late at night!

Yang Wenqin, who had been walking around Disney for a whole day, was surprised that he didn't find anything interesting. He looked like a wooden man the whole day, watching the star fruit running around.

It's like her energy here is inexhaustible.

"Don't you feel tired?"

Sitting in the hotel room, Yang Wenqin was about to fall asleep: "I have seen you running around all day long. You are really excited."

"Of course."

Even now, Star Tao is still full of energy: "If night swimming is possible here, I can stay up all night."

"forget it."

Yang Wenqin waved his hand: "I'm afraid I'll be exhausted if I stay up all night."

"is it?"

Yang Tao suddenly sat next to him, "I think you will be tired if you come with me, but it will be different if you come with Youran, right?"

"What did you say?"

When Liu Youran was mentioned, Yang Wenqin's attitude changed instantly, as if he was a wolf trying to eat people: "You seem to be talking too much."

"I don't think so."

Shaking his head, Yang Tao rubbed against him again: "I'm just telling the truth. She is the one you like, right?"


After a long silence, Yang Wenqin did not deny it after all.

Yang Tao smiled, a little unnaturally: "I don't understand, what is so good about her that makes you so obsessed with her."

"I thought you had changed so much this time that you would have different preferences."

"Do you think the two of us are that different compared to each other?"

"Should you go back to your room?" Yang Wenqin opened two rooms in total, and Yang Tao had to stay here.

"No, I want your answer."

Although her smile was a bit bitter, Star Tao still kept her smile: "You can tell me, when you were together, I joined in the middle, but you obviously liked me more at that time."

"That's because I'm blind."

Yang Wenqin's words were unceremonious: "If I hadn't seen the wrong person, maybe we would be married now."

"You can't be wrong."

Yang Tao's words seemed to have something to say: "Maybe the mistakes in the past will become correct now."

"forget it."

After saying this, Yang Wenqin stood up without warning, causing Yang Tao, who was about to lean against him, to almost fall on the sofa: "I have already experienced betrayal once, and I don't want to have another one."

Yang Wenqin will never forget that scene.

At that time, he even wanted to say a few more words, but Yang Tao was unwilling and took Liu Youran away.

"Do you remember what you did to me?"

"of course."

Seeing this, Yang Tao also knew that he might not be able to go any further today.

But she still has to face it, maybe this is an opportunity for her.

"As long as you remember the situation."

Taking a deep breath, Yang Wenqin came to the window and lit a cigarette: "At that time, I actually hated you to death, but then I told myself that I couldn't compete with a woman."

"Otherwise you think I will let you go?"

Yang Tao said nothing and lowered his head, but his eyes reflected the scene at that time.

Indeed, no matter when or now, she never imagined that Yang Wenqin could fall down and stand up again and again.

Although I don’t know what method he used, or whether there were any experts around him to help.

But he just did it.

That alone is amazing.

"Actually, I have forgiven you myself, including asking you to help me this time, and I have no other intentions."

"So you can go out."

I don't know what Yang Wenqin thought of in the middle of the sentence. After issuing the eviction order again, Yang Tao also knew that he could not continue here.

Standing up, she wanted to hug Yang Wenqin from behind, but in the end her reason told her to give up.

The moment Yang Tao opened the door, the night wind blew in gently. It was a little cold, but not that cold.


What is it like to spend four days in Disneyland?

Jiang An and the others summed it up in three words - so cool!

This place is different from Disney on the island. All the equipment is much newer than there, and there is enough time for them to play all the items.     Really, every day is either in happiness or on the way to happiness.

Finally, after completing the last project, Jiang An and the others had to say goodbye from here.

"So, are you satisfied with this trip?"

Sitting in the car heading to the hotel, Jiang An asked with a smile.

Of course Lin Xixi was so happy that she didn't even need to answer. It could be seen that she was unwilling to wipe off the Mickey Mouse paint on her face after she came out.

"Teacher Jiang, I am looking forward to the next trip more and more."

"It's easy to say, but it depends on their company's arrangements."

The tour guide was sitting in the passenger seat today. Jiang An knocked on the partition in front. When he opened it, he saw the smiling face of the tour guide.

"Do you have any instructions from Mr. Jiang?"

"Don't say that."

Because they are acquaintances, the tour guide can't help but talk a little more humorously. Of course, all the humor is within the system.

Again, they are professionals.

"My classmate Xiao Lin just said that she is really looking forward to the next journey, so I just want to say that if the project has results by then, please remember to tell me."

"do not worry."

The tour guide smiled and said: "You, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Lin are our big customers, and their number is 03.04.05."

All she said were the last digits of the membership number.

But Lin Xixi became very curious at this moment: "So who are the numbers 01 and 02?"

"It's so powerful!"

In fact, Jiang An thinks that the first two numbers should be people within their company, such as Mr. Wang, or the manager or person in charge of this project.

However, the answer given by the tour guide was different from what he expected.

"It's like this. In fact, the guests No. 01 and 02 are Mr. Jiang and Mr. Zhang."

"We, Mr. Wang, and the number of the person in charge of this project are still behind you."

Frog fun!

After listening to what the tour guide said, Lin Xixi instantly felt like she was getting better. They could actually be ranked in front of the boss. This really spoke volumes.

Although Jiang An was also surprised, he immediately saw what the key was.

These are the four words Mr. Zhang often says - human nature and sophistication.

Whether it's Mr. Wang or their project leader, it doesn't matter whether they need a membership card or not, and it doesn't matter whether they have a membership card or not.

The company belongs to others, so doesn’t everything follow orders?

But their behavior is quite touching. It is probably because of this that Mr. Zhang likes Mr. Wang so much.

Without any more words to say along the way, Jiang An and his party went straight to the restaurant. Today, the tour guide arranged a Vietnamese barbecue.

It was very special, and Lin Xixi was also looking forward to it.


I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but Jiang An and the others just left Disneyland today, and Yang Wenqin and Yang Tao also only left Disney on this day.

But compared with their joyful atmosphere, the atmosphere between the two of them was much duller.

Yang Wenqin was silent all the way in the car, and Yang Tao was also very silent.

In the past few days, she kept getting closer to Yang Wenqin, but unfortunately, this man seemed to have eaten something iron.

I completely refuse to accept her behavior.

I didn’t even take a second look at it until later.

Although it is very frustrating, Yang Tao will give up because of this. People like her have long been used to being rejected, let alone this time she regards Yang Wenqin as her target again.

Also mentally prepared.

After a moment of silence, when Yang Tao was about to speak, Yang Wenqin suddenly said, "I'll take you back later. Just wait for me at home."

"Aren't you going back?"

Yang Wenqin hummed; "I still have something to do, so you don't need to worry about me."

"Can you tell me? It's late now and I'd be worried about you."

"Thank you."

Looking at the night outside the car window, Yang Wenqin said indifferently: "But no need, don't ask about my affairs, I will tell you what I need you to do."

"Also, if you run out of money, you can tell me, but remember, don't think about actively participating in my affairs."

"That's my bottom line."

His voice was cold and decisive. Yang Tao wanted to keep silent, but for some reason, he suddenly said: "I think you are going to see Liu Youran!" (End of Chapter)

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