Chapter 924 Want to eat something else?

"Okay, please stop praising me."

Jiang An smiled slightly, and then he led Lin Xixi back to the living room, "Let's play games for a while and wait for the peanut tofu to cool down. If there is no problem, we can start today's delicious feast."

"Teacher Jiang, you're not just going to let me eat tofu, are you?"

At this time, Lin Xixi pouted her little mouth and looked at him pitifully, "If you just eat tofu, you won't be full."

"Besides, if you only eat tofu, don't you think the taste is too monotonous? This is just a dessert." Lin
Xixi kept talking, and Jiang An naturally understood what she meant, but the problem was that he didn't prepare any other food at all.

"Then let's go back to the kitchen. I'll see if there's anything else delicious in the refrigerator and I can cook it for you, okay?" Jiang An suggested.

Lin Xixi rejected Jiang An's proposal: "Forget it, Teacher Jiang, I don't want to move. You can go alone. I want to watch TV and play with my mobile phone here. Remember to call me when you are ready to cook. By the way, Don’t overwork yourself, just cook a few dishes.”

"Xixi, do you think you should say something to me tonight?"

Jiang An gave her a look that said, "You can understand it yourself."

Lin Xixi pretended not to see it and turned her head away, holding a mobile phone in one hand and a wooden comb in the other. The TV also amplified the sound, pretending to be "it has nothing to do with me, I can't hear anything."

Seeing her like this, Jiang An said nothing more. After all, she is his fiancée, so what can he do if she doesn't coax her?

Jiang An, who returned to the kitchen again, was really helpless.

Just now, in order to make peanut tofu, the two of them used almost all the pots at home.

Now if he is going to do other things, it doesn't matter if he washes the pot. The key is that Jiang An really doesn't know what else he can do.

He opened the refrigerator and took a look. Apart from some vegetables, he couldn't even find any meat in it.

And Lin Xixi is a person who particularly likes eating meat. Jiang An had no choice but to come back to the living room: "Xixi, why don't you wait a moment. I'll order some beef and mutton online now. Do you think it's okay?"

“Why order online?”

Lin Xixi looked at him in surprise, "Teacher Jiang, didn't you say that buying things online is too expensive? So you don't like ordering food online, why are you regretting it now?"

Jiang An shook his head, "Of course not. It's just that our food reserves are too little. After today, I plan to take you to the supermarket to do some shopping tomorrow during the day or after get off work."

Jiang An didn't like to buy too much food at once because he was worried that putting the food in the refrigerator would affect its delicious taste.

However, it now seems that if there is insufficient preparation, Lin Xixi will always encounter this situation of not knowing what to eat.

Jiang An didn't care about this, but he really couldn't bear to let Lin Xixi suffer too.

"Teacher Jiang, let's do this," Lin Xixi hesitated a little, "We'd better not order online. Let's go for a walk and see what good things are out there."

"Didn't you just say that you wanted to stay at home and watch TV and play on your mobile phone?"

Lin Xixi shook her head, "Haven't you heard of a saying? 'Ride a bicycle to the bar, you should save money and spend money'. Although our teacher Jiang is very rich, I can't help him spend money randomly. ”

"Things you order online are so expensive. The key is that you don't know the quality of the food delivered. If the food delivered is not fresh, it will really be wasted money."

"Of course, it doesn't matter how much money you spend, the key thing is that you will waste food."

Since the last time she got sick, Lin Xixi found that she seemed to have some gastrointestinal problems.

Jiang An took him to the hospital for examination, but the doctor did not give a definite conclusion. He just said that the food he eats should be kept fresh as much as possible. This can reduce the bacterial flora inside the food and may improve Lin Xixi's gastrointestinal condition. .

Therefore, he now pays more attention to the freshness and quality of food.

Jiang An really cared about Lin Xixi's health.

In order to ensure that Lin Xixi's stomach and intestines would not be affected, he always chose the freshest food for her.

However, this also resulted in the fact that there were few ready-made delicacies to prepare at home. Jiang An bought a lot of food beforehand out of helplessness. After all, everyone needs to rest during the Chinese New Year, and it would be very troublesome if he couldn't buy anything at that time.

