In fact, she didn't need to say anything, Jiang An also estimated that this job would eventually fall on him.

"Okay, then I'll buy it when the time comes."

"But Xiaolin-san doesn't have any ideas?"

Lin Xixi shook her head. Such a troublesome matter must be left to a man: "With you here, I just need to live a comfortable life."

"that's right!"

This is also Jiang An's dream. He hopes that one day in the future, Lin Xixi can just enjoy life and that will be enough.

"Come on, we're here."

Arriving at the parking lot, Jiang An and his party walked into the shopping mall. As a well-known luxury place on the island, the atmosphere of luxury was everywhere as soon as they entered.

Jiang An looked around, and finally set his sights on a tea shop.

If you can sell tea in this kind of store, you can imagine what level the products can reach.

After going in and selecting several representative tea products to form a gift box, at the suggestion of the tour guide, they selected two bottles of red wine before setting off.


Arriving outside Mr. Chen's villa, the owner of the top ten outstanding youth titles was waiting outside the door in a suit and leather shoes. It was completely impossible to tell that he was already an old man.



Jiang An got out of the car and shook hands with Mr. Chen naturally, but today the usual neat and tidy Lin Nvxia seemed to be a different person.

They have become much shyer.

If it weren't for Jiang An, it would be as if he didn't know what to say.

Mr. Chen was very talkative and enthusiastic, and he pulled them inside.

After arriving at the villa, Jiang An presented the gift.

"What are you doing?"

"It can't be like that."

Mr. Chen shook his head, but his face was full of smiles. He was not hypocritical, he just felt that it was unnecessary, but since he brought it with his heart, he certainly could not refuse.

"Well, we are now friends after meeting today. Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang. I hope you can make my burden lighter when I come again in the future."

After chatting and laughing, and drinking a cup of tea, Mr. Chen also announced that today's dinner party has officially begun.

"I know that your conditions are very good, so I just prepared some special things here, all of which are my craftsmanship."

"If something doesn't suit your taste, just don't take offense."

As he spoke, he invited the two of them to sit down, and the tour guide naturally transformed into a waiter-like identity, sitting quietly on a chair at the door of the restaurant, ready to be called upon at any time.


Jiang An originally thought there would be some pressure when having dinner with Mr. Chen, but he didn't expect that he has a very cheerful personality and always has a smile on his face when he talks.

If you don't know him well, you can't imagine that he was the one who caused the most trouble in Ciyun Mountain in the past.

At the banquet, Jiang An and Mr. Chen were talking about games at first, and Mr. Chen gave quite high praise to their company's "Sledgehammer" and "A Dog's Dog".

“It’s hard for me to imagine what it would be like to bring so many elements together.”

"The game will be so fun."

"Not only am I a fan of your game, but so are my children and the third generation. However, for the sake of children's eyes, I still restrain them a little."

Holding the wine glass, Mr. Chen said and took the initiative to turn his eyes to Lin Xixi: "So I heard that Mrs. Jiang is coming to see me, which makes me curious, what kind of honor will allow me to have this Chance?"

Such a gentleman's way of communicating made the atmosphere at the scene particularly harmonious.

Now that she was named, Lin Xixi was a little nervous, but she still spoke.

In the next hour, Lin Xixi and Mr. Chen asked a lot about his past stories, which were all details that could not be reported in the outside news.

At first, Lin Xixi was a little cautious, fearing that she would be rude, but as their exchanges became more and more intense and exciting, she gradually let go of herself.

After talking about many topics, Lin Xixi finally asked: "Then may I know how you got yourself out of that feeling?"

Mr. Chen's transformation from bad to good has always been talked about by people, but everyone's version is slightly different. Even his good friends don't seem to be fully aware of his psychological changes at that time. Looking at Lin Xixi's pleading eyes, Mr. Chen smiled lightly: "If you ask that, I don't know what to say."

"But I can tell you that the only decision I made at that time was to get out of that life."

"They have become my past, because yesterday is the past, so I feel that I cannot live in yesterday forever."

"It's that simple."

It’s easy to say you can’t live in yesterday, but it’s so difficult to actually do it.

Lin Xixi now has Jiang An, her emotional destination, by her side, but deep down in her heart, there is still a gap that cannot be crossed.

When he came here today, he just wanted to find a way.

"I can see that you are a man of experience."

Mr. Chen smiled slightly, but Lin Xixi's silence gave him a chance to speak: "But don't let your experience delay your future life."

"Actually, I'm not going to lie to you. I only had one thought at the time, which was that I shouldn't dwell on yesterday."

"Everyone has to take responsibility for what they have done, but after taking responsibility, it becomes obsolete. I don't like obsolescence."

As he spoke, Mr. Chen did not forget to point to many of the furnishings in his home: "You see, these technological products prove that I am a person who likes new things."

"I think newness is the melody of life, so at that time, I decided to take a brand new path."


Mr. Chen's words are very simple and sincere.

Lin Xixi fell into silence after hearing this, and Jiang An also benefited a lot from these words.

"Mr. Chen, thank you very much."

After a long moment of silence, Lin Xixi suddenly raised her head, and her big twinkling eyes regained their radiance, full of vitality.

No matter how many sufferings she had in the past, no matter how many difficult years and people she had experienced.

As she said herself, she only had one grandma before, but now she has Jiang An and his family.

From being alone, to now living a worry-free life, being able to share family happiness with the older generation, and being inseparable from the person I love and who loves me back.

Aren't all these changes a new beginning?

Lin Xixi still couldn't understand some things before, but today through Mr. Chen's words, she completely understood it.

"Thank you."

There weren't many words to say. All Lin Xixi wanted to say now was this. On the other hand, Mr. Chen just smiled faintly: "I don't think you should thank me."

"Actually, I'm quite envious of you."

After looking at her and then at Jiang An, who was holding her hand, Mr. Chen's eyes shone with envy: "Actually, I feel a little regretful as to why I woke up so late."

"If it had been done earlier, maybe my current life would have changed."

"But it doesn't matter. I regret it or not. I'm very happy that I could make such a right choice."

"Same for you, right?"

This sudden question caught Lin Xixi off guard, but she immediately answered in the affirmative: "Yes, I did make the right choice."

"Then there's no problem."

Mr. Chen divided the remaining wine in the decanter into the glasses of three people: "After drinking this glass, I will leave my contact information with you. When you come next time, be sure to call me."

"and also."

As he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Jiang An: "Mr. Jiang is a promising young man, and I want to say a few words on business matters, actually on this island."

"The game industry is also developing a lot. At least as far as I know, there are not many companies here that really have the power to develop."

"So if it's possible, if there's an opportunity, I hope Mr. Jiang can also consider this. Of course, this is just a suggestion. After all, the degree of easing of the gaming industry here is very good."

“It’s also inclusive, most importantly.”

Having said this, Mr. Chen couldn't help but smile: "I hope I can make this place better and better." (End of Chapter)

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