In the room, Jiang An held Lin Xixi quietly, and the two of them let the sunset of Lantau Island shine on them.

Maybe warm, maybe hot.

All kinds of emotions seemed indifferent at this moment.

In their eyes are the colors of mountains and seas, as well as each other's faces.

Gradually, as time passed by, they finally got a little tired. Fatigue may have promoted the two of them to have sex, but now they could no longer continue.

The reason is... Zhang Zhejie called and wanted to have dinner!

"Butterbeer here I come!"

I don't know if it was because of the atmosphere, but after Zhang Zhejie walked in here, he seemed to have liberated his nature, almost like a child.

Seeing how excited he was, Ruojia had nothing else to say except to accompany him.

But several girls were sure that they had chosen the right place this time.

After all, these men are always very nervous when working, sitting upright and pulling themselves. After so long, how tired must they be?
  "Anyway, what I'm looking forward to now are the delicious ones."

One characteristic of Disney is that you can see all kinds of hidden Mickey Mouses everywhere, and Lin Xixi alone saw more than a hundred of them along the way.

I just thought it was interesting.

"Teacher Jiang, do you think I can unlock all the hidden items here?"

Lin Nuxia vowed at first, but soon he was temporarily distracted by the smell of the restaurant: "I can't wait for those delicious things."

"Anyway, as long as you like it."

The group of people quickly rushed to the restaurant and started their feast.

But the meat is delicious, and the turkey legs are absolutely delicious.

The problem was...the butter beer Zhang Zhejie was yelling about was a bit too much for her to accept.

"Such a big creamy flavor... Oh my god, how can this thing exist!"

Never say that butterbeer is exclusive to Harry Potter. It also appears in many Disney animations and is just a flavored drink.

"taste not good!"

"I regret it a bit!"

Zhang Zhejie now hopes to get a cup of Coke, which is what makes him happiest, but Jiang An ruthlessly rejected him.

"No, we can't waste things."

"Whether it tastes good or not, you have to figure it out yourself."

"Lao Jiang, don't you think you are cruel?" Although he said so, Zhang Zhejie still held back his breath and drank the beer.


"Is that right?"

Jiang An chuckled. It wasn't that they cared about the cost of a beer. The point was that wasting money was really bad.

The dinner lasted for an hour. Throughout the whole process, Jiang An and the others regarded Zhang Zhejie's butter beer as a joke, making Lao Zhang quite embarrassed.

"I said you are not worried that you will also fail to order food?"

"Have you ever thought about what you will do when the time comes?"

Jiang An shook his head: "Lao Zhang, don't think about revenge, because even if we fail, we won't make a fuss, right?"



After coming out of the restaurant, everyone was smiling, except Zhang Zhejie who was still worried about the butter beer.

Although the beer was immediately drained from the beginning, the smell of cream seemed to never dissipate.

No matter what I eat afterward, it always tastes creamy.

It's embarrassing.

Even now, the smell has not dissipated.

"I will never drink this stuff again."

"It's so uncomfortable!"

"Did you know that you can order food here at night?" Zhang Zhejie leaned against Ruojia with a look of despair on his face: "I think I'll wait until the smell is digested."

"I'm definitely going to have a good meal."

"I've arranged everything for you."

Without waiting for others to speak, Ruojia said: "I made a reservation with the front desk before we came out, and they will also send us some food."

"Everyone has a share."

"Thank you." Jiang An smiled slightly. It was getting late now, and although they didn't have much trouble along the way, they still couldn't resist the curse of the journey.

As long as you are traveling, fatigue seems to be weighing on you all the time.    So Jiang An really wants to go to bed now!

But it's just hard for him to say it in front of everyone.

Originally, in the plan, after he spoke, someone would say something, and then he would say that he would go back to rest and have a good sleep.

But surprisingly, no one answered the call this time, and Xu Ningning also asked a fatal question.

"Isn't it said that there is a fireworks show here every night? We can just enjoy it today."

"It is said that it can do exactly the same thing as the TV."

One of the characteristics of Disney's fireworks show is that the logo at the beginning of the show is exactly the same as the animations they produce. It is almost a replica of the original.

In order to produce this, Disney spent a lot of money at that time, and this has become one of their characteristics.

When Xu Ningning said this, Lin Xixi and Ruojia both clapped their hands in agreement: "Yes!"

"I want to see it too!"

"Isn't it interesting?"

Ruojia pulled Zhang Zhejie aside: "If this is the case, I'll prepare some more wine, okay?"

As soon as he heard that there was wine, Zhang Zhejie seemed to come to life immediately.

"to make!"

"I will definitely accompany you!"

Because of the butterbeer, he was not very comfortable, so he couldn't sleep when he went back. He might as well say a few nice words to make Ruojia happy.

As for Lin Qingyou, there is nothing to say. The purpose of all his preparations now is quite simple.

Just to be able to go further with Xu Ningning, let alone Xu Ningning's suggestion, even if Xu Ningning is not willing, he will accompany her.

"I'll definitely accompany you."

Pulling Xu Ningning's shoulders, Lin Qingyou patted her chest and said, "I can definitely do it."

"Teacher Jiang. What about you?"

The other two people have expressed their opinions, so will Lin Xixi let the last Jiang An go?

To be honest, Jiang An really doesn't want to agree to him now.

But seeing the atmosphere building up, and since I didn't want to disappoint Lin Xixi, I simply nodded and agreed.

But Jiang An immediately said: "I'm very curious why Xiaolin said that."

"Isn't this the right thing to do?"

"Don't ask me next time."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at that time was different. Lao Zhang and Lao Lin cast approving glances at Jiang An almost at the same time. After all, he was the better one.

With one simple sentence, all the things they had just expressed their determination to were wiped out.

"Or so."

Now that everyone agrees, Lin Xixi has a new idea: "I think since we all want to watch the fireworks show, let's get together at night."



Of course girls like the excitement. Xu Ningning was the first to respond: "Then I'll go back and prepare. I'll go to the kitchen to borrow ingredients and cook something delicious."

"Although the food here is delicious, I kind of miss my craftsmanship."

They had been eating outside all along the way, so it was normal to feel a little nostalgic.

But Xu Ningning's suggestion instantly resonated with the other girls.

Ruojia glanced at Zhang Zhejie. He, who has a stable family status, understood the leader's intention at that time and responded instantly: "Okay! Then I will also show off my skills!"

Speaking of which, Lao Zhang's cooking skills have improved a lot now. In his own words, he is no longer the same person he used to be.

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll show you my hand too!"

"I'll provide it tonight..." Lin Xixi was very excited, but when the words came to her mouth, she didn't know what to say. All kinds of delicious food were flying around in her mind, but she couldn't find what she liked. .

"I'll come!"

For the sake of everyone's health, Jiang An can only endure the fatigue and step forward to ask for help. Lin Nuxia is now best at spicy hotpot.

It seems that eating that soup and water doesn't match the atmosphere here.

"If possible, can I make soufflé?"

Several people discussed and unknowingly arrived at the elevator entrance. Since they were not on the same floor, they decided on a plan and went back to rest. Whether their plan will succeed depends on the communication between the tour guide and the hotel.

However, everyone is committed to it and full of expectations, hoping that this wish can come true. (End of chapter)

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