Chapter 912 Barbecue with Four Onions
After listening to the little girl's narration, Lin Xixi and others breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as her brother hasn't gone missing, this is good news.

In this special era, although the Internet is developed, it has also spawned various new types of deception.

Especially seeing this innocent little girl, Lin Xixi didn't want her family to suffer any misfortune.

Of course, this is closely related to her heroine-like character. An ordinary person might not be so concerned.

The people in Jiang An are very kind and full of justice. When encountering injustice, they are always willing to step forward and try their best to solve it. Even if you just give the other person some small help, they will find it meaningful.

"If he comes home every day, then you will have the opportunity to have a good talk with him." Lin Xixi suggested with a smile, "I always feel that he should listen to you. After all, if you continue to make no money, time will be lost." Anyone would choose to give up."

The little girl sighed, "That's what I say, but you don't know my brother. He is very stubborn. As long as he does something he believes in, he will do it regardless of whether it is right or wrong. Just like when he opened this store, I told him that there will definitely be a lot of unexpected troubles and hardships in the process of opening a store.”

"As long as he is willing to take the responsibility, I will accompany him. Although my family's craft is passed down from the older generation, in fact, the old people do not want this craft to continue to be passed down."

"Why is this?" Zhang Zhejie suddenly asked curiously, "According to you, your family's craftsmanship should be very valuable. Only by passing it on can more people taste it. Don't your elderly people think so? "

The little girl shook her head, "In your opinion, this may be a very good craft, but in the eyes of my family, it is just a tool for making a living. If my brother and I can have better development opportunities, the old people Naturally, they don’t want us to continue to be in the catering industry.”

"This kind of small store is different from a star-rated hotel. We need to do everything ourselves. Moreover, we meet all kinds of guests every day, and many unpleasant things happen to us. You may not be able to understand the hard work we put in."

Lin Qingyou suddenly interjected: "I can understand this a little bit. I also encountered a similar situation when I was abroad. At that time, although I could understand them, it was difficult to accept that they would give up their original jobs easily after getting a new career. Craftsmanship. It wasn’t until one day when I went to help in a friend’s shop that I realized the hardships of the catering industry.”

The little girl sighed helplessly, "Yes, there is nothing we can do about it. My brother doesn't want to continue doing it now, but I have no other way." At this point, she seemed to realize that they were not her friends, but only guests who come to dine.

Lin Xixi smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. If you want to talk, we can continue to listen. But if you need to recommend dishes, we are also very happy to taste them."

The little girl stopped continuing the topic and recommended her own special dishes to them, "Since you have been here before, you should know that our family specializes in meat. Therefore, the most famous one is beef and mutton. If you have no taboos, , I recommend trying them all.”

Jiang An and the others had never visited this store before, only Lin Xixi and Ning Ning had been there before.

Because of something, they missed that opportunity. At this moment, Ning Ning and Lin Xixi had already discussed the dishes they wanted to order.

"Ning Ning, let's start with a piece of sheep bones, the one called sheep scorpion, which must have a white soup base. Then we want a piece of beef, which should be lean meat. I don't know what it's called specifically." Ning Ning Pointed.

The little girl nodded, "It's okay, I know what you are talking about."

After saying that, she turned her gaze to Lin Xixi, "So, is there anything else that needs to be added? If you only want these two portions, ordering the larger portion is enough. But I think, since there are new guests, right? Let them try our other delicacies too?”

Lin Xixi naturally had her own plans, "In addition to the two items I ordered just now, I also want a whole lamb platter. I've had it before, but I don't know if it's available now."

"Oh, I know which one you're talking about."

The little girl smiled slightly and said, "Originally I didn't do this, but since you have been here before, you are the regular patrons of the store. Of course, regular patrons need special care. I will make one for you and give it to you, okay?" "

"Forget it as a gift," Ning Ning said. "If you really want to give it away, just give us some drinks. We will pay for the meat ourselves."

