Neither Jiang An nor the others paid much attention to the fact that the tour guide was slightly late.

But she seemed to miss this very much, and even specially prepared a gift for them - Disney Mickey Mouse watches.

"Doesn't this cost a lot of money?"

After a quick glance, Jiang An was a very knowledgeable person: "This should be a cross-border collaboration between Disney and Armani, right?"

"Too expensive."

Although Jiang An knows that a tour guide who can achieve this level has an annual income of millions.

But this watch costs thousands of dollars at least?

"It's okay, Mr. Jiang, this is just my thoughts."

"Who made me unable to be on time today? I kept you all waiting for so long."

The tour guide obviously didn't want to continue this topic when she said this. Jiang An and others were naturally very sensible, so they didn't say anything else and followed her car to the Disney Hotel.


Although this place is different from Disney on the island, the basic routines are still the same.

So after checking in, they were ready to enjoy the night fireworks show in Jiang An's suite as before.

Even though Disney's fireworks shows are the same every day, they differ due to different locations and various factors such as changes in light on the day.

That means every day has a different taste.

"Lao Jiang, I said it would be great if we could also eat this bbq when we are on the island."

"You think too much."

Leaving behind a clean rib, Jiang An said: "Aren't the policies over there different from here? Besides, the Barot style is also different from here."

"Anyway, I think it's quite interesting. The wind is relatively strong today, so if you look at the fireworks, they are starting to float away."

"It feels kind of poignant."

Zhang Zhejie sighed, and everyone saw that he was preparing to become a poet, so they hurriedly evacuated.

"Lao Jiang, we two go back to bed first. We didn't get a good rest today."


Jiang An nodded and watched Lin Qingyou and Ning Ning leave. Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhejie felt a little sorry for him and the others: "They are really unlucky."

"I have a very good poem here, but it's such a pity."

Sighing, he was about to show off, but Ruojia stopped him very promptly: "Okay, I'm tired too. Let's go back and rest today."

"Go back quickly!"

They still discussed it before, but seeing that they were about to be unable to subdue him, Ruojia had no choice but to become tougher. Sure enough, Lao Zhang lost his arrogance in an instant and had no choice but to agree to go with her.

But before going out, Zhang Zhejie did not forget to leave a time-delay bomb for them: "Since none of you are so lucky today, I will read to you again tomorrow morning!"


Seeing Zhang Zhejie being taken away, Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "Tell me how Lao Zhang managed to be so happy every day."

"And no matter how many people are in front of him, he can play well. He is just like a natural atmosphere group." Lin Xixi also couldn't figure it out. Although Mr. Zhang's personality is a bit similar to that of Mr. Zhang, people from the older generation can be calm. .

Obviously Zhang Zhejie is not good at this. He is still at the stage where he can let go of light.

"Ignore them, let's take a rest."

Jiang An yawned. His body had not recovered since the last time he went out to play.

As for the food waste, they just need to ring the bell and someone will pick it up, so they don't have to worry about it at all.

This is the benefit of a suite, as well as value-added services. If the living area and seating area of ​​an ordinary room are all together, even if such services are provided, no one will be embarrassed to use them.

The night is fading!

The wind tonight can be said to have killed all the clouds in the sky, and the sky is actually clear.

The night in Shanghai is different from other cities. It is also a beautiful scenery.

In a relatively remote villa, Yang Wenqin, who had just finished taking a bath, just put on a bath towel and came out, sat on the sofa in the bedroom, and picked up a cigarette beside him.

As soon as it was hoisted, someone brought a lit lighter.

Yang Wenqin didn't even look at it, lit the cigarette, and snorted: "I didn't expect you to be quite familiar with this."

"is it?"

A sweet voice sounded, and Yang Tao, who was also wearing little clothes, came around from behind him and sat next to his legs: "I am also looking for a living anyway."    "Are you kidding me?"


Yang Wenqin shook his head, "This time I went in and figured everything out. I was quite annoyed with you in the past, but if I think about it now, it's actually not easy for you either."

"Of course it's not easy for me."

Yang Tao followed his example and put a cigarette to her lips. Yang Wenqin glanced at her: "Do you also smoke?"

"not at all."

Yang Tao shook her head and put the cigarette with her lip print back into the cigarette case: "I gave this to you, but Wen Qin, I remember that you didn't seem to have such a habit before."

"There used to be no, but now there is."

Yang Wenqin went through so much this time. Not only did he contract the problem of smoking, but he also smoked extremely fiercely, because it was only when he was inside that he discovered that this thing seemed to be the only thing that could truly relieve his stress.

The only thing was that while he was talking, he picked out the cigarette that Star Fruit had just put in.

He threw it directly into the trash can without looking at it.

This scene made Yang Tao's face look a little ugly, but he immediately returned to his natural state: "Wen Qin, do you still remember what you promised me?"

"We've been together for two days, and I'm worried about that..."


Yang Wenqin frowned, obviously disgusted with her tone, and threw most of the box of cigarettes into the trash can.

Standing up, Yang Wenqin turned around and walked to the bedside table, opened the drawer above and took out two bundles of cash.

"This is for you. Go up and give the money back to them tomorrow."

"Is it all mine?"

Star Fruit was a little surprised, because one bundle was worth one hundred thousand, and two bundles were worth two hundred thousand!

Would Yang Wenqin be so generous?

For a moment, she seemed to have forgotten the humiliation Yang Wenqin had just humiliated her.

At this moment, Yang Wenqin said leisurely: "This money is all for you to solve your problems, and then I will give you the rest."

"Just stay with me during this time. I have many things that I may need your help with."

Yang Tao smiled, "According to you, I'm worth this little money?"

Yang Wenqin shook his head: "This is not your price, but your hard work fee."

"You know, I'm just hiring you."

"Get out of my bedroom. You are not allowed to come in again without my permission."


Walking out of Yang Wenqin's bedroom, Yang Tao suddenly felt ridiculous. He originally thought Yang Wenqin was willing to help him because of feelings.

But looking at it now, it turns out that I thought too much.

Looking back at Yang Wenqin's bedroom door, Yang Tao had a feeling in her heart that she wanted to live in it very urgently.

Even she herself didn't know why.

Is it because of Yang Wenqin's money, or the attitude he showed this time?

There were various possibilities, but in the end reason prevailed, because she gradually felt that Yang Wenqin was different from the past.

So if I need it now, I can be with him, but I must not get too close.

Especially the relationship proposed by Yang Wenqin today is the most ideal.

Sighing, Star Tao walked downstairs. Her bedroom was in the guest room on the second floor.

It's dark at night, and you can see Disneyland from this location.

Although he just glanced at it casually, it was at this moment that he suddenly thought of Jiang An's previous trip to Disneyland. Since he could go to the island and have so much fun.

But he had to endure so much pain and was imprisoned...

All this is thanks to him, but he wants to play, so why not himself?

At that time, Yang Wenqin made up his mind that when Yang Tao came back from doing things tomorrow, they would go to Disneyland. He also made up his mind that in the future, as long as Jiang An had it, he would have it!

And it has to be better than his.

When he returned this time, before he actually started taking action, his eldest brother had promised him to just have fun, so how could he let go of the opportunity. (End of chapter)

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