This is not the first time that Lin Xixi has taken advantage of someone's situation, and Jiang An is happy to coax her: "It sounds like Lady Lin already has a target, doesn't it?"

"Tell me what it is and let me grant your wish!"

Seeing Jiang An's somewhat middle-class look, Lin Xixi couldn't help being amused by him: "Look what you look like, I won't rob you, I just want to ask if we have any other places." Didn’t make it?”

"Are you talking about the attractions?"

Lin Xixi nodded, but this was obviously not the point: "Actually, this time I came to the island, I wanted to meet someone."

"your friend?"

Jiang An couldn't figure out what she was thinking, because the little girl was shaking her head now: "Actually, we don't know each other at all, but I have heard stories about him in the past, and I think he is a very interesting person."

"You know that before I got together with you, this heroine always walked in the world, right?"

Jiang An couldn't deny this. The words "Nvxia Lin" were really not just a little girl's boasting.

Her experience and character determine her chivalry and righteousness.

Jiang An nodded affirmatively, but now he became more curious, wondering who the person Lin Xixi wanted to meet.

"Teacher Jiang, this is just an idea of ​​mine. If it's not suitable and life becomes more difficult, you have to tell me."

before speaking your mind. Lin Xixi also wanted to give Jiang An reassurance: "Anyway, I just have an idea. If it works, it will be fine. If it doesn't, forget it."

Jiang An hummed and asked her to continue.

Lin Xixi took a sip of water and leaned halfway on the sofa: "Have you heard of Mr. Chen? It's Mr. Chen who once won the honorary title of the top ten youths here."

Jiang An really has no impression of this. After all, someone gets the title of top ten young people every year.

In addition, there are so many people named Chen, how does he know who they are?

Just when he was full of doubts and couldn't guess a clue, Lin Xixi suddenly suggested a place - Ciyun Mountain!

On this island, there is only one person, Mr. Chen, who can be connected to Ciyun Mountain!
  And Jiang An also admitted that this man is indeed a very legendary figure.

His story is not only widely spread on the island, but also in the mainland. When the film industry was emerging, he was used as the prototype for many feature films and guest appearances in the film.

This is a representative character who turns from darkness to light.

"Oh, I remember, it's that one, right?"

Lin Xixi must have thought like a chicken pecking at rice: "That's him! I've actually wanted to see him for a long time. I've always said that I'm walking in the world."

"But compared with him, my career path is obviously a bit narrow."

"But Teacher Jiang, you don't have to worry. I just wanted to ask him what could make her make such a big change."

In one sentence, Jiang An had already realized Lin Xixi's deep meaning.

She probably also wanted to comfort herself by communicating with this top ten young man. Although she claimed to be a heroine and a person in the world.

So naturally, the only people who can open up some questions in her heart are people from the Jianghu.

Just like Mr. Chen, although his identity has changed, he is still the same person, and he still has his story and name in the world.

"I see."

"But I can't guarantee you this now."

After all, he is now a public figure and has his own business, so whether he can meet them is still unknown. Jiang An has no interaction with them.

But no matter what, Jiang An is still willing to give it a try.

The question is left to the beautiful tour guide.

"So it is."

The beautiful tour guide nodded. She also felt a little embarrassed about Jiang An's idea. After all, their company had no cooperation with Mr. Chen.

I'm not an artist or anything.

"Help, I think this is a very important thing."

Jiang An paid great attention to it this time: "There are some things you don't know, and it's not convenient for me to say them; but I think this time may be related to my future life."

"And the attitude of my loved one."

"It doesn't matter what the price is."

With Jiang An's words in front of him, the tour guide also understood the importance and contacted him immediately: "Please wait for me a moment, I will find a way to contact you here."

"But Mr. Jiang, I still want to remind you not to have too high hopes."

"I know."

Jiang An smiled slightly. He didn't understand the difficulty of this matter, but for Lin Xixi, he was willing to do it and spare no effort. He had never seen Lin Xixi be so persistent with anyone before.

In the words of Lin Xixi before he left the house just now, only Jianghu people can walk on the road of Jianghu.

Jiang Ping'an knew that Lin Xixi's previous experience was absolutely painful for that little girl, so if someone could really help her get out of it.

No matter how much effort it takes, it's worth it.

The tour guide was initiating contact, and Jiang An raised the price again: "If it doesn't work, we can contact them according to the specifications of the dinner invitation."

"Mr. Jiang, please wait a moment."

The Jiang An that the tour guide saw along the way was a energetic yet steady and solemn person, but now he was too positive.

The tour guide believed that if this incident did not happen to Lin Xixi but to Jiang An himself, he would never be so gaffe-like.

"All right."

In about a cup of coffee, the tour guide had the exact answer.

"Mr. Jiang, you are a lucky man."


Even Jiang An was a little unbelievable. He confirmed again: "Really, we have been contacted?"


Smiling slightly, the tour guide showed him the information she had just learned: "Mr. Chen has been contacted and he expressed his willingness to meet with you."

"He is also a loyal player of the games produced by your company, and he is very interested in you personally."

"Because you are too young."

Jiang An could no longer care about this. He quickly asked about the arrangements for the subsequent meeting: "What do we need to prepare?"

"No need."

The tour guide said: "Mr. Chen is a hospitable person, so at seven o'clock tonight, he will entertain you and his wife at his villa."

"Of course, if you have any friends, he will be happy to host them."

Jiang An didn't hesitate and said directly: "Tonight, it's just the two of us. Can you accompany us?"

After all, it was the tour guide who contacted me, so if she follows, many things will become easier.

"No problem, I'm happy to oblige."

Jiang An thanked him a few times, then hurriedly got up and left to convey the good news to Lin Xixi.

In fact, Lin Xixi already knew it without him having to say it, because just when he agreed to handle it, Lady Lin had been quietly following him behind.


"You little girl are really a bit of a martial arts master, and I didn't even notice it at all."

"But it won't be allowed in the future."

Sitting in the car heading to the shopping mall, Jiang An reminded Lin Xixi: "If someone looks at you like that, it will damage your reputation as a heroine."

"It won't."

Lin Xixi pouted and blushed at the advantages he mentioned. She also knew that what she did was not very honorable: "Aren't I worried about you? I think this request is a bit too much."

"We have never met Mr. Chen, and we have nothing to do with him. Wouldn't it be very embarrassing for you to contact him in a daze?"

"But Teacher Jiang is really capable!"

Lin Xixi said this willingly, took Jiang An's arm and kissed her hard several times.

"Okay, this is really not my fault, but the tour guide's ability."

"Besides, Mr. Chen is probably more easy-going. What are you going to buy and take with you later?"

They set off early just to prepare some gifts. Since it was their first visit and they were facing a kind-hearted and tolerant stranger, how could they be so embarrassed to be empty-handed?

You can't do anything impolite. Besides, the tour guide made it clear that they had prepared a banquet to entertain them.

Naturally, Jiang An and Lin Xixi needed to express their gratitude.

Lin Xixi was in a dilemma when it came to the matter of gifts. Although she had always claimed to be a Jianghu person, she was really undecided when it came to Mr. Chen.

"Otherwise, I think we should leave this important responsibility to Teacher Jiang!" (End of Chapter)

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