Chapter 917 The bright world

As soon as he finished speaking, another actor took over, his voice full of confusion about modern society: "Here, there are no forests, grasslands and streams that we are familiar with. High-rise buildings and busy traffic, who created this?" A strange world?"

"Can we still find our own sky and earth?" Another actor looked up to the sky, his voice full of longing and expectation.

The dialogue continues on the stage, and the actors vividly express the confusion, curiosity and exploration of ancient creatures in modern society through vivid performances and affectionate lines.

They try to understand this era full of technology and hustle and bustle, while also expressing their deep attachment to nature.

"Look at those flickering screens, what are they? They can show thousands of mountains and rivers, and all kinds of life."

"And the galloping iron horse, which can travel thousands of miles a day without any horsepower, is really miraculous."

The actors' dialogues are full of wonder and curiosity about modern technology, and this sense of time travel deeply affects the audience. They seem to be following ancient creatures as they explore this strange and wonderful modern society.

Suddenly, the lights on the stage changed again, drawing the audience's attention to a huge projection screen.

The bustling scene of a modern city is played on the screen, with high-rise buildings, traffic, and people walking in a hurry. The ancient creatures stood in front of the screen, staring at this world that was completely different from theirs.

"Although this world is unfamiliar, it also has its own unique charm. Perhaps we can try to integrate into it and understand it." An actor said affectionately.

As the plot progresses, the ancient creatures begin to gradually adapt and integrate into modern society.

They learned to use modern technology to communicate with people, and even began to participate in the construction of this society. The dialogue on stage has also become more lively and lively, full of humor and warmth.

Finally, in a grand celebration, ancient creatures and modern people danced hand in hand to celebrate this diverse and harmonious society.

The lights on the stage gradually dimmed, and the audience was immersed in this wonderful journey through time and space.

When all the actors took their final bow, the audience burst into warm applause, and Jiang An and his party also joined in. Lin Xixi said with emotion: "I really didn't expect this performance to be so colorful, let alone that they could show the communication between people and ancient times in this way."

Jiang An nodded in agreement: "Indeed, their contribution must be huge. To be honest, I really want to meet their creator. He must be a very talented person."

Mr. Zhang suddenly interjected: "If you want to meet, I can help you get in touch. With our abilities, it shouldn't be difficult to meet."

However, Jiang An shook his head: "Forget it, I don't want to disturb them. To be able to design such an exquisite stage performance, the creators must have a very pure heart. They are willing to feel the ancient times with their hearts and integrate the ancient elements. I don’t want to destroy this innocence.”

Jiang An's words were a bit profound, leaving Lin Xixi and others confused, but for them, understanding was not the most important thing.

As the actors exited, the audience also began to leave the theater. Jiang An felt that returning home like this was not enough, so he suggested: "How about we go to the Huangpu River for some fun?"

Lin Xixi smiled and retorted: "Mr. Jiang, you are talking about us. You told us not to delay the next day's work before, but what are you doing now?"

Jiang An knew he was in the wrong, but the excitement in his heart was still hard to calm down: "That stage play had a huge impact on me, so I wanted to go to the Huangpu River to feel the closeness between man and nature, so that my mood More peaceful."

"Okay, then I'll go with you." Lin Xixi said this, and Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou naturally wouldn't refuse. But Zhang Zhejie had to clarify the conditions with Jiang An: "You invited us to go to the Huangpu River, so will you bear the fine tomorrow alone?"

"That's no problem," Jiang An said with a hearty smile, "The main thing is that I'm happiest if you can stay with me."

Although Jiang An said this, Lin Qingyou still felt that his emotions were a little too excited, but he didn't understand why Jiang An was like this.

For Jiang An, the stage play just now was not just a performance, but a spiritual journey.

He seemed to have brought himself into every actor on the stage, experiencing multiple time and space travels from the future to the past, and then back to the present.

This experience made Jiang An feel the blending of all elements in the world, and he was the one who experienced this blending. As the boss of a game company, he deeply understands the charm of this kind of space travel.

"Come on, let's leave now!"

Jiang An calmed down, and then the group drove to the Huangpu River. In the bustling city of Shanghai, the Huangpu River is one of the most important attractions, with cruise ships and picturesque night views. Jiang An chose a small cruise ship and chartered the entire boat. He said to the captain: "I have transferred all the expenses for tonight to you. If I give you more, it will be treated as a treat for everyone to have some supper or morning tea tomorrow morning. Thanks for your hard work, you still have to serve us tonight."

The captain was stunned by his words, and then said with some embarrassment: "Sir, this is our job, and it is what we should do. You have already paid the fee, how can I still collect your tip?"

"It doesn't matter. This is what I am willing to give myself. It has nothing to do with you." Jiang An smiled lightly, obviously not wanting to continue this topic. The captain also wisely chose not to say more.

Afterwards, Jiang An and his party boarded the ship and set off.

This cruise ship sails slowly on the brightly lit Huangpu River, and the night breeze blows, making people gradually calm down.

However, at this moment, Master Zhang suddenly raised an important question - he was hungry.

"I have no other choice about this," Jiang An sighed. He had indeed ignored this point just now. "The only hope now is to ask the captain if food will be provided on the ship."

"If they provide food, we will get a bargain; if they don't provide it, we will have to suffer for a while." As he said this, Jiang An sighed, and then called the captain.

To their surprise, the ship actually provided 24-hour meal service.

"That's great!" Jiang An was very happy, and Mr. Zhang immediately ran over excitedly, "What can we eat here?"

"There are probably three kinds,"

The captain patiently introduced, "In addition to hot pot, there are also barbecues and some seafood. We don't do stir-fry on this ship, because stir-frying requires a strong fire, and the conditions on the ship are limited. If the fire is not strong, there will be no pot gas, so it will be fried. The food is not delicious either.”

"Then let's all come!" Zhang Zhejie thought for a while. There were six of them anyway, so it was normal to eat more. Of course, the most important thing is that he is really greedy. Whether it is barbecue, hot pot or seafood, everything makes him salivate.

The captain nodded, "Then you go ahead and rest, and leave the rest to me. We can start dinner in fifteen minutes at most."

"Okay, please!"

Zhang Zhejie laughed and was about to send a red envelope to the captain to express his gratitude, but the captain refused, "Goodbye, the boss has already given a tip just now. If we accept it again, we will really be inhumane."

"Okay, I'll leave everything to you."

Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie returned to the deck. Just as the captain said, the meals they ordered were delivered after ten minutes.

What is it like to eat hot pot and barbecue on the Huangpu River?

Maybe many people have experienced it.

But at this moment, under the mottled night and dim lights, enjoying such delicious food, feeling the gentle river breeze and the delicate water vapor, all of these make this night as gorgeous as fireworks.

It is also a spiritual carnival.

Unknowingly, Jiang An and others enjoyed the delicious food, and the sky was already dawning. At this time, the captain came over and asked if they were ready to return. Jiang An came to his senses and nodded affirmatively.

However, he seemed to be still emotionally immersed in that shocking stage play and unable to extricate himself.

Lin Xixi and others looked at Jiang An's current state and felt a little worried, but they didn't know how to speak. They were worried about Jiang An's situation, but at the same time, everyone was convinced that there must be a reason why he fell into this state.

Perhaps he was drawing some profound revelation from that stage play, or perhaps he was having a profound dialogue with his own heart.

No matter what, they are willing to give Jiang An enough space and time to explore his inner world and savor the far-reaching impact of that stage play.

Because they understand that sometimes, a person's inner world requires time and quietness to slowly understand.

(End of this chapter)

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