Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 573 Contradictions that go with the wind

After Zhang Zhejie finished speaking, his face became ugly. Jiang An looked over and saw that the figure behind him was obviously Wang Dong!


Lin Qingyou not only had a big conflict with Yang Wenqin, but also basically had no contact with Wang Dong because he wanted to scold his mother whenever they met.

During the Wangtu Studio era, Wang Dong often took his designs as his own.

Moreover, Yang Wenqin was very partial to the foreign monk who could chant sutras, which made Lin Qingyou not happy at all.

The most terrible thing is that Wang Dong once mocked Lin Qingyou to his face in the past. It was not about his ability or character, but just about his body shape.

To put it mildly, it is humiliating!
  "I didn't expect to meet this bastard here."

"It's really a narrow road for enemies."

Zhang Zhejie's eyes widened and he turned back to look at the assistant bodyguard who was following him: "Go! Beat him!"

He spoke so fast that Jiang An didn't have time to stop him, but unexpectedly, the bodyguards didn't move at all, just standing there like wooden figures.

What do you mean?
  Zhang Zhejie frowned: "Didn't you hear what I said? Beat him! It's the one over there!"

However, the second time, the bodyguards remained motionless, and now Lao Zhang was unhappy.

As I said before, these bodyguards will listen to them and comply with their requests.

Why doesn't it work now that it's time to actually use it?

Zhang Zhejie was so angry that he almost jumped up. Fortunately, Ruo Jia was there to hold him, as well as Lin Nuxia, otherwise this guy would have lost his composure today.

At this moment, the tour guide came forward and gave them an explanation.

"Mr. Zhang, although the bodyguards provided by our company also have the tasks of assistants, there is a key problem."

"They are professional bodyguards, the business type, not your personal armed forces."

"Bodyguards are not thugs, I hope you can understand."

Having said this, the tour guide bowed to him in a polite manner, but immediately after raising her body, she, who had been smiling since the beginning of the meeting, suddenly became serious.

The tour guide looked at Zhang Zhejie solemnly: "Mr. Zhang, what happened today was caused by our failure to explain it properly, which led to a misunderstanding on your part."

"But at the same time, I hope you can respect their professionalism after this. These people are all bodyguards."

"Please don't let them do anything that undermines the dignity of their profession, thank you."


Zhang Zhejie was immediately confused by these words. Although he was polite, his words were very clear, as if what happened today was because of him.

I was wrong?
  Lao Zhang still needs some time to react, but at this moment Jiang An has been consulting with Lin Qingyou for a long time.

"If you feel uncomfortable, we can change places temporarily."

"Avoid him."

"no need."

Lin Qingyou, who had been hugged tightly by Ning Ning, remained silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "Actually, I have no feelings for the people on Wang Tu's side."

"They are them and I am me."

"If you are willing, I can even go over and say hello; from a technical and professional perspective, Wang Dong is indeed a talent."

His words instantly won Jiang An's approval.

"Old Lin, you are really focusing on our company now."

"If I understand correctly, you just hinted to me that I can go talk to Wang Dong and win him over to our company?"


Lin Qingyou nodded decisively: "At least he is capable enough."

"Okay, let's go there together."

As they were talking here, Jiang An had already led a group of them and walked over to Wang Dong. At this moment, Wang Dong was talking about something with a few locals outside the Prince's Building.

Jiang An waited for them to finish talking before approaching them.

"Wang Dong, right?"

"I didn't expect to see you here."

Obviously Wang Dong was stunned when he heard his voice, and he hurriedly smiled and said: "It turns out to be Mr. Jiang! And Mr. Zhang and... Mr. Lin." When Xianza faced Lin Qingyou, Wang Dong was somewhat uncomfortable. .

In contrast, Lao Lin was much calmer than him: "You're welcome, we are old friends. Why are you here?"

