Three hours later!

Jiang An and Lin Xixi, Zhang Zhejie and Ruo Jia, and Lin Qingyou who was accompanied by Ning Ning, a group of six people met.

Today's looks of Ruo Jia and Zhang Zhejie are simply not too elegant.

"Frog Qu, Lao Zhang, why are you still wearing a dress... or a tuxedo..."

"Absolute enough!"

As soon as he met Jiang An, he couldn't help but complain: "What do you think, am I just going to play with you wearing the same clothes?"

"Lao Jiang, do you think I'm particularly handsome?"

Zhang Zhejie seemed not to hear his complaints and just asked them, "Old Lin, what are you watching?"

"Brother, are you looking so handsome today?"


Lin Qingyou said very politely: "Anyway, it doesn't look so ugly when you look like this. You seem to be a waiter at the hotel door."

"Our Mr. Zhang has suddenly become a waiter!" When Lin Xixi heard this, her eyes turned into slits with laughter: "It seems that the saying that a person depends on his clothes is still very appropriate for Mr. Zhang."

"Come on."

Lao Zhang waved his hand and said: "Nvxia Lin, you are very unreasonable. Isn't it said in the world that you shouldn't laugh at others?"

"You are not someone else either."

Lin Xixi spread her hands: "You and my teacher Jiang are brothers, right? So how can we count as others?"

Jiang An agreed with both hands: "Brothers, isn't it just to make everyone happy?"

"Come on."

Zhang Zhejie snorted angrily: "If you say that, what about Ruojia? How to say it."

"Can't you see at all what my brother is doing?"

While talking, Zhang Zhe actually turned around in a circle without any shame.

His figure, set off by the tuxedo, looked even more...indescribable.

In fact, everyone's attitude was deliberately teasing them. Although Lao Zhang couldn't tell what it meant, Ruo Jia was different.

She is wearing a dress with red dots. Isn't it Minnie's classic dress?

"It's true, Lao Zhang, we can't tell anything when you put it on. Fortunately, Ruo Jia is here." Ning Ning took Ruo Jia's arm and said, "Otherwise, I would have thought you were a waiter."

"Are you planning to cosplay Mickey and Minnie?"

"You still have eyesight."

Zhang Zhejie must give Ning Ning a thumbs up. Although Ruojia was the one who praised Ruojia in her words, at least she approved of Zhang Zhejie's dress.

"I'm very surprised. It's understandable that Ruojia likes it. When did you, Mr. Zhang, become a Disney lover?"

Jiang An felt a little incredible: "I didn't remember you having such a childlike innocence."

"That means you are looking at people the same way."

Zhang Zhejie said in a rather disgusting manner: "Whatever our Ruojia likes, can't we all like it as well? I don't think you two are so beautiful."

"If Lin Nuxia and Ning Ning also show interest later, will you two still be able to escape?"

Zhang Zhejie's words were absolutely fatal. Indeed, if Ning Ning and Lin Xixi asked for it, Jiang An and Lin Qingyou would have no choice but to obey their orders.

But before he could be arrogant for a while, Ruojia couldn't stand it any longer: "Okay, let's see you're still breathing because you're fat. Don't fool them. Don't you dare to tell the truth?"


With one sentence, Zhang Zhejie, who had been so awesome just now, instantly turned into a deflated balloon: "Would you like me, wife, to show some face to me?"


Without Ruojia opening her mouth, Lin Xixi was already rushing to speak: "Ruojia, tell us quickly, what happened to make this guy become like this."

"Yes, yes, let's hear how many embarrassing things he has done."

Being besieged by his two best friends, how could Ruojia be able to withstand it? He smiled helplessly and had no choice but to tell the reason for the incident.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just know that I want to come to Disneyland."

"So I thought about dressing up to enhance the atmosphere. Last time I was on the island, I saw many people doing this, so I wanted to try it too."

"And then this guy was just complimenting me endlessly, and the things he said... were really upsetting."

