"You seem to have forgotten what I told you."

Yang Wenqin was clearly smiling, but for some reason, Yang Tao felt particularly awkward looking at him, as if his facial features were all twisted together at this moment.

"You're not like this, are you?"

Taking a deep breath, Yang Tao tried his best to control his emotions: "Even if we have a superior-subordinate relationship, you are my boss, but we also have our own leisure time, right?"

"Besides, Liu Youran is also my friend, can't I still care about him?"

The chirping of carambolas sounded like the chirping of sparrows to Yang Wenqin. At that time, he narrowed his eyes and stopped the car.

"Stop right here."

When the car pulled over to the side of the road, Yang Wenqin simply opened the door and walked out, and Yang Tao hurriedly followed.

"What are you going to do!"

"Remind you not to forget who you are." Yang Wenqin's tone finally became a little angry, with a hint of threat.

"My patience is limited. Don't think that because I have solved your problem, you will have nothing to worry about!"


"If you said Liu Youran is your friend, then if you want to be concerned, just go to her directly."

"Let's see if she will kick you out of the company."

Without saying a word, Yang Wenqin turned around and left. At this time, he did not forget to say to the driver: "Remember to take her home."


Looking at Yang Wenqin's leaving figure, what she just said was still echoing in his ears.

At this moment, all kinds of feelings in Yang Tao's heart suddenly rose up. I don't know if it was because of sadness or some other factors, but tears suddenly slipped out of her eyes.

One drop, another drop.

"Miss Yang, let's go back."

At this time, the driver came up and said politely: "You have heard what the boss said, don't make it difficult for me. Fifteen thousand yuan a month is very difficult to earn."

"and many more."

"You said you can get a monthly salary of fifteen thousand yuan?" Yang Tao seemed to have thought of something and asked in surprise.

The driver also smiled calmly: "Yes, in Shanghai, is fifteen thousand a lot?"

"And the boss has a lot of things to do every day. You don't know that I went out with him some time ago, sometimes almost 24 hours a day."

"very tired!"

Yang Tao nodded and didn't say anything more, but returned to the car honestly.

But this time, she was more sure of her previous thoughts. She still shouldn't get too close to Yang Wenqin. No matter whether he would be disgusted or not, the key was to avoid causing possible trouble on herself.

Originally, Yang Wenqin was not a straight-laced person.

The night is vast.

At this moment, Jiang An was walking on the street with Lin Xixi, who didn't want to sleep. Looking at the feasting and feasting in the Magic City, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It was as if everything here was strange to him, but yet so familiar.

"Teacher Jiang seems to be particularly interested today."

Sensing his change, Lin Xixi said affectionately: "Are you so touched to have a beautiful woman like me walking down the road with you?"

“If so, please prove it with your actions.”

Seeing her cute look, Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "So I should be happy that I have such an honor, right?"

"Yes, Teacher Jiang, please show your sincerity."

As Lin Xixi said this, her little eyes had already gone to the fragrant egg omelets that were just out of the pan at a stall nearby.

"Let's go, I'll take you there."

Jiang An took Lin Xixi straight to the stall. Only when he got closer did he see that there were not only egg waffles, but also seven or eight different snacks.

One of them is very special, which is the strawberry tower made of whole large strawberries.

However, unlike the Internet celebrity, this strawberry tart is very solid based on the materials used.

In particular, the strawberries used are divided into two types, one is the common red strawberry that is particularly large, and the other is the milky white light pink strawberry.

"Teacher Jiang, you know what I want, right?"

Jiang An smiled slightly and pointed at the strawberry tart: "Would you like a piece of this? What flavors do the egg waffles come in?" "I recommend the Belgian chocolate one."

Although the boy at the stall answered the question a bit, it didn't affect Jiang An's interest. Since it was the main recommendation, it didn't hurt to give it a try.

Soon the strawberry tart was ready, but one question is, isn't it filled with cake or ice cream?

However, the egg yolks are very hot, so mixing them together might cause a stomachache.

"do not worry."

The stall boy dispelled Jiang An's worries: "Our strawberry tart is filled with fruit balls that can be popped into pulp. I made them all myself."

"If you don't believe it, you can take a look."

As he spoke, the little brother pointed to a corner on the table of the booth. Jiang An and Lin Xixi looked over and it turned out to be a student certificate from the School of Chemical Engineering.

"I am professional in molecular cuisine."

The younger brother said with unconcealed pride on his face: "You may not know that when I first came to Shanghai, I was almost scared to death when I looked at these high-rise buildings."

"It's almost impossible to see a two-story building in my hometown."

"At that time, I thought I would starve to death here, but do you think I'm doing well now?" The little brother got more and more excited as he talked, and accidentally poured all the chocolate in the condiment bottle into the freshly cooked food. Enter Eggboy.

"Excuse me……"

The little brother sighed and seemed to want to apologize to them. However, before Jiang An could stop him, he unexpectedly spoke again.

"Delicious chocolate, it seems you are in luck."

While I was talking, those Belgian chocolate chips had gradually melted in the heat of the egg, forming chocolate syrup, which was flowing on the top.

"Trust me it tastes better this way."

The boy said and turned the QR code over: "And these are enough to make three servings, but I only charge for one serving."

"You are really a good person."

Lin Xixi felt guilty when she looked at such thick chocolate.

But the little brother said: "Don't worry, this chocolate will not make you fat. My egg yolks have sweetness, so the chocolate uses pure dark chocolate; what you eat is the flavor, anyway, it is different from what others make." .”

"You can have a taste. If you're not satisfied, I'll take it back."

Seeing how confident he was, Nvxia Lin didn't hesitate and took a bite into her mouth. At that time, the rich and mellow chocolate aroma emanated from her mouth.

The slightly sour taste and the fragrant aroma of flowers and fruits are indeed something I have never tasted outside.

Most chocolate egg waffles usually add chocolate powder when making the batter, but my one is different.

The four words "real material" are absolutely right.

"good to eat!"

"Teacher Jiang, try it quickly!"

Lin Xixi was conquered after just one bite. Faced with her promotion, Jiang An would definitely not refuse. Anyway, he took one bite and it proved that it tasted great.

Seeing the two of them chewing each other like this, the stall boy was also very happy, but he still felt a little bit helpless and hugely envious.

Just, the pain of being single!

Although he is so capable and has good academic performance, the problem is that his family conditions are not good. Let alone a girlfriend from Shanghai, he does not dare to touch any girl easily.

Because falling in love is a very expensive sport.

Those with thin pockets should definitely not touch it.


Jiang An and Lin Xixi were sweet and sweet, but what they didn't know was that behind the flower bed across the road, Yang Wenqin was looking at them with a gloomy and resentful face!

Although this was just a coincidence, Yang Wenqin saw it.

"The road between enemies is narrow."

Smiling gloomily, Yang Wenqin took photos of everything he saw. Seeing Jiang An so happy and happy, he was so jealous that he wanted to kill someone.

But before that, he felt that maybe something could be changed this time.

After taking a deep breath and calming down, he took the photos and left, his destination being Liu Youran's company.

The same city, the same acquaintances, but the feelings at the moment are different from each other.

The happy Jiang An, the gloomy and indifferent Yang Wenqin, and Liu Youran who still can't forget the comparison of paintings in the competition... (End of this chapter)

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