How the night was spent last night was probably unknown to anyone present, and no one could tell.

Including Ning Ning and Ruo Jia, they were still very energetic at first.

But in the second half of the night, after knowing that Lin Xixi was fine, they all sat down to rest, and before they knew it, it was morning.

Seeing the room full of people and the smell of alcohol.

Grandma was really speechless: "Xixi, have you rested?"

In a large room of people, Lin Xixi was the only one who was still sober. At least she had a good sleep last night, and the smell of alcohol had basically dissipated.

"Grandma, did you drink too much yesterday?"

"But it feels pretty good now."

Good wine is different. Even though I drank so much yesterday, I didn't feel any headache when I woke up in the morning, and my whole body felt relaxed.

Otherwise, if you are hungover, you will suffer the consequences the next day.

"Anyway, you guys had a great time yesterday."

Grandma sighed. She really didn't know how to take care of so many people who would be up soon.

"Yesterday was yesterday, but it won't work starting today."

No need for grandma to say anything, Lin Xixi had already taken the initiative to take her to the kitchen to cook rice porridge.

After drinking, the best thing is rice porridge. White rice porridge, cooked to a pulp, and then drank hot. What does that feel like?

"Okay, I didn't expect us, Xixi, to be able to take care of people."

Grandma laughed and followed her directly to the kitchen.

"Why are you just looking at me?"

At first, grandma thought that Lin Xixi was so proactive today because she wanted to show off her skills in front of her, but she didn't expect that she would become the supervisor after starting from the stove.

Hearing this, Lin Xixi smiled and put an apron on her grandma affectionately: "My skills are limited, aren't I?"

"And the two old men are here too. What will they do if it doesn't taste good?"

"You're such a girl."

Grandma touched her lovingly, then washed her hands and got ready to do it.

Cooking porridge is actually very simple. The only ingredients are water and rice.

But if you want to taste good, all you need is effort, not only the movement of time, but also the change of heat.

"You know, for a good bowl of porridge, the rice soup should be dense and sticky, but not too sticky. Every rice grain should be cooked to bloom, but not all of it will rot."

"Otherwise the aroma of the rice will come out and the taste will not be very good."

"Grandma, I didn't expect that there are so many things to say in a bowl of porridge."

Lin Xixi was a little surprised and said: "I saw online teaching videos and so on. They are very simple. Some even just boil water and then put it in the thermos."

"It is said that if you simmer it overnight, it will be hot the next day, and then it will be quite rotten."

"That's different."

Grandma smiled. At this time, all the mineral water and washed rice had been added to the big casserole.

"Although the stewed taste is not bad, the fire is not enough."

"It's just that the pot doesn't have enough steam, so there's always something missing when I eat it."

"Anyway, you can try it later."

Lin Xixi waved her hand. In fact, she had already tried this before. It was her little idea to help her grandma work today, and she planned to learn from her.

As for why, don’t ask directly.

Maybe the only reason is that she, Lady Lin, also wants to save face, okay?

In the past, when she made video calls and chatted with her grandma, she always boasted about her abilities. Anyway, according to him, even if she, Lin, is not a first-class chef, she can at least open a small restaurant. .

But of course these words were just what she took for granted.

It is true that with Jiang An's support, Lin Xixi's cooking skills have improved, but the improvement has been very limited.

Stronger than before, but not much stronger.

Grandma didn't notice what she was thinking. While observing the situation inside the pot, she also used a big wooden spoon to stir it gently.

"Remember this, especially with casseroles, if you don't stir them all the time."

"The bottom will burn very easily. Compared with other pots, casseroles are the most difficult to clean."

"And usually if it burns, it will basically end up in the trash can."

Lin Xixi nodded, seemingly weakly, but in fact she kept all the key points her grandma said in mind.

Of course, only he himself knows how long he can remember it.    …

An hour later, everyone woke up one after another. They didn't care what happened last night. They just felt comfortable eating a bowl of warm porridge.

"Nvxia Lin, is this your craft?"

"It's awesome!"

Zhang Zhejie had already finished two large bowls, but he still felt that it was not enough. Lin Qingyou was also very generous, and he was completely unsatisfied after one large bowl.

Seeing everyone having such a lively meal, Lin Xixi couldn't be too happy, as if the porridge was really made by himself.

"Do you like it?"

"If you like it, I will cook it for you if I have a chance in the future!"

Everyone answered almost in unison.

In an instant, Lin Xixi was so beautiful that she almost exploded, and she was so angry that she couldn't help but others didn't know, and her grandma wouldn't expose her, but Jiang An knew clearly that this bowl of porridge was definitely not Lin Xixi's craftsmanship.

She doesn't have such a high level.

Of course, Lin Xixi didn't forget to give Jiang An a look to let him know whether he wanted to expose his current happiness.

In fact, you don’t need to ask, you know how Jiang An chooses.

Anyway, with everyone's recognition today, and Lin Xixi's current appearance, Jiang An knew that this little girl must be a grandma.

But it’s still uncertain whether the skills are superb, so instead of just tasting it by yourself, it’s better to pull the big guys to get off the horse together.

After all, we are all brothers. Do we have any difficulties?


Everyone had almost finished eating, and then Zhang Zhejie remembered that they seemed to have forgotten the two old men.

"It's over. If my grandfather sees this, why don't he kill me?"

Although Mr. Zhang dotes on him very much, there are some rules that cannot be broken.

In an instant, Lao Zhang panicked.

Seeing his hurried look, Lin Xixi couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect Mr. Zhang to be so at a loss. Are you panicking?"

"Frog, can you stop panicking?"

Zhang Zhejie said impatiently: "Don't you know my grandfather's temper?"

"Today is over."

"Don't be afraid."

The more anxious he became, the more confident Lin Xixi became: "I can help you with this matter, but you have to call me Lady Heroine!"

"Lady Heroine, help!"

Lao Zhang has this kind of character. When it is time to give in, he will never be harsh and express his position immediately.

Everyone looked at his cowardly look, who could hold back his laughter?

Even Lin Xixi was laughing even more wildly than before.

Now Lao Zhang couldn't hold it anymore: "Nvxia Lin, what do you mean? Didn't you say you wanted to help me? Now that you've taken the money, you're not doing anything? Doesn't it damage your reputation in the world?"

"can you?"

Lin Xixi suppressed her smile slightly, then sat in Jiang An's arms: "Old Zhang, you really don't take me seriously."

"Do you think I will forget about the old men?"

"Before you get up, I sent it to the two old men in advance!"

That's it!

Zhang Zhejie breathed a long sigh of relief: "Nvxia Lin, thank you."

"Brother, I really thought I was doomed just now."

Lin Xixi pursed her lips and smiled: "Even if I can't take care of her, grandma is still here. By the way, do you know, when I went over to deliver rice porridge just now, guess what I saw?"

"Are my grandpa and Grandpa Jiang still drinking?"


Lin Xixi was particularly curious as to how the two old men were able to pick up wine glasses early in the morning. Wouldn't it affect the day's work if they knew how to drink?

"Will not."

Jiang An put down his chopsticks and hugged Lin Xixi and couldn't help but smile: "At least not for them; you see, although morning drinks are rare here in the Magic City, if you go to the Central Plains, there are also two lakes areas , that’s different, it’s become a habit for local people to drink morning wine.”

"If I have a chance in the future, I'll take you to see it, okay?"

Lin Xixi's little head was nodding like a chicken pecking at rice. She was quite interested in that scene. (End of chapter)

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