Chapter 914 Distant Call

"Okay, let's not talk about this."

Ning Ning saw that the atmosphere at the scene was a little solemn, and suddenly said, "Didn't we agree to go to the performance? If we don't set off, I'm afraid we won't be able to make it in time for the opening."

Ning Ning's words brought Lin Xixi back to her senses, "Yes, I promised to go see a play today. If you miss the opening, it will be like you haven't seen it."

A play is completely different from a movie. Every scene, every action, and even every actor on the stage is worthy of careful observation. Only in this way can the audience deeply appreciate the changes in the plot and the unique charm of the stage play.

Compared with movies, drama is a better test of an actor's ability because it relies only on language and body language to express, and it also tests the actor's improvisation on the stage.

In addition to superb acting skills and careful arrangements, actors also need to flexibly respond to various emergencies on the stage and even take care of the different emotions of the audience.

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly." Lin Xixi urged, "Otherwise, as Ning Ning said, it would be too disappointing to miss the beginning."

"Okay, let's get in the car." The group said no more and quickly drove to the theater.

After arriving at the theater, they verified their electronic tickets at the ticket gate and then were led by staff into a box on the second floor.

From here you can have a clear view of the stage show without crowding with other guests.

This surprised Jiang An that such a small theater had such attentive box service.

The staff noticed Jiang An's surprise and explained with a smile: "Although our theater is not large in scale, it has rich and diverse facilities, aiming to provide a satisfactory service experience for different types of guests. This is the business purpose of our boss."

He continued: "You can see that in addition to this box, there are also boxes of different styles around to meet the diverse needs of guests. Moreover, we will adjust the style of the boxes according to the stage plays and categories. Enhance the audience’s viewing experience.”

"Ok, thank you."

Jiang An smiled slightly, and the staff retreated wisely. Although it was not the first time for Lin Xixi and the others to watch a stage play, it was indeed the first time for them to see such an exquisitely designed box.

Not only is the equipment fully equipped here, but there are also several different models of telescopes for watching dramas.

"Tell me, if our ticket costs only a few hundred yuan, if the same configuration were used abroad, would it cost thousands of dollars?" Lin Xixi looked at Jiang An with a smile, looking forward to his answer.

But Jiang An shook his head, "I really don't know about this. We should ask Lao Lin." After saying that, he turned his attention to Lin Qingyou, "Come on, our overseas expert, tell us about foreign countries." What is the theater like?”

Lin Qingyou was amused by his words, "Lao Jiang, you really know how to ask. I am a technical geek and rarely go out when I was studying abroad. I have never participated in such activities."

"It's not good to lie to people." Jiang An said with a half-smile, "Since you are engaged in technology and are involved in the fields of games and art, you will definitely have to visit and study in those large historical buildings abroad. Haven't you ever been there? Some theater study tours?”

"Studying and watching a stage play are two different things."

Lin Qingyou shouted that he was wronged, "You can imagine, if we were inspecting and studying here now, where would your observation be focused? It must be the overall characteristics, internal structure, shape, and complicated patterns of this building. Pattern. Apart from that, does anything else have anything to do with me?”

Jiang An had no objection to Lin Qingyou's words, but his silence made everyone laugh. At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the box.

After getting Jiang An's permission, the staff came in with tea, drinks, snacks and fruits. "Everyone, this is included in the package. Since alcohol is prohibited in our theater, if you have any alcohol on you, please leave it to me for safekeeping for the time being, okay?"

"Don't worry, we won't drink." Jiang An assured the staff, who didn't say much and just wished them a happy viewing of the show.

"Come, let's eat something first." Ruojia stared at the big plate of fruit, salivating, "Look how fresh this fruit is!"

Lin Xixi and Ning Ning also eagerly gathered around.

However, before the three girls could take action, the lights in the theater dimmed suddenly, and then a crisp and melodious drum beat sounded in the darkness. The drum beat was slow and low at first, and became more and more rapid as the stage light gradually appeared.

At the same time, the sound of drums is accompanied by a sound like bells. The two cooperate tacitly, sometimes solo, sometimes in ensemble, simple and desolate, like ancient and mysterious movements.

All the audience were attracted by the music, and their eyes were fixed on the dark stage.

Although the stage is dark, all light seems to be suspended above it. Such exquisite dance effects immediately won the audience's heartfelt applause.

However, no one wanted to break the atmosphere at this moment, and the applause was hidden in everyone's heart.

As the drums gradually weakened, a sound like a wolf howling and a bird suddenly erupted on the stage, and then a raging fire ignited on the stage.

In the firelight, a figure gradually emerged - he was bare-chested, with strong muscles, and wore a crown made of various feathers. He held a huge drum in one hand and brandished a long whip in the other, which crackled under his control.

Along with the rhythm of the whip, many figures appeared in the flames one after another. Their costumes are similar to those of the first actor to appear, but simpler.

Each of these actors who appeared later were imitating the form of different animals, some swaying like willows in the wind, and some spinning like tornadoes roaring on the grassland.

All in all, various life forms in nature can be found in their performances, but they are fleeting and elusive.

Jiang An has never seen such a shocking opening ceremony, especially in the field of stage plays. He had never imagined that the human body could silently express such a dynamic life.

Perhaps all this agility and life are just his imagination, but the warriors or actors on the stage can use their body language to convey this information to the audience. This is the most magical thing for him.

"My great life, my great soul, let us gather here today."

Following the call of natural creatures, they walked out of the flames and came to this vast world.

"The ancient songs are still echoing, but our figures are already standing in this vast world. All the mysteries given to us by the spirit of nature will be passed on to the world by us."

Suddenly, the actor's voice rang out on the stage. It was low and powerful, not hoarse and overly expressive, but every word penetrated the ears of every audience present, like a heavy hammer hitting their ears hard. Spiritual.

Jiang An's most immediate feeling was that when this voice sounded, his whole body became silent, as if he was integrated with the world and everything around him.

However, this is just a prologue.

As the sound echoed, countless beast-like breathing sounds followed one after another, and then, the fire on the stage exploded instantly.

As the flames dispersed, the stage lights suddenly turned on. At this time, Jiang An and the others clearly saw that apart from the mysterious and strong natural creatures in the center of the stage, what was even more eye-catching was a strange picture.

There are only dots and lines in the picture, but through constant repetition and listing, these dots and lines seem to possess a kind of magic that can bring people into it. It is as deep and fascinating as the starry sky in the universe.

Although Jiang An knew that all this was just an interpretation, he sincerely admired the designer of this stage play. Because just the opening scene has completely brought him into this mystery.

This feeling is indescribable and unexplainable, but it is definitely unforgettable. He couldn't bear to miss a second.

As the flames and lights intertwined, the mysterious atmosphere on the stage became increasingly intense. The actors began to show the audience the journey of ancient creatures in modern society in the form of dialogue.

"We are the ancient spirits of nature. As time goes by and time and space change, we are summoned to this strange era." An actor said slowly in a solemn tone, his eyes revealing curiosity and curiosity about the unknown world. confused.

(End of this chapter)

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