On this island, there are only two people who can be called the God of Song.

Of course, it refers to this generation of singers.

One is named Zhang and the other is named Zheng.

Among them, the one named Zhang rarely comes out now, and the one named Zheng actually doesn't show up much because he is not such a high-profile person.

But at this moment, seeing him here is still shocking!
  "Oh my God! Hello! Hello!"

Lin Xixi is worthy of being a heroine. She is no stranger to seeing the singer at this moment. Although she looks like a little girl, her actions are very straightforward.

No matter what they said, she just surrounded them. It seemed that she was sure to get an autograph today.

The singer himself is also a very humble person.

He didn't feel disgusted because of Lin Xixi's behavior. Instead, he smiled lightly at them and greeted them with his signature poss.

"Where are you from?"

"Yeah yeah."

Lin Xixi kept nodding: "We came here for a trip, but we didn't expect to see a real person! I'm so excited!"

"So you want an autograph? I have the honor to give an autograph to such a beautiful girl, right?"

Otherwise, people who can be popular are not simple characters.

Zheng Geshen's words directly praised Lin Xixi.

The smile on his face was almost unbearable, and his eyes narrowed into a crescent moon: "Can I, can I get your signature? They want it too!"

Zheng Geshen is actually very famous, coupled with her own unique style, so Ruo Jia and Ning Ning also like him very much.

But when we met just now, one was that the surprise was too big and I couldn't believe it, and the other was that they were not illegitimate fans, and they knew that being a fan should have its own restraint.

You can't influence your idol's life.

So none of them were embarrassed to speak just now. It's just that Lin Nuxia has been traveling in the world for many years and has a relatively easy diet.

Facing three pairs of longing eyes, Zheng Geshen certainly wouldn't refuse, but what if he didn't have a pen?
  Jiang An and the others didn't have the habit of carrying pens with them when they went out to play. When everyone was at a loss, the shop owner on the side came to help.

"Come on, use this."

"Then I'll give you three notebooks."

"Thank you!"

The three girls, Lin Xixi, were so happy that they didn't know what to say. They were all focused on Zheng Geshen. Of course, it was Jiang An's turn to say thank you.

"Okay, let's sign and then take a photo?"

Zheng Geshen said humorously: "Anyway, I will be very disappointed if I see a beautiful woman and can't get the photo."

Can you refuse such a request?

When everything was done, Lin Xixi was so happy that she bit her lip.

"Oh my god, I actually got Zheng Geshen's autograph!"

"Hehe, when I go back this time, I want to make my classmates envious!"


Ruojia was also very happy and held hands with Ningning: "After we go back this time, we will make them envious!"

After getting the photos and autographs, Lin Xixi and others have been immersed in joy, but Zheng Geshen has set his sights on Jiang An and others this time.

As everyone knows, one of Zheng Geshen's hobbies is playing games.

No matter what kind of game, he likes to experience it.

In the past, "The Dog is a Dog" and "The Sledgehammer" were so famous, and some media also made brief reports on Jiang An. Zheng Geshen, who has always been willing to pay attention to game information, looked at him a little bit now. look familiar.

After a brief chat, he also confirmed Jiang An's identity.

"Young and promising."

Zheng Geshen sighed: "I envy you at your age. If I were younger, I would definitely work harder than now."

"You are too kind."

Jiang An smiled calmly, neither humble nor overbearing. On the other hand, Zheng Geshen was also particularly satisfied with his attitude.

As a man, you just need to be more dignified.

"Well, since you are here to play, please allow me to welcome you on behalf of the local area."

"To be honest, I really like the games you produce. I always want to play them after work."

"This also helped me relieve a lot of boring time. I think it is fate that we can meet today."

"So..." After a pause, Zheng Geshen actually took out a few tickets from his handbag and stuffed them into him: "Here, these are the tickets for the Red Square concert tomorrow night. It was organized by me and a few friends. of."

"Although it's not a VIP position, I still hope you won't dislike it."

After saying that, Zheng Geshen smiled at everyone, turned around and left, and his back quickly disappeared into the crowd.

But the surprise for Lin Xixi and others has just begun!
  Because after they arrived there, they heard about this concert in Red Square, which was really star-studded.

Moreover, the concert itself is of a charitable nature, so there are more people participating than usual. In addition to the two singers, there are also the kings of the previous generation, as well as the new stars who have risen recently.

You know, tickets for this concert are seriously hard to come by.

Now, they actually got ten of them!

Ten pictures!
  Can Lin Xixi not be surprised?

"Lao Jiang, why do I feel that it is not real?"

Zhang Zhejie, who had been silent for a long time, finally came back to his senses: "Is this him?"


Jiang An smiled slightly, but he was not too surprised: "Maybe this is our luck."


As they said, naturally Jiang An would not have treated the store owner who had helped a lot just now, if it weren't for the notebooks and pens he provided.

Lin Xixi and others really couldn't get Zheng Geshen's signature.

Just for this, it must be consumed at his house.

Even if Jiang An doesn't speak, Zhang Zhejie will get things done.

"No need."

The shop owner saw that they had chosen a lot of snacks, and he could guess what they meant, and said hurriedly: "This is just a small thing."

"There's no need for this. There are only a few of you, and you can't buy so much food."

"It will be a waste!"

"Will not."

Waving his hands, Jiang Anke had his own plans, and it was a cliche. He hoped to pay first, and then pack it up and take it away as a souvenir to his family, colleagues, and others when he left here. Some related companies that they are cooperating with.

For these people, price is not the most important, but the intention is.

"That's right."

Smiling slightly, the shop owner was relieved. Of course he also hoped that he could sell the goods well, but if the customers were wasting money, at least he would feel uncomfortable.

Because waste itself is a mistake.

Of course, after Jiang An paid the money in advance, he also prepared another gift for the store owner, including the owner who previously sold curry fish balls.

That is Zheng Geshen’s concert ticket.

The God of Song gave them ten tickets just now, but in fact there were only six of them. Even if the tour guide was included, seven tickets would be enough.

What to do with the remaining three?
  Although everyone knows that if they take it out to pay back the money, it will definitely be very popular, and they can even sell it at a higher price without worrying about sales.

But this is not good after all.

But if you don't take it out, it would be a waste, so Jiang An thinks this is the best solution.

The owner of the store is also a fan of Zheng Geshen, and his products are always the favorites of the singer.

It's a pity that although his income is good, he still can't bear to spend so much money to go to any concert.

So the gift Jiang An gave him today was just what he wanted.


Six o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

After coming out of Temple Street yesterday, Jiang An and the others spent a sleepless night there and had a good experience of the street culture here.

Then I sleep all day during the day, get up in the afternoon, eat and other things, all in one go. All preparations are for tonight's charity concert.

Even if they didn't look at them, they didn't know whether the singer would know whether they came to participate today or not, but since they expressed their sincerity, they should abide by it.

This is an attitude and respect for people's integrity.

Outside the Red Square Stadium!

Crowds of people!
  Jiang An and his group of seven people looked at the surging crowd and couldn't help but wonder how on earth this small island could accommodate so many people.

"I think there are at least four to five thousand, right?" Lin Qingyou curled her lips, her smile no longer natural. (End of chapter)

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