Chapter 919 Wine to pay tribute to heroes
The captain took a deep breath, and after a long time, he threw away the cigarette butt in his hand.

The eyes of Lin Xixi and others were still focused on him, full of expectation and awe.

The captain continued his narrative: "At that time, we cautiously moved forward step by step. At this moment, a comrade in front of me, maybe because he was too nervous or careless - after all, we are all new recruits - he suddenly stepped on He staggered and started to lean forward. I reached out to catch him, but it was too late. He hit the enemy's bayonet directly. "

At this point, the captain's voice began to choke: "He died on the spot. I really wanted to save him, but I was too late. You have not been trained, so you may not know that you must hold a gun with both hands when fighting with a bayonet. Only in this way can we cope with all eventualities.”

He paused and continued: "For those experienced veterans, they may be able to handle it with one hand, but I can't. So, I regret it very much. After returning to the training ground, I studied hard One-handed bayonet skills.”

The captain said, using his chopsticks to show them a few movements. Even holding chopsticks, you can feel the norms and standards of his actions, as well as the murderous intent contained in them.

The story continues. The captain continued: "Our comrades died at that time, but no one said anything. The enemy also calmly drew back the bayonet."

"Then, we continued to move forward. At this time, the squad leader told me that I must step on the body of that comrade and move forward, because where he fell, even if there was a mine, he had already suppressed it. As long as the body does not move, It won’t trigger the mines.”

"Although I am very reluctant to do this, I have no choice but to carry out the squad leader's order."

The captain's tone became more serious, "At the same time, I also know very well that it seems that we are just comrades in the same squad, but in fact, after our reconnaissance mission is over, we may be able to bring benefits to the entire battalion and the entire regiment. The hope of victory. I suppressed my grief and continued to move forward on the corpse of my comrade. It is because of his sacrifice that our speed is much faster than the enemy."

The captain's narration became more and more intense, and his speaking speed also increased several notches.

Despite this, every word he said fell clearly on everyone's ears, making people yearn for and respect him.

At that time, we followed the squad leader's order and moved forward quickly, but the enemy's speed seemed slow.

The squad leader suddenly ordered everyone to charge. Although I didn't know why, I still carried out his instructions without hesitation. The captain's expression became more and more nervous, as if he was taken back to that war-torn night.

We sped forward, but the enemy faltered. This speed advantage gradually gave us the upper hand.

However, at the moment when I used my bayonet to deflect the enemy's bayonet, the comrade beside me was suddenly beheaded.

"Ah, how could this happen?" Lin Xixi exclaimed, "Do they have other ambush?"

Ruojia also squeezed Zhang Zhejie's hand nervously, "Captain, tell us quickly, what is going on? This feeling is incredible."

The captain sighed, "Those of you who have never experienced war, it is always difficult to believe such a fact. But I want to tell you, there was no ambush at that time. There was just an enemy soldier squatting on the ground on that side. "

"It was dark at night and we were in a dense forest. We were highly nervous. Coupled with their familiarity with the woods, we failed to find that corner. My comrade-in-arms unfortunately became his prey when he charged. That's what happened."

The captain lit another cigarette, as if he needed the strong smell of smoke to calm his inner agitation.

He continued: "None of us expected that they would do this, including my squad leader. But the moment my comrade fell, the squad leader used the angle of his body to stab the enemy hiding in the dark with a shot."

"Great, the enemy has been killed!"

Lin Xixi and others immediately cheered up after hearing this. Seeing their reactions, the captain was filled with emotion, "At that time, my squad leader said that we went to those cruel wars just to protect children like you from thriving."

"So you are all heroes!"

Lin Xixi stood up and saluted the captain as she did in the army.

Although the movements are not standard enough, they are particularly precious in the eyes of the captain. At this moment, his eyes couldn't help but feel moist.

For the captain, Lin Xixi's military salute was undoubtedly the greatest affirmation for him. Although he has taken off his military uniform for decades, the sense of honor and pride of a soldier is still deeply imprinted in his heart. The touch of this moment jolted his nerves.

"Little girl, go to bed quickly. I can't stand you staying up like this." The captain hurriedly waved to her to leave. Then he continued to tell the thrilling story to everyone.

"In that fight, I lost two comrades. When we were in close combat with the enemy, bayonet fighting was actually very simple and direct, and all movements were crisp and clean. It didn't require flashing back and forth like in the TV series. Move. One is because there is not enough space on the battlefield, and the other is because we have no time to dodge."

The captain explained that bayonet fighting was mainly a battle of forward and backward, with very little provocation and teasing.

Because the soldiers will find the right opportunity every time they draw a gun and strive to eliminate the enemy with one blow, there is usually no second chance to draw the sword. Moreover, unless the bayonet is pierced in the arm or calf, it may not be fatal.

"But I am very lucky."

The captain sighed again. After obtaining the consent of several people, he lifted up his clothes, revealing a square wound on his stomach.

Only the edges around the wound could be vaguely seen, and the entire injured flesh and skin were stuck together.

"Did you see it? This is what the enemy stabbed."

The captain pointed to the wound and said, "At that time, they stabbed me in the stomach. It was my squad leader who pulled me back to avoid the fatal blow. I also took the opportunity to stab my gun into the stomach. The other person’s throat.”

At this point, a hint of ridicule flashed in the captain's eyes, "They are very short. If he grows taller, I will definitely not be able to kill him with this shot."

The captain continued: "At that time, I was pulled by the squad leader. Although the enemy's knife did not touch my vital parts, the wound was too large and I quickly fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss."

"When we returned to the camp, I realized that the only ones who survived the fight were me, the squad leader, and two other comrades. The other four people all died in the dense forest. Of course, we also successfully eliminated the enemy's reconnaissance Soldier Team.”

The captain showed great pride at this moment, and his eyes were shining with starlight, as if he was telling the story of his past glory.

Everyone was full of respect for him, and Jiang An took the lead in applauding him.

However, the captain waved his hand humbly and said: "No need to be like this, I think the real heroes have died on the battlefield. Those of us who can survive are just lucky. Compared with those who have sacrificed their lives for the country, Compared to humans, what are we?”

Zhang Zhejie proposed a toast to celebrate the hero, and then everyone toasted to the captain.

The atmosphere on the ship became joyful and solemn at this moment, and the captain also seemed particularly happy. He downed a glass of wine in one breath, with a happy expression on his face. Jiang An helped him fill up a second cup, and the captain suddenly became very excited.

He smiled and continued telling his story: "After returning to the camp, I was carried down by the squad leader. The treatment process was actually very painful. Because of the lack of medicines and the high local temperature, the wound ulcerated the next day. ”

"Moreover, the knives used by the enemy are different from what you think. Those bayonets are shiny, but they are actually covered with dirt and rust. Once stabbed, it is easy to contract tetanus."

The captain pointed to the scar on his belly and continued: "Look, the reason why this scar is like this is because the wound was extremely inflamed at that time. Our army doctor had to use rope to tie the flesh around the wound. Then just cut it off.”

"To be honest, before I joined the army, although the conditions at home were not good, I had not suffered any serious crimes. That experience made me understand what real pain is. But I don't regret it at all, because during the period of recuperation, I We also encountered more intense fighting.”

As the captain narrated, everyone seemed to have personally experienced those difficult times, and their admiration for the captain was beyond words.

The captain smiled calmly and said: "These are what we should do. For the sake of the country and the people, we will never look back."

(End of this chapter)

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