"If you don't want drinks, I will give them to you. Regular customers will of course enjoy different treatment from new customers." The little girl's temper was quite stubborn. No matter what they said, she just refused to give in. Lin Xixi and Ning Ning looked at each other helplessly and sighed, "Thank you for today, but when we come back in the future, you can't do this again."

"Don't worry, I know what to do." The little girl smiled, "Since I am also in business, I will definitely not let myself lose money. So, besides the platter, is there anything else you need?"

"Then let's have another barbecue." Lin Xixi recalled, "I remember eating a particularly delicious barbecue before. It was covered with various kinds of green onions. There seemed to be three or four kinds."

"Okay, I understand, just a moment." The little girl stopped asking them if they wanted other food and turned directly into the kitchen with the menu.

Many of the items at this store are pre-prepared, such as gourmet platters and beef and lamb dishes. However, that barbecue needs to be made on site, and this is the food that Lin Xixi is most looking forward to.

"You may not know that Ning Ning and I once tasted that barbecue. It tasted really different."

Lin Xixi described enthusiastically, "There are three different kinds of green onions on the barbecue, and various seasonings are added. The taste is simply amazing. It is different from ordinary barbecue, and it is also different from the barbecue we usually eat. Difference, with a hint of fruity aroma.”

Lin Xixi said while gesturing with her hands, "That barbecue utensil is similar to the old BJ Zhizi barbecue tray, but the design is more detailed, with multiple horizontal grids. When the meat is cooked, the sizzling sound The sound and aroma are simply intoxicating. ”

Ruojia leaned on the chair at this time and said with some regret: "I couldn't come last time because of something. Who knew you two would forget about it later. Xixi, Ningning, do you still remember the promise you made at that time? Pass me, do you want to take me here again?”

Lin Xixi rolled her eyes and responded with a smile: "This time, we have fulfilled our promise to you in another way. Moreover, their barbecue is really delicious. We can definitely use this place as our home in the future." Long term cafeteria.”

Seeing what Lin Xixi said, Ruojia could only smile helplessly, "You are obviously cheating on purpose. But forget it, I feel happier eating with you."

While everyone was chatting and laughing, the little girl had already served the prepared barbecue.

Sure enough, the barbecue utensil was exactly as Lin Xixi described, a disc woven with iron bars. The meat slices make a sizzling sound on top, which is mouth-watering.

The most eye-catching thing is that there are several vegetables of different colors placed on it. Although they look similar to green onions, they are obviously different, adding more layers of deliciousness to the barbecue.

"Oh my God, this is what it smells like!"

As soon as Lin Xixi smelled the aroma of barbecue, her eyes immediately lit up, "I don't know how long it has been since I encountered such fragrant barbecue. Also, can you tell us what these onions are? How do you feel? Are you doing better than your brother?"

With that said, Lin Xixi started to use her chopsticks, and others also started to taste. After all, this kind of dish is best eaten right after it comes out of the pot. If the temperature drops slightly, it may affect the taste and aroma levels.

The little girl was very talkative. When Lin Xixi asked this question, she answered without reservation: "Actually, in addition to green onions, onions, and chives, our barbecue also uses seven-star green onions and green onions."

"It is precisely because of the addition of these green onions that the beef and mutton slices on top are so delicious. As for this iron plate, it was invented by my old man. It has been passed down from the late Qing Dynasty to today. It can be regarded as an antique."

"This is actually an antique!"

Zhang Zhejie's eyes also shone with surprise, "I am most interested in these things. But now I want to ask more, how is this meat seasoned? Can you tell me? Why does it taste so spicy? Will the fruity aroma be so strong?”

The little girl explained: "Actually, there is no special secret. The key is to learn to use seasonal fruits. This kind of barbecue can only exude such a charming and perfect aroma by using seasonal fruits. Out-of-season fruits will have a bit of a fragrance. light."

She was about to explain to them in detail how to season them, but at this moment other customers came to the store, and she could only turn around to greet them helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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