Ruojia was deliberately vague, but as a listener, wasn't this what Lin Xixi wanted to know the most.

"You can't do this!"

"Since you agreed, you have to tell us everything!"

Ning Ning was also cheering from the side: "Yes, it would be very embarrassing if you said this. Ruojia, don't hide it from us."  Zhang Zhejie can still accept asking about the origin of the matter, but at this moment, Ruojia has to ask Tell him what he said last night that was so sweet that it hurt your teeth.

No matter how thick-skinned Lao Zhang is, he still can't stand it.

He hurriedly saw him standing in front of Ruojia: "No! You two! Please be merciful!"

"We are all brothers, how can we kill them!"

"is not it?"

"I'm so proud of you and I'll pay for dinner tonight!"


Lin Xixi and Ning Ning looked at each other at this moment. Since he has an attitude, he will definitely not force people to death.

"Okay." With a look of regret, Lin Xixi said magnanimously: "Then I'll take care of you this time, and we won't ask any more questions."

Then she looked at Ruojia expectantly, and she and Ning Ning pricked up their little ears for gossip.

"Actually, it's nothing. He talked too much, which made me a little upset, so I suggested that she dress up too."

"At first, this guy didn't agree. He said he was worried about being laughed at by Lao Jiang and Lao Lin."

After being glanced at by Ruojia, Jiang An and Lin Qingyou could only smile bitterly. They didn't expect that this guy really knew them well.

"Then you still let him dress up?"

Ning Ning felt that Ruo Jia would not be like this.

"I actually wanted to scare him at first, but this guy had to be cheap and good. Then I got angry and took him to play chess with me."

"We agreed to win three out of five games. If he loses, he will listen to me. If he wins...well..."

Another one hundred and twenty-eight words are omitted here.

Lin Xixi and Ning Ning couldn't help but have wild imaginations.

Looking at the evil smiles of the two of them, Ruojia could only say softly: "Okay, if you do this again, I won't say anything."

"do not!"

As the saying goes, helping people to the end, sending Buddha to the West, if their story is interrupted now, Lin Xixi will feel uncomfortable for several days.

"Okay, okay, why don't we stop laughing?"

"Isn't that right? Ning Ning, hurry up and express your position!"

After being urged by her, Ning Ning nodded hurriedly, and Ruojia continued, but there was no more content.

“Then it started playing chess and that was it.”

"Old Zhang, it seems you are reluctant to lose."

Lin Qingyou said with interest, but Zhang Zhejie was very frank: "It's not about losing, it's about going to the west!"

"Winning out of five games, I didn't win a single game. They completely tortured me, just like the original torture."

Got it!

So far, it seems that the case has been solved.

Everyone burst into laughter, and now Jiang An asked: "If that's the case, I'm willing to admit defeat. Why don't you find something good-looking?"

"Where are you going to get it?"

Zhang Zhejie almost rolled his eyes and said: "We spent a lot of effort to buy this set of clothes. You know, this whole set costs eighty-five!"


At this price, Jiang An would think he was a bit big-headed.

"What are you thinking about?"

Zhang Zhejie tilted his neck: "Eighty-five yuan to buy this thing? Am I crazy? This whole set of clothes, belt and so on, totaling eighty-five yuan."

“And free shipping!”

Jiang An nodded, but the problem came again immediately. If it was purchased online, it probably wouldn't be delivered today, right?

"Hey, are you talking about coincidence?"

Zhang Zhejie even wanted to laugh when he mentioned this: "This store happens to be in Shanghai, and it's far from our community. I drove there to pick it up myself."

"Now that I'm done, you can laugh too."

Jiang An and Lin Qingyou were embarrassed to laugh because of his half-dead look.

After calming down for a while, the tour guide happened to be here. After the last cooperation, they were already old acquaintances this time, so although the professionalism was still there when they met, the atmosphere was much more lively than before.

"Sorry, I'm just here to play. I didn't waste everyone's time, right?" (End of Chapter)

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