Chapter 915 The person who looks back
The little girl turned around to greet the other guests, while Lin Xixi and the others formally began to taste the food in front of them.

The taste of the barbecue is indeed extraordinary.

The aroma of the fruit pushes the deliciousness of the meat to a new level, just as Lin Xixi and others described before.

Jiang An also felt deeply. He had tasted similar fruit barbecue before, but the taste of this plate of barbecue today was completely different from his previous experience.

This complex taste was something he had never experienced before.

Zhang Zhejie suddenly felt something: "A small shop like this, with just this special dish, may be able to compete with big hotels. But why is it so difficult for small game studios or independent games to achieve such success in the game field?" What’s the height?”

Lin Qingyou immediately put forward a different view: "You are wrong to say that. In fact, there are many small game studios that have become popular all over the country and even the world with just one game. This is not uncommon in the game industry."

Before Zhang Zhejie finished speaking, Ruojia glared at him and interrupted: "Everyone is eating, what kind of work are you talking about? Did you suddenly come up with some great idea? If so, we would like to hear it."

Zhang Zhejie smiled coquettishly: "No, no. I just think this meat is very delicious, I don't know how to describe it." After that, he said no more and continued to enjoy the food in front of him.

In addition to the unique barbecue, the delicacies on this table all have their own unique flavors.

Jiang An and the others originally thought that all these meats came from the same cauldron and were paired with different dipping sauces to present different tastes. However, they were wrong. Whether it's beef or lamb, each dish has its own unique flavor.

Especially the mutton platter ordered by Lin Xixi is even more unique: the lamb liver and intestines are carefully smoked and cooked, while the lamb tripe and intestines are braised. Although there are only subtle cooking differences, it brings a completely different delicious experience.

"I just can't imagine how such a small shop can be kept so well organized by just one little girl."

Ruojia sighed while eating, "If it were me, I would never be able to prepare so many delicious foods in one day. If it were just one or two dishes, I might be able to barely cope."

Lin Xixi put down the drink in her hand and sighed: "That's why I think this little girl is really amazing. Speaking of which, her brother is really amazing too. I remember we often came to this store when we were in school. The boss was so special. Well, he smiles at us every day. I really can’t understand why he gave up this career suddenly.”

"But having said that, if the training industry is done well now, it is indeed very profitable."

Ning Ning has a unique point of view, "Maybe he hasn't made any money yet, but I think if he can persist in this industry, there must be something special that attracts him. It may be money, or it may be other factors we don't know. ”

While they were chatting, Lin Xixi suddenly noticed a man in his mid-twenties walking in from the door. He is tall, has a sharp face, and looks energetic.

"What? Do you know him?" Ruojia asked curiously.

Lin Xixi nodded, "Yes, he is the owner of this store. We used to call him 'big man'." Ruojia followed Lin Xixi's gaze and saw that the man who just came in was indeed over a meter tall. Mihachi, known as the "big man" is indeed worthy of his name.

"Brother, why are you back?" The little girl also noticed him, while the big man smiled helplessly, "Sister, I was fired from the company."


The little girl was stunned for a moment and hurriedly asked, "Didn't you do a good job there? Although you don't make any money, your performance is also good. A few days ago, you told me that you have seven or eight training courses every day. , why are you fired now?”

"Did you make any mistakes?"

Although the little girl was initially angry about her brother becoming a trainer, now that she heard that her brother had encountered problems, her eyes were immediately filled with worry.

The big man sighed, "Sister, I actually didn't make any mistakes, it's just that I feel like I'm not suitable to be a trainer."

"If it doesn't suit you, then don't do it." The little girl sounded even happier than before, "Is it because you give people lessons and they don't understand? I'm just saying, it's fine if you go play with those oils, salts, sauces and vinegars , but if you stand in front of the blackboard and give lectures, brother, you really don’t have the ability.”

"It's not a question of ability," the big man hesitated, as if he didn't want to say it, but looking at his sister's concerned eyes, he felt that if he didn't say anything, it would definitely make her more worried.

In desperation, he had no choice but to tell the truth, "Actually, the so-called training institution I attended can indeed provide some counseling work. But most of the teachers are monks like me. The chefs are quite good, and some are even illiterate. Our training courses are not in the majors that we are familiar with. We usually just follow the textbooks and explain various successful learning to the students with unified printed textbooks.”

The most absurd one is the "one-shot stud theory" - no matter what situation or project we face, we advocate investing all the funds at once, trying to overwhelm everything with this desperate and desperate momentum, so as to win. Investment success.

This method is not completely unfeasible, but the prerequisite for success is that various superior conditions must be met.

However, if students are taught to invest in this gambling-like way under any circumstances, wouldn’t it be no different than a liar?

"I couldn't accept this in my heart, so I chose to resign."

The big man took a deep breath from the cigarette, slowly exhaled the smoke, and continued, "My boss and I had a fierce argument. He almost asked the security to kick me out. Fortunately, I ran fast." At this point, he shook his head with a wry smile. shook his head.

"Actually, when I became a teacher, I knew you were unwilling. But there was no way. My friend told me that I could earn hundreds of thousands by working there in just a few months. I want to buy something for you in Shanghai. a house."

The big man's voice was trembling, revealing deep helplessness and self-blame.

He angrily threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it several times. "When my friend told me, I didn't really believe it. But we were really short of money at the time. If we could make some money, More, and maybe I won’t be fooled by him.”

Seeing the big man getting more and more angry, the little girl quickly stopped him and said, "Brother, stop talking. It doesn't matter whether we buy a house or not. We can't buy a house in Shanghai. We can go back to our hometown to buy one. Besides, If we run this small shop together, the income will not be small. You just miss me too much. Okay, go and clean up. You should continue to be your chef and stop thinking about those messy things. "

The little girl said, handing him a bottle of drink in a glass bottle, "Go back to your kitchen quickly, there is a fire waiting for you to burn."

Obviously, the little girl was particularly happy about her brother's return.

At this time, Lin Xixi also called him over, "Well, I can take the liberty to ask, the training teacher your brother works for is not the kind of training class that is common on the Internet, where everyone applauds vigorously, like a pyramid scheme, right?"

The little girl thought for a while, "It should be that kind of thing, but it must not be a pyramid scheme, otherwise they would have been caught long ago."

"Oh, that's true."

Lin Xixi nodded, then hesitated to speak. The little girl noticed his hesitation and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, you can say whatever you want. I know you don't have any ill intentions."

Lin Xixi was about to speak, but was overtaken by Jiang An. Jiang An knew very well that the little girl could not handle this alone, and what they were going to talk about next involved many complicated matters.

Jiang An took a deep breath and said to the little girl: "That's it. I just heard roughly the conversation between the two of you. So I suggest you ask your brother to go to the police station and make a report first. If he has any evidence, , you can also report this company directly. Although they are not pyramid schemes, they are indeed real scammers.”

"A real liar?"

The little girl was a little confused, "My brother and the others are just training instructors. What does it have to do with liars? Although what they say may be useless, it can't be considered a lie."

Obviously, the little girl was very nervous at the moment. However, Jiang An wanted to tell her that he was by no means an alarmist.

(End of this chapter)

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