Liu Youran's words were as cold as stone.

Yang Tao looked at her for a long time and couldn't say a word. Of course, she was pretending on purpose.

After a long time, she spoke slowly. Although there was no sound, tears kept flowing down, but it was different from before.

The tears just fell one drop at a time.

But this meeting turned out to be a trip.

"Youran, can you really not help me?"

"I have no other choice now. If you don't help me, I have no choice but to...have to drink Red Bull."

Drink Red Bull and understand everything.

Hearing these words, Liu Youran's unchanged face couldn't help but twitch, even though many people are doing this now.

But when she heard her classmates and people around her suddenly say these words, could she not be touched?

Liu Youran was really moved at this moment.


It's just a moment.

"Taotao, I am very grateful that you are the first to think of me when you need it. This is not a mockery."

"Prove that you really remember me."


Picking up the cup, Liu Youran took a sip: "I can't help you, because this is your own choice, so please don't blame me."

"If you have other needs in the future, for serious purposes, you may wish to come to me. If I can do it, I will help you."

"But not this time."

After saying that, Liu Youran stood up and walked to her bedroom. Now she lives in the company. Because it is a commercial and residential building, it can fully meet her requirements.

There are everything including independent bathrooms. Liu Youran even installed an open kitchen and a large bathtub for herself. She wanted to enjoy life here.

Yang Tao looked at Liu Youran's back in disbelief. At this moment, she really couldn't say a word.

But just when Liu Youran was about to enter the room, her body suddenly paused.

Seeing this, Yang Tao was shocked, and she felt that maybe the other party had changed his mind.

Unexpectedly, Liu Youran gave her a basin of cold water.

"I'm going to rest, Taotao, you'd better go back first."

"There are a lot of valuable equipment in my company. Although I believe you, it would not be good if something goes wrong if you accidentally touch it."

"Thank you for closing the door for me when you get out."


When Yang Tao walked out of Liu Youran's company and came to the downstairs of the building.

She seemed to have just come out of the ice cellar, and all the bones in her body were soft.

It is completely unimaginable that such a good person at the beginning would become such a cold person now.

"Am I really wrong?"

Looking back at the room where the lights had been turned off, Yang Tao suddenly felt that the sky was about to collapse, but it was not because she had done something wrong, but because Liu Youran's changes would make her have to spend more energy to solve the current problem. trouble.

Sighing, Yang Tao sat on the flower bed downstairs of the building and started flipping through his phone.

Now she needs to find someone to take her in, and find a few more people to borrow money to clear up the debt. As for what to do next, she hasn't decided yet.

Carang Tao no longer cares about what's going on at school.

At this moment, it was already past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

There were no people or vehicles on the street, and Yang Tao was flipping through his cell phone to communicate with each other.

Suddenly a car passed in front of her. This was nothing at first, but to her surprise, the car actually backed up again.

what happened?

After all, she was a girl, so Yang Tao raised her head very vigilantly. However, when she saw the person inside the car window, her surprise exceeded her vigilance.

The person sitting in the car turned out to be Yang Wenqin!

Didn't he go in? !

Yang Tao, whose eyes were wide open and full of disbelief, actually stood up, and heard Yang Wenqin in the car also speak, and threw the cigarette butt out of the window.

Yang Wenqin's tone was a little weird, a little mocking: "You are here, are you also working in Youran's company?"


Shaking her head, Yang Tao hurriedly approached the car window. She just saw clearly that Yang Wenqin's car was not only an Alfa, but also had a driver in the front.

"Wen Qin, why are you here? I heard that you are not..."

Before she could say the next words, Yang Wenqin said: "I did go in, but I came out again, and look at me."

"Is it better now than before?"

Yang Tao looked carefully now. Although he could only look through the car window, he could still see that Yang Wenqin was dressed more elegantly than before.

Outside the casual suit, the international first-line logo is not eye-catching, but it is still obvious.   In addition, you can still faintly smell some woody smell in the car.

