Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 579 The feeling of being at home is so good

Come back home!

Jiang An didn't say anything while sitting in the car. Lin Xixi just snuggled into his arms. In fact, they were really tired from this journey.

If Jiang An hadn't been forced to hold him up, he would definitely have fallen asleep at this moment.

But there was no way, no matter how tired he was, as long as this little girl was still there, he was not qualified to rest early.

Just responsibility.

Lin Nvxia, who is wandering around the world, also needs a safe haven.

Fortunately for Jiang An and Lao Zhang and Lao Lin, they bought a courtyard. Otherwise, they wouldn't know how long they would have to travel just from the time on the road.

"Thank you."

Jiang An and Lin Xixi were the last couple to get off the bus. At this moment, the tour guide had arranged for their luggage to be delivered to the yard.

"Mr. Jiang, are you happy with this trip?"

Jiang An nodded. He must affirm the other party's work: "I didn't expect customized travel to be so fun, so I think we can often cooperate in the future."

"That would be great, it would be an honor for us."

As the tour guide said, she also gave them a souvenir prepared by the company. This was a surprise. Although it was not something too expensive, the key was that it felt very comfortable.

"If Mr. Jiang needs anything in the future, you can contact me at any time. My contact information will not change."

"Of course."

At this point, the tour guide suddenly paused, and then said with a hint of reminder: "Also, if Mr. Jiang is dissatisfied with our service in any way, you must remind us."

"Never hide it, because only by knowing our shortcomings can we make progress in our workday."

Her words were very polite, but Jiang An knew that the other party was actually reminding him not to forget Mr. Wang's instructions.

"Don't worry, I know."

A slight smile was regarded as a farewell between them.


Inside the house, although it was only the lobby on the first floor, Lin Xixi had already put down all pretense when she entered the door.

She kicked off a pair of shoes indiscriminately, threw them on the carpet without moving, and began to "play dead" without moving.

"so comfy!"

"It's better at home!"

"Teacher Jiang, do you feel this way?"

Jiang An nodded, why couldn't he? He took two cans of ice Coke from the water bar next to the living room. He also wanted to relax now.

"Anyway, I won't move no matter what you say tonight. If the two of us really can't do it, how about ordering a meal later?"


Lin Nuxia raised her hands and feet in agreement: "But Teacher Jiang, have you decided what you want to eat?"

"Anyway, as promised, you are too tired today, so you are not allowed to eat me."

Facing the sudden car, Jiang An really couldn't control himself.

"What if I have to eat you? Will Xiaolin refuse me?"


Lin Xixi's attitude today was very firm: "Anyway, I can't stand it anymore. Anyway, I must have a good rest tonight, otherwise you bitch, be careful that I fall out with you!"

"Okay, okay, I can't afford to offend you."

He shook his head helplessly. In fact, Jiang An said this, but he didn't mean it in his heart at all. After all, he was also very tired.

The best way to relieve fatigue, besides lying down, is to take a good hot bath and soak in it.

It just so happened that the bathroom in the master room of this house had a double bathtub that could be massaged. After Jiang An drank a few sips of Coke to refresh himself, he ran up and filled the water.

When everything was ready, a new problem appeared in front of us.

How was he going to get Lin Xixi up? The current Lin Nuxia is lying on the carpet like a little rabbit. The kind of rabbit that sleeps is completely motionless. No matter how he screamed just now, no one will answer him.

Helpless, Jiang An could only hold on to the stairs, leaned out and said, "It seems like you don't plan to take a shower today, right?"


Lin Xixi shook her head and looked at him with a smile: "I'm waiting for you to hug me, bitch. When it's time for you to show off, don't let me down."

What is this called?

Although he felt like being criticized, Jiang An couldn't help but smile when he saw Lin Xixi's laziness: "Okay, you can help me if you want, but you have to cooperate."

"We can't just pretend to be dead and sink like last time, do you understand?"

With his previous experience, Jiang An had to make a three-part agreement with him today. Normally, he wouldn't care, but not today.

He was also very tired, and more importantly, he was worried that in this state, if Lin Xixi didn't cooperate, it would be even more troublesome if she was thrown to the ground again.

"Okay, I reluctantly agree to it."

After receiving an accurate answer, Jiang An walked down, picked up Lin Xixi who was lying like a salted fish from the carpet, and walked up the stairs step by step.

At this moment, Jiang An only had one thought in his mind: why is there not an elevator in this house?

If so, would it save a lot of effort?

The most comfortable temperature for taking a bath is actually about forty-five degrees. Of course, for girls, fifty degrees is also acceptable.

But exceeding this temperature will cause the body's energy consumption to be too rapid. Although it will promote sleep, the feeling of fatigue will be more obvious.

Jiang An and Lin Xixi's double bathtub is very special. It has a water barrier in the middle. If it is opened, the two of them can play in the water together.

If it is blocked, one bathtub will become two separate bathtubs for use, and there will be no leakage or temperature transfer.

At this moment, Jiang An and Lin Xixi were taking a bath face to face. The water temperature was between [-] degrees and [-] degrees, which was not very friendly to them.

"Teacher Jiang, at least now, I feel that of all the furniture in the house, this bathtub is the most comfortable for me."

"What do you think?"

Jiang An quite agreed with her: "That's right. But it would be better if someone could help me put out the bath water next time. Is Xiaolin willing to take on this task?"

"I don't want to."

Without even any hesitation, Lin Xixi pushed him back on the spot: "Because I have just handed over this glorious and great task to Teacher Jiang now, so I definitely can't take Teacher Jiang's job, right?"

Although Lin Xixi just said that, Jiang An knew very well that if he said no now, Xiao Nizi would probably put her head directly into the water.

"Okay, you're right."

With a hum, Jiang An didn't care to do more. As the warmth of the hot water penetrated into his body, Jiang An felt that the pores all over his body were opened.

The fatigue caused by traveling along the way began to be slowly peeled away.

When he felt almost full of blood and resurrected, he saw Lin Xixi lying in the bathtub and falling asleep. It was so cute.

This bathtub is equipped with a safety device, so you don't have to worry about accidents such as choking due to falling asleep.

Seeing her peaceful look, Jiang An really couldn't bear to wake her up, but this was a bathtub after all, and it was not okay to sleep here.

With a wry smile, Jiang An had to come out first, clean himself up, and then gently take Lin Xixi out.

Put it on the spa bed nearby, help her dry the water droplets on her body, cover her with a warm blanket, and then use a silent hair dryer to dry her long hair.

Jiang An was so gentle throughout the whole process that even after he finished everything, Lin Xixi was not awakened.

Jiang An brought a blanket and put Lin Xixi on the bed in the bedroom. He also arranged the pillow and quilt for her. After taking care of everything, he turned back to the bathroom to clean up.

But just like that, Jiang An failed to notice that the moment he turned around, Lin Xixi's eyes suddenly opened. They were a pair of long, curved eyes full of happiness.

This little girl was originally asleep, but as soon as Jiang An touched her body, Lin Nuxia sensed it, so she didn't wake up.

It can only be said that she just likes to be taken care of by Jiang An like this.

That's it, isn't it?
  Secretly watching the busy figure in the bathroom, Lin Xixi smiled sweeter and sweeter, her eyes gradually closed tightly, and she fell asleep again without realizing it. (End of chapter)

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