Wang Dong gave a wry smile and briefly explained what happened after he was released from it: "I have roped in the entire team, hoping that we can start over again. Do I have to live?"

"It seems that you have completely separated from Wang Tu?"

"Yes, Mr. Jiang." When Wang Dong said this, he rubbed his tired face: "After Mr. Yang's accident, I knew that Wang Tu was completely screwed, so I took the initiative to help the team. Many young people need to live. There are also some who have been with me for so many years and everyone is familiar with them.”

"Although it's a bit tiring to take them to find food, it's better than having me get used to the new team."

"Mr. Lin knows this person's personality and rarely gets along with others."

Lin Qingyou nodded, indicating that he was not lying.

Zhang Zhejie didn't say a word during the whole process. He adhered to one principle now. This guy had a grudge against his brother and the company in the past, so he must also have a grudge against Mr. Zhang.

It can be seen from his attitude just now, but Lao Zhang also knows that Lin Qingyou wants to recruit talents, so if this grandson is willing to join them, that would be the best, and everyone can be friends again.

It’s not too late to have a good chat at that time.

Now Mr. Zhang thinks that it will be good if he can avoid dealing with him.

Jiang An must have noticed Lao Zhang's attitude, but he didn't say anything and said casually: "Then let me tell you news. Yang Wenqin came out."

"I know."

Wang Dong was very calm: "He called me yesterday, but I didn't answer."

"You don't want to go back?" Lin Qingyou said: "If that's the case, you might as well come to Jianghu. You see Mr. Jiang is here too. As long as you nod, he will agree."

"You have always been the one to deal with me in the past. This time in Jianghu, there is no need to feel pressure. I will not go too far."

Lin Qingyou's words seemed to be to adjust the atmosphere.

And he also expressed his desire with actions, but in the end, Wang Dong still rejected them.

"It's like this. I don't have any thoughts of joining the company yet. To be honest, I came here just to purchase a batch of equipment."

"I plan to take my brothers and try to start my own business. If it doesn't work, let's talk about it."

"When that time comes and I need it, Mr. Jiang won't reject me, right?"

Although he was asking Jiang An, in fact the only person who could answer this question was Lin Qingyou.

Jiang An will definitely respect his attitude and choice.

With a faint smile, Lin Qingyou extended a hand of friendship to him: "Anyway, no matter what time it is, as long as it's you and your team, I'm willing to accept it."

He refers to Wang Dong, which means that he cannot have anything to do with Yang Wenqin under the premise.

Wang Dong stared at him with a little gratitude in his eyes: "Then I can remember your words."

"I'm going back."

"and many more!"

Lin Qingyou suddenly stopped Wang Dong who was about to leave. He had another question: "Actually, I know something about you. It's not easy to start your own business."

"Do you have your start-up capital and the money that will be consumed in the early stage?"

Lin Qing was being polite, but in fact he just wanted to remind Wang Dong not to lose his mind and touch money that should not be touched. In the game industry, there are countless people who have touched money that should not be touched. As a basis, in the end, how many All your hard work has become someone else’s wedding dress.

Now Wang Dong looked at him with a more touched look. After adjusting silently, he smiled and said, "Actually, it's nothing. I just paid all my house and other things to the bank."

"Although the discount is not too much, it is enough to last for a few months. The gaming industry is coming quickly, and a few months is enough for me to test the waters."

Lin Qingyou hummed and stopped talking. Now Jiang An said: "Wang Dong, I started my own business, so I know it's not easy."

"If there's anything you think I can do to help, you might as well come to me."

"There is actually no conflict between us."

"It is said that colleagues in the same industry are enemies, but that is not true. I think that colleagues in the same industry should be friends. If it were not fate, how could we choose the same industry?"

Jiang An said these words very calmly, but for some reason Wang Dong was deeply touched.

In a daze, he understood a little bit why Jiang An managed to get to where he is today.

In just a moment, he had already seen the young boss's style and magnanimity. (End of chapter)

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