Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 593 It’s bad, Zhang Zou is about to fall out of favor!

After Mr. Zhang threw out the "five liters" killer card, Zhang Zhejie became honest at that time.

Because judging from experience, such a large amount of wine still flowed from his grandfather's hands. It was definitely not an ordinary thing.

It seems that this time they "underestimated the enemy".

And Jiang An couldn't help but ask at this moment: "Grandpa Zhang, what kind of wine is it?"

"You'll know when you get in later."

After saying this, Mr. Zhang turned his attention to the employees of the Green Plant Company who were preparing to work: "Thank you for today. We will have a drink later."

"So I may not be able to take care of you, so please wait until the planting is completed and help us close the door."

As he said that, he took out his wallet from his pocket, pulled out a bunch and stuffed it into the leader's hand without looking at it: "Nothing else, just buy some cigarettes to smoke."

After saying that, he didn't care whether they wanted it or not. He took Jiang An and the others and walked inside, turning a deaf ear to the staff's excuses.

It’s not that I don’t respect them, it’s just that Zhang Laozhen thinks they work too hard.


Because the time was agreed upon in advance, the family dinner was already prepared.

All dishes are made to order.

This is what Jiang An meant. It doesn't matter if he just eats home-cooked meals. The old man or the grandma can just cook something and eat it.

But since today is a party, it is definitely not something that three dishes and two dishes can handle.

At their age, it's a bit too cruel to ask them to use round pots and shovels for cooking.

And it’s so convenient now. You can just order whatever you want to eat. It tastes good and saves everyone trouble.

The key is that you don’t even need to clean the plate after eating, because these exquisite plating and packaging are all disposable.

"Come and take a seat."

Mr. Jiang waved, and he, Mr. Zhang and grandma sat in the middle, and then the children all took their seats.

Today's dishes are not as rich as usual, including seafood, delicacies, fish, and meat.

There is a table full of dishes, but what attracts everyone the most now is the wine that has not yet been seen.

"Grandpa, what kind of wine did you bring?"

"Hurry up I can't wait."

Sitting on the table, Zhang Zhejie acted like an old drunkard, but the strange thing was that Ruojia didn't deal with him today.

In fact, it is understandable. After all, Ruojia and the others will definitely not be rude in front of the elderly. Another point is that they have done their homework before coming.

Today is to let the three men have a good time and let themselves go, and then tomorrow morning, they will start to enter into a plan to let the men live a healthy life.

So...a bit of a last hurray.

Zhang Zhejie said this, but the grandfather ignored him and looked at Lin Qingyou instead: "How about you guys enjoying your trip?"

"To be honest, among the three children, your gift is my favorite."

In fact, Lin Qingyou could hear that Mr. Zhang was just caring about him, and he was very touched: "Grandpa Zhang, we had a great time out this time. It's true that I have been to the island before, but it was for study."

“I’ve never been anywhere, and this time it made up for my regrets at the time.”

"That's good."

Mr. Zhang smiled and nodded: "As long as it works, I'm still worried that you guys won't have fun playing in China, but now it seems that there should be no problem."

"Ning Ning."

After he finished speaking, Mr. Jiang also spoke here, with an unusually kind smile: "Did Mr. Lin buy you any clothes, jewelry or anything during this trip?"

"Some things are indeed cheaper on the island."

Ning Ning kept her smile and said hurriedly: "He bought everything I like. There are so many."

"Yes, that's right."

Mr. Zhang added: "You can't be afraid of spending money on your lover. This is a very important thing. The girls will take care of you bald boys and say they don't like it."

"But you can't take this as it should be."


Mr. Zhang's instructions made the three girls blush and lower their heads in embarrassment, and Lin Qingyou also took care of them because of the two old men's kindness and sophistication.

Being completely integrated into their family, the atmosphere is really good. But after seeing the two old men finishing their display, Zhang Zhejie said smoothly: "Did you see that my grandfather's words are absolutely wise!"

"But Grandpa, I have a question."

Looking at him, Grandpa Zhang chuckled: "You don't need to tell me to know what you want to say. Do you want money? From now on, unless Ruo Jiaai comes to me for my money, don't plan on taking it from me." It’s just a penny beyond living expenses.”


As soon as he heard this, Lao Zhang was blinded.

"Grandpa, what do you mean! Have I fallen out of favor?"

Looking at his appearance, Ruojia quickly pulled it under the table, which was a bit embarrassing.

But Zhang Zhejie seemed to have no feeling at all. He chased his grandfather and asked, "Tell me, has your precious grandson fallen out of favor?"

"Do not talk nonsense."

After glancing at him, Mr. Zhang hummed and said: "The first thing is that you are working by yourself now and earning a lot of money. It is not appropriate for me to give it to you anymore."

"Grandpa, why don't you save some money for you?"

"The second one is that you don't know how much money you spend. I have no problem giving it to Ruojia. I will give it to her even if she doesn't ask for it, but you can't."

"Once the money is in your hands, it is no longer money!"

Seeing Mr. Zhang's serious look, Zhang Zhejie knew that he had completely "fallen out of favor". If he wanted money again in the future, it would really not be that simple.

Lao Zhang sighed helplessly and smiled bitterly.

Seeing him pretending to be aggrieved, Lin Xixi couldn't help but want to comfort him: "It's okay, don't cry. You have fallen out of favor, but your wife has been favored. Isn't it still the same?"

"I'm satisfied, Xi Xi can understand clearly."

Mr. Zhang laughed, nodded and asked Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie to do some work.

Now that everything that needs to be said has been said and the atmosphere has been heightened, it’s time for the main event to begin.

"The wine is under the wine cabinet over there."

"Be careful, this bottle of wine is not cheap."

If you can hear the word "not cheap" in the mouths of these two old men, you can imagine how high the value will be.

But the more the old man said this, the more excited Zhang Zhejie became: "Lao Jiang, please don't be polite after a while."

When walking to the wine cabinet, Zhang Zhejie whispered to Jiang An: "Grandpa tricked me today, did you see it?"

After a quick glance, Jiang An nodded when he saw that the old men's attention was not on them, "I also discovered it. It seems that Grandpa Zhang had planned everything in advance."

"Yes! I think so too, I want to investigate this matter!"

"You can do it." Jiang An didn't believe that he could fight against his old man: "I say just be honest. Grandpa Zhang won't let you suffer anyway;"

"Then let's talk."

Now Zhang Zhejie doesn't want to listen to the advice at all: "The most important thing right now is that you can't hold back the wine later. We have to drink this bottle of wine."

"I'm going to drink with revenge!"

With his virtue, Jiang An was really speechless: "Does Lao Zhang want you to take revenge? I forgot, your grandfather said that when he came in just now."

"No one is allowed to leave until they finish drinking today. I'm still worried."

"Can we handle this much wine?"

This is indeed a question worth thinking about.

Zhang Zhejie was also silent, but the two of them did not stop. After opening the wine cabinet, they saw the big wine jar.

When they carefully moved it out and saw the seal on it, both of their eyes lit up.

The previous worry about not being able to finish the drink disappeared instantly.

Although it is a large wine jar, the two red ribbons and the logo carved on it all highlight the preciousness of this wine jar.

The legend of Chishui River, one of the three largest distilled spirits in the world, is that a joke?

The key point is that it is different from the ordinary ones. You can tell by looking at the seal of this bottle of wine, but it is a treasure that has been stored in the cellar for fifty years and then sealed for more than ten years.

This kind of wine can no longer be described by price, it is a symbol of quality and status.

"Lao Jiang, I suddenly feel that it's not a problem to kill them all." (End of Chapter)

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