He looked up at the sky, staring at the sky with big eyes and small eyes. Finally, at dawn, Jiang An couldn't bear it anymore.

For several hours that night he was almost motionless.

During the whole process, not only did she have to feel the weight of Lin Xixi's snow-white thighs, but she also had to endure the soft touch of classmate Xiao Lin from time to time.

This feeling is very exciting.

If Teacher Jiang hadn't really liked her and hoped that she would be in good health, he would have already picked up the gun.

Men, there are really not many who can do this.

Seeing that the appointed time was approaching, Jiang An also hurriedly made an excuse to get up. Of course, he was the only one who was busy. Lin Xixi was still sleeping and didn't know what to eat.


outside the courtyard.

Jiang An has already seen the tour guide who came to deliver things to him, and the security guards who followed. These are the rules and regulations of the community. They are mainly to protect the safety of the owners, but also to prevent people from sneaking in and stealing.

Even if they had communicated with Jiang An in advance, they still had to send someone. The rules were the rules.

As a high-end community, all aspects of services must keep up.

Of course, the security guards would not admit that they were following him for the purpose of supervision. Instead, they would use the excuse of helping with work to gain full favor.

"Mr. Jiang, take a look at the list of these things and check them."

"If there are no problems, our work is over."

Jiang An nodded and glanced at the list to roughly look at the items. This was also responsible for both parties.

"Okay, I've seen it."

"thank you all."

"You're welcome."

The beautiful tour guide hid her face and smiled: "This is what we should do. In addition, Mr. Wang knows that you are back, and I am very much looking forward to your opinions."

"I'm all set."

Jiang An smiled faintly and took a kraft paper file from the flower bed in the yard. It contained his feelings and experiences along the way, as well as the points he thought could be improved slightly.

It was all caused by Wu after he got up just now.

Although the time is tight, the content is not watery.

"Please help me pass this on to Mr. Wang."

Along with the portfolio was a small gift prepared by Jiang An, which he had bought on the island before, a Vienna-style men's lapel pin and matching cufflinks.

This kind of small gift is exquisite and practical. Mr. Wang is a very powerful businessman and attends various occasions every day, so this set of men's accessories is portable and not useless for him.

The beautiful tour guide obviously didn't expect that Jiang An had such preparations, and looked at him in surprise: "Mr. Jiang, you really took the trouble."

"No, that's what I should do."

After a few simple greetings, the beautiful tour guide left with the people. Jiang An got the things into the foyer with the help of the security guards.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but as soon as he saw off the security guard, Lin Xixi also got up from the bed.

"Teacher Jiang, what are you doing?"

"I'll wait until you get up to eat."

With a slight smile, Jiang An called her downstairs: "Take a look at these things. Come over with Lao Zhang and the others in the evening, and we will all share."

"Then go see grandpa and grandma."

"it is good."

Looking at the things piled up in the foyer, Lin Xixi was curious: "Did we really buy so many?"

"I don't think it's actually too much. After all, there are so many people."

Jiang An shrugged helplessly. That's how business is done. Humanity and sophistication are indispensable. Moreover, we must adhere to Mr. Zhang's words, and Ning Luo will be accurate every word.

You don’t have to send it, but if you do, you have to pay attention to all aspects.

Don't worry about whether others accept your idea or not. Anyway, if someone is left behind, once the other party knows about it, there will definitely be objections. The most feared thing in doing business is the existence of such small grudges.

"What do you want to eat?"

Lin Xixi pursed her lips and thought for a moment: "Actually, there's nothing I want to eat. How about we go eat wontons? I'm very interested in the restaurants here!"

This happened with Jiang An. He didn't have a good rest yesterday, and he just worked with the security guards for a while. Jiang An didn't have any strength in his body.

So when you go out to eat, don't be too friendly to him. Since they were only in the park, the two of them didn't do much to clean up. They simply changed into their pajamas and set off.


High-end parks are different. The place that provides breakfast to the owners not only has a good environment, but also tastes great.

The two of them had a satisfying breakfast, and it was extremely cheap.

Two bowls of wontons with fresh meat and shrimp, four side dishes, and two cups of tea only cost over thirty yuan.

If it were an outside breakfast shop or something like that, it would cost at least a hundred or so yuan.

Just a bowl of shrimp wontons costs more than yuan.

"I always thought that everything in a community like this would be expensive."

“I didn’t expect it to be very cheap!”

Lin Xixi felt quite emotional, but Jiang An saw it clearly: "Actually, these are additional services, and they don't make money from this. It doesn't matter whether our property fees are high or not."

"Just by forming a closed loop of consumption through some stores in the park, they are already making a lot of money."

"And the services we enjoy now are also their way of increasing the stickiness of owners."

Lin Xixi looked at him and nodded solemnly, but she didn't understand a word.

Of course Jiang An would not get involved in such boring things with her. After the two of them had eaten, they hurried home to take a shower or something. After everything was packed up, they set off and headed straight to the Science and Technology City!

It took more than half a day for the two of them to select all the gaming equipment they wanted, and the next work would be left to Jiang An.

"Teacher Jiang, the rest is up to you."

Lin Xixi sat in the passenger seat and said with a smile while drinking milk tea.

Jiang An confidently told her: "Leave everything to me; there is still some time now, let's buy some home textiles or something, and then go back to find Lao Zhang."


When they arrived at the mall, Jiang An selected several specially prepared shades and some home textiles they needed. Since they provided delivery services, the two of them started working as shopkeepers after agreeing on a time.

"Let's go home."


Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou actually met a few hours ago. They originally planned to chat at home, but they didn't expect Jiang An to go out when they called.

Sitting in the yard, Lao Zhang couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that he is in good health among the three of us."

"Didn't I tell you? After I got home yesterday, my brother just lay down. Neither of us had any dinner."

Lin Qingyou grabbed the atomizer and took a few sips: "Ning Ning and I did the same, but she had a few biscuits or something in her bag, so she took one bite."

"I had a lot of fun on this trip, but I was really tired after I got home."


Hearing the two of them complaining here, Ning Ning and Ruo Jia, who were drinking tea on the terrace on the second floor of Lao Zhang's house, couldn't stand it anymore: "You guys have the nerve to say it. Ruo Jia just said it, Lao Zhang, yesterday..."

Before Ning Ning could finish her words, she was blocked by Ruo Jia, but even though she braked quickly, she could still be heard clearly by the two men downstairs.

Lao Zhang just wanted to brag, but after seeing the teaspoon in Ruojia's hand, he immediately shut up and looked like he was guilty.

As for Lin Qingyou, she wasn't any better than him. He wanted to say something, but Ning Ning's ice-like eyes were definitely not a joke.

They were all silent, and just then Jiang An came in with Lin Xixi: "I said what's wrong with you two, it's like the eggplant has been beaten by frost."

"You've almost slept for a whole day and a night, are you still feeling low?"

Zhang Zhejie snorted: "I'm almost crazy; Lao Jiang, what are you doing?"

"Buy something."

Jiang An didn't want to reveal his plan to build a game room yet. Lin Xixi went upstairs to talk to Ruojia and the others, and Jiang An directly pulled up a chair and sat across from them.

"How about this house? It's quite comfortable."

"That is."

When he heard the girls talking above him, he became energetic again: "The scenery is good, the layout is good, and the main thing is that the three of us are right next to each other, how convenient it is."

"Anyway, I'm very satisfied!"

Lin Qingyou's attitude was the same as his, but now he wanted to ask Jiang An when he would start the next new project.

Money is tight in my pocket. (End of chapter)

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