Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 594 To persuade the heroine to drink less

Fifty years!


What is this concept?

When Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie put the wine on the table, even Lin Xixi couldn't hold it anymore.

"Oh my god, where did you get such a good thing from Grandpa Zhang?"

Lin Xixi even secretly wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth. On the other hand, Mr. Zhang was much calmer: "Girl, don't be so excited."

"Someone gave this to me."

"Grandpa, are you talking nonsense again?"

Zhang Zhejie, who had just "fallen out of favor", couldn't bear to listen anymore: "Just tell me how you got here. I didn't know it was given to you?"

"If I ask you to buy it, you won't buy it."


The old man's eyes widened: "If you say that, grandpa, I won't be happy. Can't I buy it if I like it?"

"It's mainly because I can't buy it, okay?"

Since doing business in Jianghu Company, Zhang Zhejie has had so many social activities both inside and outside that he has never met anyone before, so he doesn't speak softly.

And it's all true.

After hearing this, the old man admitted: "It is true that this is not something you can buy easily, but you can't underestimate your grandpa."

"As for today's item, my business partner actually sent it to you, and he has some news for you."

As he said that, he quietly glanced at Mr. Jiang beside him, who seemed to have expected such a thing to happen: "Not only do I have it, but so does Lao Jiang."

"He made an academic thing for someone, and because they were all friends, he didn't take any money."

"Just a favor."

It seemed that Mr. Zhang didn't say anything, but the passionate old man knew very well that he had been betrayed by this old guy. At this moment, the eyes of these children were probably focused on the wine in his hand.

"This is actually normal."

With a slight smile, Mr. Jiang spoke decisively, saying that he was not afraid of thieves, but that he was worried about them, not to mention that it was difficult to guard against domestic thieves.

Instead of being passive and letting the children stare hard, he might as well take the initiative and take it out. Anyway, if he doesn't drink such a good wine, it will belong to Jiang An in the future.

Giving it to him later will have the same effect as giving it to her now.

And Jiang An's company is still in the development stage. If it is a need to socialize, or simply because of greed among the few brothers.

It doesn't matter if you drink it, it's yours only if you enjoy it.

"I'm taking a stand."

Mr. Jiang smiled slightly: "My jar of wine is just for you. You can store it with me for the time being. Grandpa will not ask you for storage fees."

"Then take it away when you need it!"


Jiang An didn't say anything, but Lao Zhang was extremely excited: "Jiang, grandpa, let's make an agreement then!"

"Yes, it's agreed."

Mr. Jiang chuckled. At this moment, Lin Qingyou had used the provided wine container to fill all the wine dispensers on the table. He also filled the wine glasses for the old men and Lin Xixi's grandmother.

At this moment, the food on the table was hot and the wine was fragrant. Mr. Jiang raised the wine glass and said nothing, but he was also telling them that today's family banquet had officially begun!

The food is all good, and the wine is so good.

Therefore, the atmosphere of the family dinner has become somewhat special. To say that it is not lively would be wrong.

Everyone was talking and laughing. Jiang An and the others were still telling interesting stories on the way out, but it would not be appropriate to say that they had been talking all the time.

Because everyone always talks about it, they will secretly have a drink.

After a family dinner, no one raised a toast, but everyone had already drank.

When they stepped away from the dinner table, the two old men were still sober. After all, as the old saying goes, old people should drink wine as if they were old.

I don’t know why, but the older I get, the more I drink when I drink old wine.

On the contrary, young people have a poor ability to accept this kind of aged treasure. If they can drink a pound of wine, young people may be reluctant to give up.

So the old men were fine, and Lin Xixi's grandma also drank a glass of wine and went back to her room to rest early.

But Jiang An, Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou were different. The three of them were no more than dead dogs, lying on the sofa and sleeping soundly.

And this is one of the benefits of old wine. After drinking too much, you will not easily vomit, have a headache, or have a tachycardia or anything like that. You can just sleep. “You don’t have to worry.”

Seeing Ning Ning and Ruo Jia looking a bit dumbfounded, Mr. Jiang, who was sitting on the Grand Master's chair and drinking tea, said, "You can drink as much of this wine as you want without any harm."

"It'll be fine if you get some sleep and wake up with some wine."

"Grandpa, we know."

Ning Ning and Ruo Jia almost said the same thing, and in fact, what they were worried about now was not Jiang An's men, but Lin Nvxia.

She is indeed a chivalrous woman who travels around the world. After Lin Xixi saw such a good wine, she was not polite at all.

Although I use a three-cent cup, it doesn’t look like much, but if you drink it one cup at a time, you can add up to a lot.

And because the cup was very small and very palatable when drinking, it was difficult to calculate the amount of drink, so Lin Nuxia unknowingly surrendered the gun.

Of course, there is another aspect of this romance because the heroine herself really likes to drink.

"Xixi is like this, look at our plan, can she still stick to it?" Ruojia sighed helplessly, feeling very worried.

Ning Ning is more open-minded than her: "Didn't we already agree that we should make our own decisions about family matters? But I think you are worried about what to do if something happens to her in the future, right?"

"I believe in Xixi's self-control, but..."

Best friends and best friends, even though they only looked up one word, their behaviors are completely different.

Ruojia couldn't tell what she was feeling in her heart. Anyway, she felt that Lin Xixi would definitely not be able to do this, and she was not at ease.

"That's easy to do."

With a roll of his eyes, Ning Ning came up with a plan: "What is our chivalrous girl Lin Xixi most afraid of? That is the damage to her reputation in the world."

"If we want to persuade her, I think reasoning alone is useless."

"Give me your phone and watch me take some ugly photos of her. Xixi will definitely understand by then."

"Will this work?"

While handing her the phone, Ruojia asked, "Xi Xi didn't care about these things in the past."

"Don't worry."

Ning Ning vowed: "The past is the past, and the present is the present."

"Xi Xi is with Mr. Jiang now. He is very status-conscious."

"If you don't believe it, let's make a bet?"

Upon hearing this, Ruojia became interested: "Okay, what do you want to bet on?"

"that's it."

Ning Ning's smiling eyes narrowed into slits: "Let's bet on a set of fairy water. If Xixi is persuaded by my method, I will win."

"If not, then you win, okay?"

Ruojia nodded, and Ningning added at this moment: "In order to express justice, this bet is valid for a long time, okay?"

"In case Lin Nvxia's words don't keep up, can you pay for it again?"

"You can have this."

Ruojia also smiled this time. Although they were all good friends, a bet was a bet and it had to be fair. Ning Ning and Ning Ning both had to be able to afford to lose.

"Then it's settled!"

Ning Ning and Ruo Jia hit it off immediately, and the two of them worked together to take several ugly photos of Lin Xixi, preparing to use them as a persuasive message when she sobered up.

Seeing the children laughing and giggling, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Zhang couldn't help but be inspired by their atmosphere to become much younger: "You said the children today are so happy, but I think our era was not bad."

Mr. Jiang nodded: "Although there weren't so many things to play with at the time, our relationship was very real. The reason why they can get along so well is because they are sincere and sincere."


Hearing this, Mr. Zhang couldn't help but sigh: "In this day and age, it's quite rare to have such true feelings."

Although these words were said in front of Ruojia and Ningning, because the two old men deliberately lowered their voices, the girls really didn't hear them.

At this moment, the two old men finished drinking the cup of tea and went to rest separately, leaving this space to the children.

As for Mr. Zhang, he will still stay here today, because he will still follow the old rules later, and he plans to take Mr. Jiang to sit together and have a thorough interview... (End of Chapter)

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