Chapter 918 The Hero’s Story

The night on the Huangpu River is as bright as ever, as bright as the stars pouring down, and it will never dim.

Jiang An stood on the deck of the ship, looking into the depths of the night, and the emotions in his heart were unspeakable.

That shocking performance had such a profound impact on him that his soul seemed to be deeply attracted. Even while dining, he could not escape from that unique feeling.

"Okay, don't think so much, Teacher Jiang." Lin Xixi said softly and gently tugged on his sleeves, which brought him back to his senses.

"Yes, let's eat." He smiled slightly, and everyone began to have a pleasant supper. Although this is only a meal enjoyed on the ship, the taste is no less than that of the food stalls, and some dishes are even more delicious.

Zhang Zhejie suddenly remembered an interesting story. He asked the captain: "Could the dishes we have here be made with water from the Huangpu River?"

"I remember that in the north, people who live by the river would use river water directly when cooking. The dishes made that way taste particularly delicious and have a unique taste. No matter what water I use in the future, I will never be able to completely replicate it. That smell."

"Guest, what did you say?"

The captain couldn't accept this statement, "Although our environment has been managed very well in recent years, the water in the Huangpu River is not directly drinkable. Besides, this is the Magic City, the former Shili Foreign Market. Guest, you should have read " "Shanghai Beach"? I don't know how many people were thrown into the river. How dare we use such water?"

The captain's words almost made Zhang Zhejie spit out. "You put it like that, I've completely lost my appetite." He sighed helplessly.

Not only him, but also Lin Xixi, Ruojia, Ningning and other girls couldn't accept it. "Then you mean that there are dead people under the Huangpu River?"

Seeing how taboo they were, the captain realized that he might have said the wrong thing, but what he said was also true. "Dear guests, in this huge world, which land has no one died? Besides, you may not know my experience. I have been on the battlefield."

As soon as the captain finished speaking, Lin Xixi's curiosity was piqued, "Then can you tell us your story?"

"Yes," Jiang An also echoed, "If it's convenient for you, we'd love to hear this story."

"It's okay to tell stories. There's nothing to do now anyway." The captain smiled, "It's just that I have to lend you a glass of wine, because according to the rules, we can't drink if the guests are not invited."

"Captain, are you joking on purpose?" Lin Qingyou looked at him with a half-smile, "I remember that even if you are invited by a guest, as a captain you should not drink."

"But I really want to have a drink. Can you trust my skills? If you believe me, just let me have a drink, just a glass of beer, okay?" The captain looked pleading.

It was obvious that the captain was also a man of temperament, so Jiang An immediately poured him a glass of wine with his own hands.

Looking at the cup of foamy beer, the captain was as happy as a child, "You don't know, my wife doesn't let me drink when I'm at home, so I just have a drink after work when I have nothing to do when I get off the ship. Return. I have to chew gum to remove the flavor before going home.”

"That's okay, I have chewing gum here." Lin Xixi hurriedly took out a whole box of chewing gum from her bag and handed it to him, "I've given these to you, can you tell me a story now?"

The equipment was complete, and the captain had nothing to shirk. He immediately began to recall his past, "I have indeed participated in a battle before, and it was in a self-defense counterattack."

"At that time, I was in the special agent company, so I had been performing secret reconnaissance missions when I arrived on the battlefield. Because the local climate was a tropical rainforest, and as a Modu native, I was not able to adapt to that environment. In addition, the training at that time was also There was not enough, so I fell ill within a few days after arriving on the battlefield.”

The captain paused and continued: "Let me tell you, I was embarrassed to tell you about the disease I had at that time. Herpes were all over my inner thighs. Later I found out that it was because of the local climate."

"It was unbearably hot and humid there, and there were a lot of poisonous insects. I couldn't tell which ones were poisonous, so I didn't know if I was bitten several times. In addition, the supplies we were equipped with at the time were not very complete. People who were as sick as me There is simply no way to count them.”

When the captain said this, there was a helpless expression on his face. It was obvious that those years had a particularly deep impression on him, which was both painful and somewhat nostalgic.

After falling ill at that time, the captain thought he could take a short rest, but unexpectedly received an urgent special order requiring his squad to immediately carry out an important reconnaissance mission.

The target location of the mission is located in a dense jungle, which is a dangerous area extremely close to enemy positions. If the captain's memory was correct, the furthest distance of their reconnaissance mission was only a dozen meters away from the enemy's position.

The captain recalled that experience and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "At that time, I even thought that I might not be able to go back. But my squad leader encouraged me and he firmly believed that we could return safely."

"He told me not to think nonsense and just follow his pace. To be honest, I was like a walking zombie along the way. I was completely confused and had no idea what I was doing."

The captain's words seemed to bring everyone back to those war-torn years.

They all knew something about that self-defense counterattack and how tragic the situation was.

The battle was made more difficult by less advanced equipment, unfamiliarity with the local environment, and the enemy's familiarity with the rainforest.

Moreover, many of the soldiers participating in the war were as young as the captains, and some even received only two months of training before being sent to the battlefield.

However, these brave warriors had no regrets and fought bravely for the benefit of their country and nation.

"On the battlefield, I had no idea what I was doing, and so were many of my comrades."

The captain continued, "If we hadn't relied on the rich combat experience of our old squad leader, our entire squad might have been sacrificed on the battlefield. On the way back from completing that reconnaissance mission, we encountered enemy scouts. In order to avoid exposing our position and Triggering a large-scale battle, we chose hand-to-hand combat.”

"I remember I was holding a semi-automatic rifle with a bayonet attached."

The captain gestured with his hands as he spoke, "It's about this long, and the bayonet is tens of centimeters long. When fighting, we don't dare to jump around like in the TV series."

"We can only stay where we are and try to use our weapons to collide with the enemy. Because the area is covered with various mines and suspended mines and other traps by the enemy. Not only us, the enemy is also cautious."

"No one dares to take a step, because once a mine or fuse is triggered, not only will one die, but more importantly, one's own military operations may be exposed."

"Isn't even death important?" Zhang Zhejie looked at the captain with reverence and asked, "Is it true that no one who has been on the battlefield has any fear of death?"

The captain shook his head, "I don't know about this, but at least the comrades in our class don't care." At this point, the captain's eyes suddenly became moist.

He told a group of people in Jiang An that among all their comrades in the same class, only two people survived in the end, one was him and the other was a young man younger than him.

But the old squad leader who had rich combat experience and had given them a lot of help remained on the battlefield forever.

The story did not end here. The captain took a sip of beer and tried to ease his grief. "I tell you, those mines are really powerful. I have encountered a kind of mine before, and it was all filled with iron pieces." , sand, what else? And feces! If you step on it, all the fragments will fly out and get infected immediately. "

The captain lit a cigarette and stared at the sky. "Don't think what I say is disgusting, but war is like this. My squad leader died under these things."

"However, let's continue telling the story. There was a hand-to-hand combat between the two sides at that time. It was extremely dark and we could basically only see clearly a few meters in front of us."

"In order to collide with the opponent, we all need to continue to move forward. In that very short distance, two of my comrades lost their lives directly."

The captain's voice gradually became lower, as if he was brought back to that war-torn night.

Everyone was silent, only the river wind whistled in their ears.

They seemed to be able to feel the bravery and helplessness of the captain and his comrades on the battlefield, as well as their awe and regret for life.

(End of this chapter)

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