Now, Jiang An decided to take action, "Xixi, let's pack up and go out immediately. We can go out for a walk and see what we want to buy. If you need help, I can call Lao Zhang and the others tomorrow. "

"Okay." Lin Xixi agreed with a smile, and then the two quickly packed up and left the house together. Near the community where Jiang An lives, there is a very large supermarket where you can buy almost everything you want.

After they parked the car, they walked straight to the fresh food section of the supermarket.

The two of them went straight to the fresh food area in unison, ignoring the snacks. Although Lin Xixi liked them very much, Jiang An had not allowed her to eat them recently.

"Teacher Jiang, what do you think of this big lobster?" Lin Xixi stared at the big lobster in the glass tank as soon as she arrived at the fresh food area. "Shall we make a typhoon shelter lobster?"

"That's good, but you can't eat that much."

Jiang An told Lin Xixi very solemnly that he was worried that Lin Xixi would feel uncomfortable if he ate too much at one time. However, Lin Xixi was very determined about this, "Teacher Jiang, you must tell the truth. Why can't you eat it?"

Jiang An thought for a moment and explained seriously: "Although seafood is delicious, not all food in the deep sea has a positive impact on the human body."

"Considering that you have eaten too much during the Chinese New Year and have some gastrointestinal discomfort, I suggest you eat less seafood such as lobster. Seeing it but not eating it may make you feel uncomfortable, but this is for you For the sake of your body.”

Lin Xixi pouted her little mouth and said with some dissatisfaction: "Teacher Jiang, if you didn't say that, I might be happier."

However, Jiang An will not give in on such health issues.

"I did this for your own good. I may have been too lenient with you before, but now it seems that this has caused you a lot of trouble."

Just a few days ago, Lin Xixi suddenly had a stomachache in the middle of the night. Jiang An didn't pay much attention to it at first, but later he discovered that it might have been caused by Lin Xixi eating too much cold food.

Since the two of them were busy at work and had no time to go to the hospital, Jiang An consulted the doctor on his mobile phone.

The doctor suggested that in this case, it is best for Lin Xixi to eat warm food.

Since then, Lin Xixi's diet has become mainly warm food.

As a native of Modu, he does not reject this kind of food, but the problem is that in order to supplement body nutrition, Jiang An always makes some southern dishes.

Logically speaking, this should be Lin Xixi's favorite, but since he came back from the north last time, he has lost his appetite for these southern dishes.

He asked Jiang An to cook some northern-style dishes several times, but he was rejected every time. The reason was always "You have a weak stomach, so you can't eat too much."

Southern dishes are relatively delicate, light in taste, and better able to retain the original flavor of the ingredients. This kind of food is easier to digest after entering the stomach.

Although the big lobster was rejected by Jiang An, Lin Xixi's eyes soon locked on another delicacy - hump.

This is the hump on an artificially raised camel. To put it bluntly, it is the fat accumulation of the camel, pure white without lean meat.

However, hump was once one of the representative dishes of state banquets in history. The hump enjoyed by the emperor was just this thing, but it was more elaborately made.

Lin Xixi was obviously testing Jiang An, "Teacher Jiang, if I want to eat this, can you satisfy my request?"

Jiang An glanced at the pure white hump and sighed softly, "Girl, if you really want to eat it, I don't mind making it for you. But do you know what it tastes like?"

Lin Xixi shook her head, "I've never eaten it before, that's why I want you to make it for me. How about it, Teacher Jiang, you will satisfy me by asking, right?"

Jiang An smiled slightly, "I will try my best to satisfy your request. But there is one thing I have to tell you. After buying this hump, you can't eat half of it and throw it away, or take a few bites and then throw it away. After all, camel hump is a very precious ingredient.”

Lin Xixi nodded quickly, "Of course, I read in the book that only the emperor can eat it!"

"So," Jiang An sighed, "how wonderful this era is, even ordinary people like us can eat such precious ingredients."

"But having said that, you must give me a clear answer, can we eat all of this hump, instead of just taking one bite and discarding the rest."

(End of this chapter)

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