Chapter 920 Fragments of Memories

The captain's story is like a magnificent epic, which makes people's blood boil and their hearts surge.

However, as he said, this legend is far from over. He raised his glass again and took a sip of beer to calm down his emotions.

"Logically speaking," the captain began to continue his narrative, "during the time when I was recovering from my injuries, I should not have participated in any battles. According to the battle plan at the time, I only needed to stay on the battlefield for another four or five days. Rotate back to the rear, but war is always full of variables.”

Having said this, the captain paused for a moment and explained to Jiang An and the others the frequent and cruel turnover of personnel on the battlefield, "You may not be able to imagine that our statistics at that time showed that the average survival or activity time of each soldier on the battlefield was still In less than two days. After dozens of hours, they may be evacuated due to injuries, or they may stay on that land forever.”

"Of course," the captain added, "this is just an average, and everyone's fate is different. Like me, I'm lucky enough to be able to sit here and tell you stories." At this point, the captain couldn't help but feel cheerful. Laugh, that laughter is full of cherishing life and sighing about fate.

"The situation at that time was really critical."

The captain's expression became serious, "I was recovering from my injuries in the field hospital. Suddenly, a grenade exploded nearby. At that moment, I knew that an enemy was coming for a sneak attack. On the battlefield, this kind of military action is commonplace. "

The captain reminded them not to be misled by the plot in the TV series. "Those so-called rules that prohibit attacking the wounded and destroying hospitals during combat do not exist on the real battlefield. The enemy will do whatever it takes to win."

"That's when I heard the grenade explode."

The captain continued, "My first reaction was to find a hidden place to hide. But although that place was called a hospital, it was actually just a tent, and there was no place to hide. So several patients and I immediately picked up Guns, even though we were seriously injured, we walked out resolutely."

"A few of us are from different teams,"

The captain recalled, "We didn't know each other before that, and we only got together briefly in the hospital for two days. However, at that critical moment, an indescribable tacit understanding was formed between us. We were the same as a dozen others. Together with our injured comrades, we formed a temporary defense line. Incredibly, we not only successfully resisted the enemy's attack, but also eliminated half of their troops."

The captain became more and more excited as he spoke, and his body movements became louder and louder, as if he was still on the battlefield at this moment. His bold and aggressive aura was both majestic and proud.

"You know, at that time we adopted a tactic commonly known as 'making dumplings,'" he explained excitedly. "We stretched the entire front, and the middle part stood firm, while the left and right wings quietly moved forward to outflank. If we weren’t all injured, none of those enemies would have been able to escape!”

Hearing this, Lin Xixi and other girls opened their watery eyes and looked at the captain intently.

For them, it is an indescribable honor to be able to sit with such a hero, eat, drink and listen to stories at the same table.

The captain's mood gradually calmed down, and he continued: "There was an old colleague in the tent next to us, and half of his legs were blown off. But it was him who stepped forward at that moment and served as our temporary commander. He is the real hero in his ingenious tactics and instructing us on how to advance and avoid enemy bullets.”

Lin Xixi hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask: "Is this old hero still there now?" This question obviously touched the heartstrings of Jiang An and others.

A hint of helplessness flashed across the captain's face: "To be honest, I really don't know. We lost contact after we retreated from the battlefield. At that time, there was no mobile phone communication as convenient as it is now, and all communication relied on writing letters. Later, although There are phones, but they are desktop computers, which are not convenient to use.”

Jiang An and others nodded to express their understanding.

The captain continued his story: "After the battle, we thought we could rest temporarily. But the old comrade told us that we must continue to pursue the enemy. Even if we know that we cannot catch up with them, we must assume a pursuit posture. ”

"This is done to make the enemy mistakenly think that what is here is not a group of wounded, but a group of soldiers who have ambushed in advance and understand their military operations. Only in this way can we ensure that they will not come back to kill them."

Zhang Zhejie asked curiously from the side: "The situation at that time, if they choose to retreat temporarily, will they turn back to see what happened?"

The captain smiled slightly and replied: "You are actually right to say that, but to be more precise, they are making a tactical retreat. Because they encountered resistance and the situation was not as planned, in order to reduce casualties, they will choose to retreat. After retreating As soon as possible, they will analyze the situation. Once they detect a problem, the hospital may be in danger. "

Lao Zhang nodded and suddenly realized: "So that's it. But if there is a war in the hospital here, won't other surrounding teams come to support?" "Support will definitely be there,"

The captain said earnestly, "But we can't be sure when the support team will arrive. They need to plan the support route, and at the same time, the superior leaders also need to select the supporting troops. It does not mean that the nearest team will definitely come to support you. This Can you understand the truth?"

Jiang An and others shook their heads, expressing that they didn't quite understand.

The captain laughed and explained: "Some troops cannot move easily even if they are very close to you. Because once they move, they may expose a larger position or let the enemy know more about our military intentions. So on the battlefield, Waiting for rescue is not the wisest choice, you must learn to look for opportunities to counterattack on your own.”

The captain continued to recall: "The battle was actually very tragic. Although it only lasted a few dozen minutes and there were not a few gunshots, several wounded fell directly next to me. I was also shot in the leg, so You just saw me walking with a slight limp, which is the scar left at that time.”

Someone asked: "Did you withdraw from the battlefield because of this injury?"

"Little girl, you are wrong to say that."

The captain shook his head and said, "Given my situation at the time, it was not that easy to leave the battlefield. My legs and stomach were injured, and the wounds all cracked when I fought against the enemy. If I were transferred off the battlefield at that time, , I’m afraid I’m more likely to die on the road.”

"Is this how you persisted on the battlefield?"

Several girls looked at the captain in disbelief
. The captain nodded affirmatively: "Yes, I persisted on the battlefield. I lay in bed for dozens of days, and by the time I could go to the ground, the battle was almost over."

There was an indescribable tenacity and perseverance in his tone.

"I was thinking that after I recovered, I could return to the team immediately and have a good gathering with the squad leader and other comrades. Because the battle was almost over, we were relatively relaxed."

The captain continued, but then his voice deepened, "But what I didn't expect was that all my comrades in the same class died."

This time, the captain became silent again.

His voice lost the passion it had just now, and was instead as weak as a candlelight in the wind. Everyone could feel his gloomy mood at the moment, which made the gorgeous night view of the Huangpu River much quieter.

After a brief respite, the captain continued to tell everyone: "When I heard the news, I was really, really excited. I really want to ask what is going on."

He paused and continued: "But the old colleague who lived in the same hospital as me at the time told me not to ask about these things on the battlefield. Since the comrades have chosen to stay here, it is their dream, it is their Let’s not interfere with your own wishes.”

A trace of confusion flashed in the captain's eyes, but was quickly replaced by determination: "I really didn't understand why he said that at the time, but later when I withdrew from the battlefield and thought about it for myself, I realized what my old colleague said. That's right."

He took a deep breath and concluded: "What did they leave there to guard? What did they do to the enemy at that time? To sum it all up, I think there is only two words - peace."

The captain's summary was particularly accurate, and this was the same feeling that Jiang An and others felt.

It is precisely because of the sacrifice and dedication of these heroes that we have the peaceful life we ​​have today. Their existence allows young people like themselves to thrive and be active in this stable and peaceful era and in this strong and wealthy country.

The feeling that comes from my heart cannot be described in words at all.

And Jiang An's most intuitive action was to fill the captain's wine glass again: "No matter how much you drink today, I will pay the bill!"

(End of this chapter)

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