Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 578: The thoughts of tired birds at home

Mr. Chen’s words are his greatest wish.

"I've done a lot of things to hurt this place in the past, so now I feel like if I can, I'd better help build this place."

"But please don't get me wrong."

Jiang An nodded, of course he understood this truth, and Mr. Chen had indeed been working on this matter for many years.

"Okay, I'll seriously consider it."

"Thank you for dinner tonight."



When Jiang An and his party left the Chen family, Mr. Chen specially brought his wife to see him off.

Sitting in the car going back to the hotel, Lin Xixi had completely changed her appearance.

In the past, when Jiang An looked at her, there was still a little bit of unspeakable hesitation in his eyes, or from time to time, he could show a little different change in her body.

It was so subtle that it was almost unnoticeable, but to Jiang An, everything seemed too obvious.

His love for Lin Xixi has never been extinguished or changed since it started burning.

He really didn't expect that this trip to the island would bring him so many unexpected surprises. He received an invitation from the singer to attend their concert.

At the same time, he can also completely open up the little barriers in Lin Xixi's heart by communicating with this one of the top ten outstanding young people.

I really gained a lot from this trip.

Lin Xixi didn't say anything along the way, she just leaned on his arm with a sweet smile on her face, although it was just a touch on the corner of her mouth.

But this was enough for Jiang An.

She can relieve the little remaining shadow in their hearts, which will be of infinite help to their future lives.

Although she didn't drink much today, Lin Xixi was a little drunk. It was obvious that she was happy and relaxed.

"Xiao Nizi, if I had known you had this wish, I would have brought you here before."

"forget it."

Sitting on her knees on the sofa, Lin Xixi was still immersed in relaxation: "Dog man, I know that no matter what I say, you are willing to do it."

"But I can't embarrass you."

"We're just dropping in this time, otherwise I wouldn't have told you."

She said it harshly, but Jiang An knew that she just didn't want to embarrass herself.

"But why didn't you say that when we got here the first day?"

Pursing her lips, Lin Xixi's reason was simple: "I still don't want to embarrass you. You also know Mr. Chen's identity. He is different from ordinary people."

"I see."

There is nothing to say, this is the love Lin Xixi gave him.

"Having met Mr. Chen, do we, Xiao Lin, have any other wishes? Tell me and give me a chance to embarrass myself."


Seeing his stinky look, Lin Xixi couldn't help but snorted: "Look at what you can do now. Remember, Teacher Jiang was not this kind of person before."

"Before was before, now is now."

Jiang An sighed helplessly: "Who makes me feel that I am capable now?"

"Not really."

She pursed her lips and thought for a while. There seemed to be nothing that made Lin Xixi curious about this trip to the island.

"I see."

Nodding slightly, she felt that this girl was a little tired yesterday, and now she saw that she was indeed like this.

"Tomorrow, I'll have a chat with Lao Zhang and the others. If we don't have any objections, we'll go home."

"But let them play well."

Lin Xixi's special reminder made Jiang An feel a little wronged: "We are just friends hanging out, not a company team building, we must satisfy everyone."

"Don't worry, if they don't want to leave, then we will stay for a few more days."


"Lao Jiang, we only have the same place." The next morning when everyone was sitting together for breakfast, Jiang An asked them if there was any place they wanted to visit.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Zhejie expressed his position at the time: "Bauhinia Square, take a photo and then leave!"

Jiang An was a little surprised by his attitude. Even if he had enough fun, it wouldn't be like this, right?

"Don't look at me, my bones are going numb from playing these days."

"Brothers, I can't stand the weather here." Lao Zhang said, stretching out his arms. Only then did Jiang An realize that eczema appeared on his arms: "It appeared last night. You and I Lin Nuxia went to do some errands, so I bought some medicine myself, but it was of no use."

"The people at the pharmacy said that I was affected by the weather."

"And I."

After he finished speaking, Lin Qingyou sighed helplessly. His condition was even more serious than Zhang Zhejie's, "You happened to mention it today, otherwise we would also like to talk about it."

"Okay, let's go to Bauhinia Square and then go home!"

The tour guide made ampas according to their needs. After several people went to Bauhinia Square to take some photos, they went directly to the airport.

The hotel also has dedicated personnel to take care of their luggage, which has been transported to the airport in advance.

As they boarded the plane back to the Magic City, Jiang An and the others had different feelings in their hearts.

Sitting in the first class cabin, looking at the dimming light outside the window, Jiang An did not forget to put a blanket on Lin Xixi. Even inside the plane, Jiang An did not want her white and slender legs to be exposed. Outside.

"I'm not cold."

Lin Xixi rubbed the corners of her eyes. The lights on the plane made her want to sleep: "Teacher Jiang, aren't you tired?"

"How can I feel tired when you are by my side?"

Unable to help but smile, Jiang An touched Lin Xixi's hair, "If I get tired, who will take care of you? Our classmate Xiao Lin is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to protect himself."


Originally, Lin Xixi was going to trash talk him, but considering that there were other guests besides the six of them in the cabin, she changed it to a cold snort.

"All right."

Jiang An took off the random blindfold for her: "Take a rest, we will be there in a few hours."

"I'm not sleepy... just give it to me."

Lin Xixi originally wanted to be tough, but her constant yawning betrayed her.

Jiang An had just noticed that this girl's eyes were red, so she must have been being stubborn when she said she wasn't sleepy.

Two and a half hours later.

Jiang An and his party appeared at Pudong Airport.

The familiar smell after landing made them feel inexplicably comfortable, and the tour guide also came over: "We have arranged the car to take you back home."

"Your luggage has been picked up. As for the goods ordered by Mr. Jiang, they will be sent out later."

"We are responsible for the entire process."

Jiang An nodded and followed the tour guide to the VIP channel.

But on the way, he had one more thing to say: "Originally, we planned to come back by boat, but now it's better, we can get it done in three hours."

"Stop talking, didn't you mention it just now?"

It's strange to say that Zhang Zhejie's eczema was very serious when he was on the island, but just after landing here, before leaving the airport, the eczema on him and Lao Lin was much better, and it was basically invisible.

"No wonder they are from the same land and water. This is absolutely true."

With a sigh, Jiang An talked to them about the subsequent preparations.

"Didn't I just say that our goods can't be delivered until the day after tomorrow, so let's take a day off."

"When the goods arrive the day after tomorrow, I'll call Grandpa and invite Grandpa Zhang to have a gathering."

"From now on, don't say anything to people in the company."

Jiang An wanted to have two days of leisure. This was also the style of Jianghu. As the boss, he didn't have to worry about the company's internal operations and there was no need to rush back.


Zhang Zhejie must have agreed: "Anyway, I'm very tired this time. Let's go back and have a good rest, and then I'll treat you tomorrow night."

"Stop cooking at home."


Mr. Zhang is treating guests, and Lin Xixi will definitely be the first to raise her hands in agreement: "But we have agreed that if you come to treat us, we will order what to eat, okay?"

"no problem."

Zhang Zhejie slapped his chest: "Who dares not to listen to what you, Lady Lin, say?"

"Then it's settled."

Jiang An smiled faintly, and at that moment they arrived at the pick-up car. The group of people got in the car and left, heading home at full speed.

They had a lot of fun on this trip to the island, but Jiang An was still thinking about Mr. Wang's instructions, not to mention that he wanted to write a physical examination report for him.

Now it seems that we can no longer count on Lao Zhang and Lao Lin.

He had no choice but to do more work for those who could, so he had no choice but to write and write the text himself... (End of this chapter)

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