Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 567 The new generation of Temple Street 1 young masters

"Come on, come on, try his curry fish balls."

When Jiang An passed by his house just now, he was attracted by the strong aroma of curry inside. After taking a look, he became more interested.

Because the curry they use is not the ordinary yellow curry.

The color is very deep, and you can see a little dark red trace under the light. If you don't pay attention, it will look black.

"Lao Jiang, is this authentic?"

Although Zhang Zhejie was also quite interested in it, and it tasted particularly fragrant, but looking at the dark stuff, he really couldn't work up his appetite.

But just after he finished speaking, before Jiang An could speak, the shop owner beside him became unhappy.

"what are you saying."

"Sir, should you not jump to conclusions so early?"

Although the boss is already an old man with white hair, he still seems to have a hot temper and his voice is not quiet: "Can you try it? Our curry fish balls, the taste is completely different."

"Most of their yellow curry is made with turmeric powder, but our curry is."

“There’s just a little bit of turmeric and the rest is mostly natural fruits and vegetables.”

"It's made from vegetables and fruits. The dark color is due to the conversion of sugar content in the fruits."

"You know, this taste is not that strong!"

"And our fish balls are still real dogfish balls, you know?"

"The bitch got it!"

The boss's appearance made it a bit difficult for Zhang Zhejie to speak: "Why are you so excited?"

"Is such that."

The tour guide stepped forward to explain, "Mr. Jiang has really good taste, because his family is quite famous in Temple Street."

“Although the store is not very big, it is full of flavor.”

"And the store owner seems to have a hot temper, but in fact he is also very confident in his products."

While talking, the tour guide gave the shop owner a faint smile to comfort his mood.

"It's the right thing for this pretty girl to say." The shop owner softened his tone and said much better: "My family is quite famous in Temple Street."

"You guys are from out of town, so let's come in and have a taste. I'll treat you."

"Our dogfish can also be called multi-toothed snake mullet. It tastes very fresh and sweet."

"Besides, look at what this is."

After the boss took them into the store, he served them fish balls and proudly pointed to the sign awarded to him by the special zone hanging on the wall.

The most attractive thing is the words written above - the Thirteenth Young Master of Xinmiao Street!
  "and many more!"

Zhang Zhejie said hurriedly: "Isn't this a movie? I've seen it before."


The shop owner brought the fish balls to them: "Does Temple Street have its own history? This place used to be very chaotic, but later it developed."

"We also became a commercial street, but the movie was very famous at that time."

"So the superiors used this as a gimmick to stimulate us. We then competed to find the thirteen best and most popular stores in Temple Street."

"Arranged in such a combination, it can be regarded as the signature of Temple Street."

"See, I'm one of them!"


The store owner was really eloquent when talking about the past of this brand. When they started doing business, it was not smooth.

It is all because of their perseverance step by step that they have reached today.

While he was talking, Lin Xixi and others could no longer bear the smell of curry and began to eat happily.

"Wow, Teacher Jiang! His fish balls are so delicious!"

Although she had just taken a bite, Lin Xixi was already conquered by the taste and texture.

"If you try it, the fish balls seem to be soft and glutinous, but still chewy."

“And it’s not very hard, and the taste is amazing!”

Ruojia also exclaimed: "I have never tasted curry with this taste. It has a very fruity flavor."

“And this flavor is enough to bring out the flavor of the fish balls themselves.”

As for Ning Ning, she didn’t have any free time to express her emotions right now. She just ate it anyway. The amazing texture and taste of this fish ball conquered everyone.

"The boss has another bowl!"

Zhang Zhejie finished a large bowl of fish balls in just two bites. Although it was a bit embarrassing to say this, he still couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food. “Boss, I apologize to you for what I just said.”

"No need."

The boss chuckled: "You haven't eaten it anyway. Now you can taste it and know the taste. That's all."

"If you recognize me, I will be very happy!"

"So I'm here to treat you to the fish balls today!"

The boss's generosity and cheerfulness gave Jiang An and the others an indescribable sense of enthusiasm.

Everyone just ate and drank like this. When they felt like they couldn't eat anymore, they were already full.

"Ah, the fish balls are really delicious."

"It's a pity that we won't be able to eat it when we go back."

The greatly satisfied Lao Zhang now considered what to do after returning it.

The shop owner smiled: "Don't worry, if you like it, you can take away some frozen ones, and I also have some curry that you can take away."


When the boss said this, everyone's eyes lit up.

Jiang An told the tour guide at that time that he hoped to take more with them when they left Hong Kong.

Give it to your family to try, and it can also be used as a souvenir for your employees.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, I will make arrangements."

Even though Mr. Wang's travel company is a new project, the basics are very good. After the tour guide responded to his request, she turned around and arranged the subsequent purchases with the shop owner.

Although the boss said that this meal was a treat, Jiang An still insisted on paying. The biggest discount he could accept was just a discount.

After all, we are also in business, and it is not easy for everyone to make money.

The boss is direct, they are straightforward, and the two parties must have become friends.

Watching them leave, the boss didn't forget to come out to see them off: "If you are not in a hurry to return to the hotel, you can go to Zhang Ji in front. His dim sum is very good, and they also have my brand."

"Okay, we will definitely go take a look."

Jiang An smiled. Just as he was about to leave, the shop owner seemed to have thought of something. He hurriedly took a piece of paper and wrote down the names of all the shops with that brand on the whole street.

"These shops can represent the characteristics of our Temple Street."

Jiang An took it with a smile and glanced at it, and found that there were only nine names on it: "No, it's the Thirteenth Young Master of Xinmiao Street, isn't it?"

Lin Xixi held his arm and said with a smile, "Maybe the boss has forgotten."

"No problem."

The boss waved his hand: "It's not that I forgot. In fact, the owners of those stores have already gone out. We are all good friends."

"I'm sad that they left, but what's even more sad is that their children didn't inherit the craft."

“Many of them almost ruined their brands, so the authorities just confiscated their brands because they couldn’t help it.”

"On the other hand, the young man named Zhang Ji is doing everything according to the original steps."

"Business is booming now!"

The more he said this, the more curious Lin Xixi became: "Teacher Jiang, let's go. I can't wait."

"Okay, let's go!"


Following the direction and route given by the boss, several people walked around several stores and arrived at Zhang Ji's door. But to their surprise, a table of customers in the store looked very familiar.

Because my back was turned to them and because of my attire, I couldn't tell who it was, but I just felt that it looked very familiar.

"Teacher Jiang, do you feel the same way?"

Lin Xixi whispered: "I think I saw it in a movie."

"I think so."

Jiang An knew that one of the characteristics of this place was that it was easy to see celebrities and so on, but Jiang An didn't think so at the beginning.

But now...

While he was hesitating, the customer had already finished his shopping and turned around. He glanced at Jiang An and realized that he looked familiar.

Isn't this a singer who has been famous for a long time and has made an era?
  Did you actually see him here?

Jiang An was actually very excited. After all, the influence of the singer was there, but he was still controlling his emotions. However, Lin Xixi on the side screamed: "It's him!"

"Oh my god! I actually saw a real person! Oh my god, am I dreaming!" (End of Chapter)

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