In terms of style, taste, and status, Yang Wenqin is obviously much better now than in the past.

"Of course you are completely different now than you were in the past. You are very mature and charming."

I don't know if Yang Tao said these words out of habit, but it was so natural that Yang Wenqin smiled lightly and finally let her get in the car.

Sitting next to Yang Wenqin, Yang Tao looked particularly curious. In addition, after crying just now, her eyes were watery, and her face was reflected pink and tender by the light inside the car. Maybe she herself didn't know that she was at this moment. How tempting.

Looking at her, an imperceptible smile appeared on Yang Wenqin's lips.

"It seems like you're doing well during this time."


Yang Tao shook his head and was not in a hurry to tell his experience. Instead, he chased Yang Wenqin and asked, "Have you solved all your problems now that you can come out?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Don't pry about me; I came here just to take a look. Jiang An's company is here."

"They're really hot."

Looking at the building outside the window, the floor where Jianghu Company is located is still brightly lit.

The expression on Yang Wenqin's face changed slightly, but because she had her back facing Yang Tao, she couldn't see clearly.

I could just feel that the aura on Yang Wenqin's body had completely changed at this moment.

"Do you know Jiang An's recent situation?"

"I know."

Yang Tao hummed and randomly told everything he had heard. Yang Wenqin listened and smoked.

During the process, he did not forget to hand her a bottle of Evian water that had just been opened.

The one with the glass bottle.

"I didn't expect that Jiang An is really prosperous now. Has it become more and more comfortable for him after I came in?"

Star Tao shook his head, "I don't know, after all, I don't have much contact with them."

"very good."

These two words, Yang Wenqin's tone was quite strange. Yang Tao could hear something strange, but he didn't know what it was.

At this time, Yang Wenqin suddenly asked: "You haven't answered me yet, how are you living now?"

"I...don't talk about me, okay? I'm actually quite happy that you can come out."

Yang Tao's words were very precise. It not only made Yang Wenqin aware that her life was not good recently, but also gave people the feeling that she did not want to trouble others.

It's just that her method worked well in the past, but Yang Wenqin is different now.

After glancing at her, Yang Wenqin's tone was a little cold: "You don't have to pretend, I understand you; just tell me if you need any help. Of course, I also have things that I need you to do."

"The fight between Jiang An and me is not over yet."


Only they knew what Yang Wenqin and Yang Tao said, not even the driver.

And this brand new day is also the beginning of Jiang An's work.

"Classmate Xiaolin, then you should study hard at home, and I'll go visit some friends from work."

"Lao Zhang is a little unhappy. He has already gone to work."

Jiang An said as he put on his suit. He also bought this suit on the island. It is a pure black all-business version, but it has an unruly gun lapel collar. It is solemn and a little more energetic and energetic. .

"Do you think it's okay for me to wear this?"

Jiang An turned back to Lin Xixi and asked: "These people today are all seniors in the industry. Do they seem too cutting-edge?"

"I think it's good."

Lin Xixi, who was still yawning, said feebly: "If you think it's too sharp, put on that lapel pin too, the panda one."

“It would be okay to have a little more cuteness.”

"it is good."

Jiang An pinned the lapel pin with a smile, turned around and kissed Lin Xixi gently on the forehead: "Wait for me at home, I will come back to have lunch with you, and then we will make an appointment with Lao Zhang and Lao Lin in the afternoon and check into Disneyland directly, okay? good?"


Hearing the word "Disney", Lin Xixi felt as if she had been given a shot of blood: "Teacher Jiang, are you deliberately surprising me?"

"Isn't it possible?"

With a slight smile, Jiang An opened his mobile phone. On it was the conversation with the beautiful tour guide from before, as well as the check-in voucher for the Magic City Disney Hotel.

"She is coming to pick us up for dinner in the evening. I'm sorry for not telling you in advance. Lao Zhang and Lao Lin have already informed us." (End of Chapter)

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