Chapter 913 Not listening to advice

The young man was suddenly stopped by Zhang Zhejie and looked a little unhappy, "What do you mean? You are blocking me in front of me. Do you want to do something?"

Zhang Zhejie was already in an anxious mood, but when he was aroused like this, the young master's temper grew.

He frowned and looked at the young man seriously, "Listen to others and eat enough. With your attitude, I'm really worried that you will lose your job in the future."

"What does that have to do with you?" The young man took a deep breath and tried to calm down, but it obviously didn't work.

Zhang Zhejie's tone was very sincere, "Under the current situation, it is the best choice for you to concentrate on running this store. Your food tastes great. As long as you work hard, you will definitely make a lot of money."

However, the young man did not agree with his point of view, "Boss, you can't say that. I know best how much money our store can make. If it was really profitable, I wouldn't have to do anything else. You're right." Bar?"

Zhang Zhejie sighed, "The main reason why you want to try other things is because you are not calm enough. If you regard this career as your everything, you will definitely have great development in the future."

Magic City, this metropolis with profound historical heritage, has been the gathering place of three religions and nine streams since ancient times.

Even now that it has become one of the economic centers of Asia, this characteristic has never changed. Life here is fast-paced and difficult for most people, but it is also full of opportunities.

Just like other cities with a long history, Magic City has its own characteristics. Whether it is the most expensive or the most common thing, as long as it is done well, there will be a market here.

In a sense, Magic City is still a tourist city. If you can make a snack particularly delicious and gain everyone's recognition, then it is only a matter of time before you make money.

Zhang Zhejie understood these words, but he just couldn't say them out, nor could he convey them to the stubborn young man in front of him. After all, no one would easily believe many things if they have not personally experienced them.

Even if you speak with great fanfare, even if you can speak with flowers blooming, for others, they may be indifferent and may make people feel upset.

Before Zhang Zhejie finished his advice, the young man seemed a little impatient, "Why are you so nagging? Are you going to eat or not? If you don't eat, leave immediately!"

His excitement suddenly angered Zhang Zhejie.

Although Zhang Zhejie is not usually domineering, he doesn't like others being so rude to him at the moment. He quickly stretched out his hand, easily grabbed the young man's arm, and pushed him down on the chair, "Why are you so disobedient?"

"Who do you think you are? Why should I listen to you?" The young man's emotions were on the verge of losing control at the moment, and his hands on his knees kept shaking.

Seeing that the situation at the scene was a little tense, the little girl hurried over and tried to resolve the conflict, "Otherwise, let's forget it."

However, Zhang Zhejie's character does not give up easily. He waved his hand to signal the little girl not to worry, "I won't fight with him. What era are we in now? Only fools would do it."

After saying that, he looked at the young man specifically, but the young man gave a stubborn answer, "Not necessarily."

"Hey, what do you mean?"

Zhang Zhejie was stunned by his answer, and then took a step back, "If we really want to fight, you may not be our opponent. Did you see? There are three of us."

"I said there's something really wrong with you."

The young man stood up, took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth, "I have my own plans, so you can just stop meddling in my own business, okay? I know these two are my previous guests, and I'm very grateful for this." You still remember my small store for many years. But now my sister is running the store. I want to go out and make money so that my sister can live a better life. Is this wrong? "

The young man spoke so excitedly that his eyes were red.

Zhang Zhejie wanted to say something else, but Jiang An stopped him. It was obvious that this young man had completely fallen into his own obsession, or was deeply influenced by a certain thought. No matter what you say to him now, it won't help.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, if you continue to talk to him, it may push him to go in the wrong direction more firmly.

Zhang Zhejie felt a little frustrated at the moment, but didn't say anything more. But the young man looked like a winner and walked to the kitchen arrogantly. Looking at his back, the little girl was really worried. At this time, Jiang An comforted her, "Little girl, don't worry. It's fate that we can talk so much today. In addition to cooking, is there anything else your brother is good at?"

"He can't do anything. If fighting counts, then he will still fight." The little girl's eyes were getting redder and redder with anxiety, and her speech was a little incoherent.

Jiang An nodded, "Okay, I'll give you a business card. If your brother encounters any trouble in the future, you can call me and I will try my best to help. But don't worry, all the help is free. "

"Ah? Are they all free?" The little girl was stunned.

Originally, if Jiang An said he would charge a fee, she wouldn't think anything of it.

But now that it was suddenly said to be free, the little girl felt a little uneasy. After all, in a place like the Magic City where every inch of land is at a premium, nothing seems to be free.

In other words, behind all the free stuff here, there is often deception and conspiracy.

Jiang An saw the little girl's concerns and immediately said: "It's okay. You should know that we have a Jianghu company in Magic City. The one that specializes in making games is mine. If you don't believe me, you can go to the company tomorrow and have a look. Or I can take you there now."

"Ah, you mean Jianghu Company belongs to you?"

The little girl was stunned for a moment, then jumped in surprise, "Is this the formula for the game "Sledgehammer"? Oh my, I really love playing that game!"

"is it?"

Jiang An looked at this loyal fan of his game and showed a calm smile, "That would be even better. You can visit my company and we will be friends. If your brother needs help at that time, I will try my best. of."

"Then...thank you then!"

The little girl carefully put away his business card. At this time, several people had almost eaten and were about to pay the bill. But the little girl shook her head, "Forget it, I'll treat you to this meal. Since we are friends, why do we have to spend money when we come to our house to have a meal?"

"That won't work."

Lin Xixi's attitude was very resolute, "No matter what, you still have to spend money. To be a friend, it is more important to stick to the same code. Only by sorting out all the money issues will there be no conflicts in the future. That's who I am. With this temper, if you want to be friends, you should do it well and never give up halfway. "

Ning Ning also echoed: "Yes, little sister, just listen to us. Besides, it is natural to spend money to eat, and you still need money to maintain this store."

"Then I'll give you a discount." The little girl insisted, and this time, Jiang An and the others didn't refuse.

After leaving the store, Mr. Zhang still muttered angrily: "Lao Jiang, Lao Lin, what kind of bastard do you think that kid is? I said so many nice things to him and I wanted to help him not to be deceived. Why is he like this?" Where is the stubbornness?"

"You can't say that."

Jiang An smiled and said, "Maybe he's just been a little over the top recently. When we started our own business, wasn't it the same when we encountered good opportunities? As long as the opportunities are in front of us, the three of us seem to be quite crazy, and no one else Be willing to give in."

"I don't like talking to you about this kind of thing."

Zhang Zhejie waved his hand, "The more I talk to you, the easier it will be for you to put those problems on yourself, as if we are the same kind of people as him."

"Is not it?"

Lin Qingyou, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke, "I personally think that everyone is the same, they all want to make a living. Let's talk about that young man. I observed him. Although he has fallen into a misunderstanding now, as long as he is given enough time, I believe he will come out and do a better job.”

Jiang An's words were full of blessings, but Mr. Zhang was still angry.

(End of this chapter)

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