At this moment, Lin Xixi had cleaned herself up, put on distinctive stockings, and swung her miniskirt, waiting for Jiang An to start war mode with her.

She was actually looking forward to it in her heart. After all, after the last experience, Lin Xixi had a dream of becoming a girl with a thousand faces.

But looking at Jiang An's attitude at the moment, she didn't say much.

If it weren't for something important, the dog man would definitely be impatient now. He would be much more anxious than himself.

Jiang An came to the living room at this moment and looked at the number on his mobile phone. It took him a long time to get through.

Fang Xiang's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Jiang, I didn't disturb you, did I?"

Jiang An said calmly: "If you can call me, it means there must be a problem. There is nothing you can do to disturb me. What's wrong?"

His tone somewhat surprised Fang Xiang on the other end of the phone.

Mr. Jiang is never so cold on weekdays. Could it be that they didn't have enough fun during their trip?

Fang Xiang thought about the photos he took in his WeChat Moments today, and Zhang Zhejie didn't look like he was unhappy no matter how he took them.

Although he was a little hesitant in his heart, he still told the matter simply.

"Mr. Jiang, I have something to tell you."

"and many more."

Jiang An interrupted him: "Is there something wrong with the game?"

"of course not.

Fang Xiang said hurriedly: "Our game is not only running normally now, but has also entered the third stage of sales, although there is a slight gap in sales compared with the previous two stages."

"But it has not dropped to the level of 35%. If we can maintain it for this period of time and enter the fourth stage of sales, then our project will reach a new high among the same type of games."

Jiang An hummed, this was good news for him, and he could feel relieved knowing that as long as it was not a game problem.

Apart from business, there seemed to be nothing worth worrying about.

Fang Xiang, who was on the other end of the phone, also guessed what his boss was thinking, and he was relieved.

"Is such that."

After giving the boss reassurance, Fang Xiang also wanted to talk about today's serious matter: "We just got a piece of news about Wang Tu Studio."

"Wang Tu?!"

Jiang An was a little surprised. According to the news she got before going out, shouldn't Wang Tu go bankrupt? Yang Wenqin will bear all legal responsibilities, and his general Wang Dong is also actively looking for a new home.

Could it be that they are resurrected?


Prime Minister Fang sighed: "There has indeed been little movement since Wang Tu Studio, but according to reliable information, Yang Wenqin has been released."

"what happened."

Hearing this, Jiang An frowned. According to him, could it be that someone paid more than [-] million in compensation for him?

Is Yang Wenqi’s previous sponsor not giving up on him yet, or has he found a new backer?
  "We don't know the specific situation yet, but what is certain is that Goose Factory received his personal compensation, and then according to the agreement, they need to drop the lawsuit."

"Just over an hour ago, Yang Wenqin was looking for many people in Lan Kwai Fong."

"Celebrating his safe return."

So high profile?

Jiang An's face was a little gloomy, but his attitude was very calm: "Okay, I know about this. You guys are working hard at home."

"When we go back, everyone will have a souvenir."

"You'll love it."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang An looked at the moonlight outside the floor-to-ceiling window, feeling a little lost in thought.

He didn't even know what he was thinking.

Lin Xixi in the bedroom certainly heard the sounds outside. When the words Yang Wenqin appeared, her heart skipped a beat.

But she thought that she would wait until Jiang An entered the house.

She didn't expect that the phone had been hung up for a long time, but she still didn't see Jiang An. She was worried and had to rush out to look for him.

I happened to see Jiang An standing by the swimming pool, his back shrouded in the moonlight.


"Mr. Jiang."

After calling softly, Lin Xixi quietly came over and hugged Jiang An's waist from behind.

"Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Shaking his head, Jiang An's indifferent smile was already on his face when he looked back at her, "It's just some situations in the company."         "Come on, don't lie to me."

Lin Xixi snorted. Although she didn't hear the whole story, she could probably figure it out: "Is it about Yang Wenqin? I heard it all in the house just now."

"It's him."

Obviously Jiang An doesn't want to bring his emotions to Lin Xixi now: "It's just that Yang Wenqin has made compensation and is now out of it."

"It's that simple."


Lin Xixi is the person who understands Jiang An best. What is Mr. Jiang like in normal times?

Stay calm!

No matter how big something happened to him, he would never look anxious, and no matter what happened, he would always smile so leisurely.

What about tonight?
  Although he kept saying that there was no problem, in fact, it was obvious that he was prevaricating.

Lin Xixi knew very well the relationship and conflicts between Jiang An and Yang Wenqin. When Yang Wenqin framed them before, he was merciless.

Including the appearance of "Sledgehammer" this time, Yang Wenqin has done a lot of work in it.

He has always wanted to trick Jiang An to death, and although Jiang An didn't do anything intentionally, who, including Lin Qingyou and Lao Zhang, didn't want to take revenge?

And this time Yang Wenqin's trouble is actually the best punishment for him.

This is also a scene that Jiang An can accept and is willing to see, but now these scenes seem to have been destroyed.

After Jiang An put down the phone, he did not go back to the house, but chose to stand here alone, which is the best proof.

He must be feeling heavy, right?
  Lin Xixi wanted to say something, but didn't know how to speak. At this moment, Jiang An suddenly smiled, his eyes crescent like crescent moons.

"Are Xiaolin-san worried about me?"


Lin Xixi didn't hide her emotions at all: "I've never seen you like this before, can I not be worried?"

"Teacher Jiang, what impact will his coming out have on you?"

Jiang An shook his head, he didn't want to say it.

With Yang Wenqin's character, he will definitely find various opportunities to go against Jianghu in the future, but this doesn't matter, he is also happy to face any challenge.

What really bothered him right now was hesitating whether to tell Lao Zhang and Lao Lin the news.

If you don't tell them, they will definitely blame you when they find out.

But if he said it, he was worried that it would affect the atmosphere of this trip.

"That's right."

Seeing that Jiang An was indeed fine, Lin Xixi finally let go of her worries: "You bitch, you scared me to death."

"I thought you were autistic."

"Stop it."

Touching her head, Jiang An couldn't help laughing and asked: "According to what you said, if I really feel inferior, wouldn't you just ignore me?"

"certainly not."

Lin Xixi hugged him: "No matter what you look like, I will stay with you."

"It's just... I don't know if I will bully you at that time."

With a smile, Lin Xixi thought this matter was easy to handle: "Lao Zhang and Lao Lin, do you regard them as brothers?"

"of course."

Jiang An's answer was very positive, and Lin Xixi hugged his neck leisurely: "That's easy, just tell them directly. It doesn't matter in the first place. If they can't even handle this, .”

"Then how can I be your brother?"

"I don't know how many things will happen to the company in the future. Can they still be able to handle it?"

Lin Xixi said this very easily, but it really made Jiang An know that she was thinking too much.

After thinking for a while, Jiang An smiled; "It seems that what you said makes sense. Am I too embarrassed by Yang Wenqin?"

"Do you think?"

Lin Xixi pouted: "Okay, don't take this matter to heart. Now that you're out, let's have fun. Let's continue fighting with him when we get back."

"If you can defeat him twice, there will be a third or fourth time... Anyway, he will always be your defeat!"

"Always, always." (End of Chapter)

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