions at the moment, so she could only raise her head and look at him dreamily.

At this moment, in her eyes, it seemed that Jiang An was no longer just a person, but a beam of light.

A light specially designed to warm her.

On Lantau Island, the slanting sunset enveloped them. (End of chapter)

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