Early the next morning.

Yang Tao went out very early, and when she came back after finishing her work, it was only half past nine in the morning, and Yang Wenqin had just gotten up at this time.

"You went out so early?"

Although the two of them were facing each other, Yang Wenqin's attitude was very cold.

"Yeah, I didn't disturb your rest, right?"

Yang Tao put down her bag and sat opposite him naturally: "It looks like you just got up?"


Yang Wenqin shook his hair: "I thought you would stay up late, but this is just right."

"I have something to tell you."

Putting down the cigarette, Yang Wenqin leaned against the soft sofa: "You know I haven't been out for a long time, so I plan to go out for fun, so you can accompany me."


Carambola would not refuse such a good thing at that time: "Where should I go? What should I prepare?"

"No need for anything."

While Yang Wenqin was talking, he picked up a string of beads on the coffee table and coiled them in his hand. Yang Tao became even more curious, "Are you so Buddhist now?"

"No, I just always think about Jiang An and worry that I will want to kill him."

"So I made such a big string of beads. Do you think it looks good?"

Yang Tao smiled awkwardly. Anyone who heard these words would feel uncomfortable anyway.

Yang Wenqin didn't care what she thought and said to himself: "Go and get ready. We will set off in an hour."

"I asked the driver to buy a ticket or something."

"How many days are we going?"

It was also the first time for Yang Guo to go to Disneyland, so she was very excited: "If it takes a long time, I will have to bring more clothes."

"do not know."

Yang Wenqin shook his head, "I'm not sure whether that place will interest me yet; so you don't have to bring anything with you. If you don't have anything, I'll buy it for you."

With his words here, Yang Tao would definitely not be nagging and hurried upstairs to take a shower and change clothes. An hour later, the two of them, accompanied by the driver, headed to Disneyland on time.


In the magic city of Disneyland!

Jiang An and his party also officially started their trip. It has to be said that this place was built later, and the infrastructure is much better than that on the island.

Although the park is not as big as that one and has fewer themes, it is still interesting.

Anyway, the main thing is to have more than one person.

"Do you think we will have the opportunity to open a park like this in our future games?" Zhang Zhejie, who was wearing a tuxedo, was still very interested at the moment, as if it was his first time.

In fact, it was their first time here, but it was already their second time going to Disneyland.

"Can't you say something else?" Ruojia said angrily, "That's what you said last time."

"Is this my wish?"

Zhang Zhejie sighed and fell silent. As for why Ruojia teased him today, it was all because he did something wrong last night.

It’s hard to say specifically, but it’s easy to understand – the homework was not handed in!

Of course, Lao Zhang would definitely not say anything like this. Everything is still Jiang An and Lin Qingyou's analysis and speculation.

"I said you've had enough. Why don't you come out to play? Why do you think about these things!"

She won't speak for Lao Zhang, but Lin Xixi wants to speak for her best friend Ruojia, "If you want to discuss it, bitch, just step aside."

"What are you doing so loudly here!"


Seeing this, Jiang An stopped talking: "Okay, Heroine, let's admit our mistake, let's have fun, and we must have fun!"

It’s not the same as Disneyland on the island.

The themes here are divided into Mickey Avenue, Gardens of Imagination, Adventure Island, Treasure Cove, Tomorrowland, Fantasy World, and Disney·Pixar Toy Story.

The tour guide also arranged the route for them. Since there are seven themes, it is planned to be divided into four days.

Today’s main goals are the Garden of Imagination and Mickey Street.

The morning passed quickly. Although the weather was not very hot, they still had an ice cream each.

"The whole morning has passed."

After shopping around Mickey Street for several hours, Lin Xixi was still interested: "I didn't expect time to fly so fast. Why do you think it's more fun here than on the island?"

"I think so."

I don't know if it was because of the facilities, but Jiang An felt the same way, and looked at Lin Xixi with such great interest.    He has a proposal.

"It seems that Disney is different all over the world. This can be considered a strategy of theirs, but Xiaolin-san and everyone else."

"Do you think if we have time, we can visit all these Disneys in the future?"


Before Lin Xixi could speak, Zhang Zhejie expressed his position in advance: "I absolutely have no objection!"

"I do not have either."

Ruojia chuckled. Anyway, this place is also known as Girls' Paradise. For Ruojia and the others, there is absolutely no resistance at all.

Seeing that everyone is in full swing, I don’t know why Lin Nuxia is still a little calm today.

"That's what I say, but if I go through it all again, won't it become boring after a long time?"

"If it's not interesting, I won't go."

Zhang Zhejie spread his hands and said it was very simple.

However, Lin Xixi ignored him and turned her attention to the tour guide. Is she a professional?

"Not really."

Smiling slightly, the tour guide said: "Because all Disneys are different. They seem to be similar, but they were built at different times."

"The style inside is also unmistakable, with a sense of history and age."

"Our company does have a project that plans to do this. Disneys all over the world will visit them in order according to the construction time."

"This way we can see Disney's changes and progress."

Lin Xixi nodded. If this was the case, she would be more successful. Even though she hadn't started yet, her big eyes were shining with yearning.

"Then if that's the case..."

Without any hesitation, Jiang An directly extended the invitation: "If your project can be implemented, will we be lucky enough to be the first batch of tourists?"

"Of course!"

The tour guide was particularly enthusiastic: "If Mr. Jiang is willing, this will also be our luck."

"Then it's settled. If you can, remember to contact me!"

After making such a big deal, it must be celebrated, so the next stop must be a restaurant.


“Is this Disney?”

Yang Wenqin took Carambola while walking in the park, which happened to be on Mickey Street. Although the atmosphere here was very good and people were coming and going, it didn't seem to attract Yang Wenqin.

Star Fruit, on the other hand, was different. He was almost bursting with joy. No matter what he saw, he was so excited: "Yes, this is Disney."

"Is it a paradise for girls and children? Haven't you heard that girls must come here to play once?"

Yang Wenqin shook his head: "I don't believe such nonsense, but you are really excited."

"Of course."

Star Tao sighed: "You should know how much the tickets here are, right?"

"I can't bear to part with it anyway."

"It doesn't matter. I'll take you to play. You just have to have fun. You don't have to care about my feelings. Although I'm not interested in this, I can wait for you."

Waiting for you!

Not with you!

Although Yang Wenqin's words were still so cold, Yang Tao no longer cared, because if she thought about it, she actually felt that Yang Wenqin still had some feelings for her.

Otherwise, why would you say that?

No matter what happens, she won't suffer.

"Thank you then, but Wen Qin, where will we stay today?"

"It's a hotel here."

Yang Wenqin rubbed the beads in his hand: "Isn't this more convenient? Anyway, you just let it go."

"After you go back like this, you can help me with peace of mind, right?"

While he was talking, Yang Wenqin suddenly vaguely heard something familiar. When he looked along, he found nothing.

Did I hear it wrong?

Yang Wenqin frowned and thought it was his own problem. Since he knew that Jiang An had just been to Disneyland some time ago, how could he be so addicted to come again?


Definitely not. (End of chapter)

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