
The damn charm!

Although it was very inappropriate, Lin Xixi was still fascinated by Jiang An's appearance at this moment. This dog man spoke so calmly and sincerely.

Like the sun, it warms everyone present.

But it wasn't artificial at all, and it was precisely because of this that Lin Xixi couldn't resist at all.

"Dog man, you are so handsome!"

Quietly exclaiming in her heart, Lin Xixi looked at Jiang An with a different look, she was very greedy.

If she could, now she wanted to throw Jiang An to the ground and have a heated confrontation.

Of course, she wanted to think back, but Lin Xixi couldn't do that.

How could such a majestic heroine do such a shameful thing?

Restrain, strongly restrain...

Wang Dong had already left, and Jiang An's eyes fell on Lin Qingyou at this moment: "It seems that there is no conflict between you and Wang Dong, right?"


After grabbing the atomizer and taking a few sips, Lin Qingyou looked back: "I don't know what to say, anyway, that's what I just thought."

"I don't think there is any conflict between us."

Jiang An smiled: "Your attitude is very important, I don't care about other things."

"Let's go, let's get things done quickly. Xixi and the others are probably still waiting for dinner."


The top floor of Prince's Building.

Unlike ordinary technology buildings, the characteristic of Prince's Building is that the more high-end things will be arranged on the upper floors.

Although it is placed on the first floor, it is easier to attract people's attention if there are several big brands.

But everyone in business knows that high-end products have always been niche.

Therefore, instead of arranging it on the first floor, where people are coming and going and cannot provide guests with a better and quieter place for negotiation, it is better to place it upstairs.

In this way, you will not be disturbed, and you can stand high and see far away, which is also in line with the habits of the people on this island.

The friends Lin Qingyou had contacted before were already waiting for them here.

After the group arrived, professional personnel contacted them.

Jiang An actually didn't know much about customizing mobile phones. Lao Lin was in charge of the whole process.

"Our request is very simple. The key is that confidentiality measures must be taken. As the network industry, we need to ensure the security of every key."

The person in charge of the docking was a pretty generous beauty who looked very intellectual wearing a pair of glasses.

"Okay, this is a mandatory requirement. We can meet it. Now let's ask the guests to choose the security level."

The placement level of mobile phones has its own unique way of setting it, and Lin Qingyou is also a layman.

So it took a long time for everyone to figure out what was going on under the detailed explanation of professionals.

"Xiaolin-san, which one do you think is more suitable for me?"

Jiang An suddenly laid his eyes on Lin Xixi, which made her stunned for a moment: "You ask me? You should make your own choice, I don't care."

"It won't work."

Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "You are our chairman's wife, the boss's wife."

"Everything in the company has your share."

"Come on."

Lin Xixi pursed her lips: "It's good that I'm the boss's wife, but I'm not the boss's wife either. I don't know what level you want to use."

"I can't use it anyway!"

Lin Xixi didn't quite understand why Jiang An asked her about this kind of thing, but in fact Jiang An wanted to adjust the atmosphere of the scene by doing this.

Although they had finalized the budget issue before coming, their understanding of these related issues increased after they actually listened to the explanation.

Jiang An also realized that he had thought too simply.

When doing customization here, only the mandatory requirements will be calculated, and then the cost of the phone itself will be added.

Other than that, everything is free.

According to their algorithm, Jiang An's previous budget could actually be customized to a medium-sized mobile phone, with no problems in all aspects except for security.

Jiang An felt that if someone really wanted to steal the key, he should be able to open it in three to five days by deciphering the system himself. So he wanted to upgrade the security level, but if he wanted to upgrade to the next level, the price would increase by almost a third.

He wasn't sure he wanted to do this.

Although he knew that no matter what he chose, the other party would not interfere for how long he had to think about it, but Jiang An still hoped that the atmosphere at the scene could be lively.

"Otherwise, let's level up."

Seeing that no one said anything for a long time, Lin Xixi, who had seemed indifferent just now, suddenly spoke. She took Jiang An's arm and whispered: "It's rare to see Teacher Jiang hesitate."

"Then why not just like when you bought something for me before, if you encounter any hesitation, just raise it to a higher level."

"Although it costs a little more, you won't regret it."


After Lin Xixi finished speaking, she looked at him with a smile, as if no one was around, and her eyes were filled with Jiang An's figure.

Her words were very simple, but how envious would she be if she heard them in other people's ears?
  Not everyone can meet such a man.

The intellectual beauty in charge of the connection was also a little touched at this moment. It is difficult for intellectual people to express their emotions, but once their emotions break out, they are much more violent than other personalities.

And often, only Lin Xixi's natural expressions are truly useful.

Even the slightest trace of performance cannot touch the depth of their souls.

"It's really enviable."

Following the beauty's sigh, Jiang An also made a decision and listened to Lin Xixi.

With a core goal, the remaining additional functions are much simpler, because there are supporting options that just need to be checked. Jiang An signed the event with them in less than two hours.

Three mobile phones, one month delivery.

"Okay, thank you for choosing us. We will use quality and service as a thank you to you."

"At the same time, we will also let you know that there is nothing wrong with our choice."

As the beauty bid farewell, they walked out of the Prince's Building, and the beauty took charge of updating the equipment.

This is an additional service of their store. Compared to the customers themselves, they know more about the situation in Prince's Building and the advantages of each store.

Instead of Jiang An and the others wasting time running around, she could solve all the problems in one go in a linear way.

So after Jiang An left her the requirements and budget, she left directly. The beauty promised them that they would provide them with a bill of goods within three hours. If there were no problems, they would be shipped within [-] minutes after confirmation. goods.

That’s the thing with technology products, time is money.

In a rooftop restaurant in Central.

After working hard for a long time, Jiang An and the others were finally able to sit down and have a good meal.

During the dinner, Zhang Zhejie did not forget to propose a toast to several bodyguards. After all, there was something he had not done well just now.

But the other party did not accept it, and their reasons were quite straightforward.

"Boss, we are in this industry, and this is not the first time we have encountered this."

"So you don't have to worry about it."

"As for this glass of wine, we can't drink it. It's working time now."

To be honest, Zhang Zhejie was a little embarrassed at the moment. Fortunately, Lin Xixi was on the side and gave him a step up: "Old Zhang, look at his professionalism!"

"Stop chirping, are you all a charlatan? Just do it!"

Lin Xixi was so quick that Zhang Zhejie had no choice but to hold the wine glass and drink it in one gulp in front of the assistant bodyguards.

This is attitude!

What does it feel like to fill a big red wine glass with white wine and drink it all in one go?
  If you haven't experienced it, you really can't describe it. Even if Zhang Zhejie took this bite, he would feel the blood all over his body.

My stomach was even more on fire.

"Okay! Pay attention to people!"

Lin Qingyou saw that Lao Zhang was really drinking too much, so he quickly stood up to help and blocked him sideways. Ruojia also took advantage of this moment to quickly help him on the seat.

After drinking such a large glass of wine, I guess Lao Zhang will be scrapped today.

Sure enough, within five minutes, Zhang Zhejie sang "Goodbye Central" in the open air.

His singing voice is really not good to listen to, but I don't know why, but he feels full of emotion at this moment, and his voice, which is hoarse due to drinking, has a little more vicissitudes of life.

His singing voice was not loud, but the smell pulled Jiang An and the others into memories, but they recalled different things.

There are cars coming and going on the road in Central, I am standing here, who is beside you... (End of chapter)

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