"That's right, Teacher Jiang."

Smiling slightly, Lin Xixi half-leaned against the bay window: "I have an idea and I wonder if you can agree with it."

"You said."

Jiang An smiled: "When do we need to talk so politely between us? If you have anything to say, just say it. As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it."

"If I can't do it now, I will find a way to help you."

"It's not that serious anymore."

Lin Xixi sighed: "Actually, I'm thinking about setting up a game room at home, where you can play games with electronics. Do you think it's okay?"

"gaming room?"

Jiang An narrowed his eyes: "This is no problem, but I want to ask why you want to create such a room."

"And what equipment you need."

"It's nothing."

Speaking of this, Lin Xixi's mood dropped a little, and her eyes drooped; "In the past, when I was young, many of my friends and classmates went to play in game arcades outside, but I never went there. "

"That's because of the conditions at home, and you know that."

"It was not easy for my grandma to help me grow up. She was worried about my safety at the time, but later I became wiser and felt there was no need to spend money on it."

"Originally, I didn't have any ideas, but after going out this time, I think I should fulfill my childhood wish."

"I just don't want to have this regret."


Jiang An nodded. When he was listening just now, he had already started to check his mobile phone: "Is it like a game arcade? Or a complex."

Inside the game hall are game machines, shooting machines and dancing machines. If it is a complex, e-sports equipment and so on will also be added.

His question made Lin Xixi silent. To be honest, Lin Xixi didn't think about it herself.

If she goes by her inner thoughts, she hopes to get a complex, but there is a problem with the price.

Those game consoles and coin machines are now updated. Although they are not expensive, there are many types, such as arcade games, racing games, and shooting games. These are three machines, and there are other motorcycle machines and so on.

As for e-sports equipment, a similar e-sports computer alone will cost about to yuan when configured.

So to actually decorate this room, the investment is estimated to be hundreds of thousands.

Lin Xixi didn't think about it in the past because she didn't intend to do it in the first place, and for her, many things in her childhood were actually not easy to touch.

But this trip to the island completely opened the shackles in her heart. The thoughts that had been hidden for so many years began to emerge one by one.

"It seems you have run out of ideas."

Jiang An waited for her for a long time without saying a word, and simply made the decision on his own: "How about this? You'd better listen to my step-by-step instructions and make a complex."

"The location will be negative one. I will leave the entire first floor free for you, and then negative two will remain in the current mode without moving. In this case, when you are done playing, we can go directly to the steam room or something."

"The other thing is that I plan to give you an exercise space in Minus Two, so that you can exercise when you are not busy at work."

"If you don't have any objections, I will make a three-dimensional design drawing for you tomorrow."

"There are also renderings, I've included them too."

Because the house has been renovated, the best way to do it is to retain the original decoration as much as possible. One is to save costs, and the other is to keep the interior style of the entire house unified.

Jiang An's crispness made Lin Xixi excited and surprised, but for some reason, she felt very calm at the moment, as if the answer at this moment should have been like this.

And this is actually the ending Jiang An wants. He hopes that Lin Xixi will see himself as someone who can fully tolerate her, adapt to her, and take care of her.

The two people looked at each other, and Lin Xixi's eyes turned into slits with laughter: "Teacher Jiang, why are you so good?"

"But isn't it too expensive?"

"It's ok."

Jiang An waved his hand. In fact, just now, Fang Xiang sent him the fifth-stage sales income statement, and at the same time, all the funds had been entered into the company's account. The fifth sales period of "Sledgehammer" was originally unexpected. At the same time, the game was also spotted by a large manufacturer specializing in hard work, and the two parties signed an execution contract.

The advertising fee given by the other party alone is eight million.

At the same time, because of this contract, "Sledgehammer" has been successfully pushed to a new level, making the game that has not lost much popularity once again become a hot spot of everyone's attention.

Therefore, the sales revenue of this fifth stage is already comparable to that of the second stage.

"Now are you relieved?"

Jiang An briefly introduced the situation in the company, hoping that Lin Xixi would feel at ease, but unexpectedly, the little girl became even more uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with you."

Jiang An hurriedly came to her side and gently held her waist: "Isn't this exciting news?"

"Yes, but I just feel that you are too good to me."

Driving into Jiang An's arms, Lin Xixi sighed softly: "Maybe it's because the Internet is too developed now, and a lot of poisonous chicken soup has been floating around."

"I've been reading a lot recently, and they all talk about the relationship between men and women, anyway, in the words of those bloggers."

"Women just want to spend men's money. The essence of how men make money is how they do it."

"I don't like it and now I..."

Before she could finish her words, Jiang An laughed so hard that his stomach ached: "Sure enough, poisonous chicken soup is really poisonous; why are you listening to their nonsense? What does it have to do with women spending money when men make money?"

"Besides, do you think you are also that kind of person? Oh my God, our heroine Lin has such a wonderful circuit."

"But this also proves that you are a good boy!"

Although Jiang An was very sure, Lin Xixi couldn't understand: "What are you talking about?"

"Originally, those people on the Internet are brainwashing girls, asking them to waste men's money with dignity, but I didn't expect that instead of following your example, you actually regarded them as a mirror of yourself."

"A heroine is a heroine, but the person in the mirror is not you."

Jiang An didn't want to tell her any big truths, but just wanted to tell her: "Don't listen to those people's farts in the future. It's useless."

"As the Trossati said, how you deserve to be treated depends on your own behavior."

"Now they dare to say and do anything just to get some traffic."

"If you can't get rid of these vile videos, I wouldn't mind changing your phone."

When Jiang An said this, things became easier. Lin Xixi was relieved now: "Okay, of course I believe what Teacher Jiang said."

"My dog ​​man is much better than them."

"Okay, eat quickly, and then we'll have a rest." Jiang An yawned: "When they deliver all our gifts tomorrow, we'll move to the Science and Technology City. After looking at the equipment, I'll design it for you."

"But as agreed, you have to pay the design fee."

Why didn't Lin Xixi understand this bitch's thoughts? After eating the last cherry, she immediately pounced on Jiang An and chewed it hard.

Of course, that's all. Just when Jiang An couldn't help but go deeper, the little girl turned over and got off him, and then got into the bed like a loach.

Only a pair of big, watery and innocent eyes were left, blinking at him: "Teacher Jiang, remember to turn off the lights."


late at night!

Jiang An had actually slept for a while, but for some reason, he woke up!

"Yes, it must be because of that cup of coffee."

Jiang An was really dumbfounded at this moment. There were still a few hours until dawn, but he was already sure that he would not be able to sleep at all.

It would be really torture for him to just lie there and look at the big white legs next to him.

But when she wanted to get up, she was still hugged tightly by Lin Xixi, for fear that if she moved, she would wake her up. In desperation, Jiang An had no choice but to look up at the sky.

And he knows deeply that starting from tomorrow, he must try his best to get his life on track, otherwise he will not be able to work well after doing this for a few days... (End of Chapter)

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